Do you or your family attend Reunions, Retreats, or Camps at
Samish Island? Please watch the video below and the special
request from your Samish Island Board of Directors.
Just Booked…
Connie Cavanaugh!
For Mission Conference in Edmonton, August 30-September 1, 2013
“Keeping it Real”
Connie Cavanaugh is as real as it gets when she speaks to thousands internationally each year. You will laugh and cry as Connie encourages your faith with her stories and biblical teaching. Connie’s best-selling book From Faking it to Finding Grace: discovering God again when your faith runs dry brings the topic of spiritual dryness out from “under the pew” and offers hope and help for those of us who hide our pain behind a Sunday-morning smile. Her newest book Following God One Yes at a Time: overcoming the six barriers that hold you back shows you how to walk with God in the real world.
Connie and her husband Gerry Taillon (pronounced Ty-oh-n) have been married longer than you have probably lived and they have three adult children (all married, whew!) and three brilliant, talented, gorgeous grandchildren (one more coming January 2013 – yay!). Connie enjoys being outdoors when the sun is shining, reading beside a cozy fire, playing online Scrabble with faraway friends, and dipping gingersnap cookies in hot tea … but her favorite job is being a Gram!
You’re Invited!
To the Annual
Women’s Christmas Breakfast
in Vancouver
The First Presidency is asking the entire church to prayerfully study Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission [available at Herald House], by Peter A. Judd as preparation for World Conference. With its thought-provoking chapters and the wealth of discussion and reflection questions, this is wonderful material for a Sunday-school class or study group.
Twelve lessons, including activities to help prepare for World Conference, are now available in the Disciple Formation Guide.
· Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission: World Conference Preparation is a set of six lesson plans to support study of Peter Judd’s Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission text. The lesson plans include discussion and spiritual practice options with particular reflection on World Conference preparation.
· Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission Study Guide: Spiritual Formation is a set of six lesson plans for deeper exploration of Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission through a spiritual formation lens. This resource provides expanded versions of the lesson plans for World Conference Preparation and can be used for added background material. This study guide is also intended for long term use by the church as individuals, congregations and mission centers continue to engage in formation for mission.
From the Canadian Peace and Justice Committee
As you may know World Church is wanting congregations to align their activities under the five Mission Initiatives.
Here is an excellent way to start doing that for any congregation that serves coffee. Normally coffee would be a “Maintenance or kitchen expense.” But if a congregation purchases fair trade coffee, then you can take that expense and move it under the “Abolish Poverty, End Suffering” Initiative, because that is exactly what fair trade does – it helps coffee farmers break the cycle of poverty. Thus by spending very little extra, your congregational budget automatically aligns with that critical Mission Initiative. For the sake of impoverished coffee farmers around the world, we hope you will consider that wherever possible.
Peace Colloquy Pictures and Videos
November 2012 Pre-order Community of Christ Sings now and enjoy a discount! As enthusiasm builds for the arrival in October 2013 of our next hymnal, Community of Christ Sings, it’s time to pre-order to enjoy great savings. See the November Herald and www.CofChrist.org/hymnal to learn more about this resource that will hold songs that reflect Community of Christ mission and beliefs through new and familiar pieces, and will enhance our worship experiences as a worldwide church. For group orders using the form for congregations, mission centers, and campgrounds in Canada and the USA, there is a discount on pew edition prices and shipping. For individual orders made through Herald House, there is a discount on pew edition prices. Ordering details are at www.CofChrist.org/hymnal/order.asp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join in the Advent worship and webcast December 9. Come worship at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, or participate through the live webcast at www.CofChrist.org at 7:00 p.m. CST. The First Presidency will share in scripture readings and the Spire Symphonic Chorus and the Emporia State University Faculty Brass and Percussion Ensemble, with conductor Ben Spalding, will be featured. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you celebrate Advent, Christmas? As you and your congregation journey through Advent, you’re going to take photos. We’d love to share some through the Herald and www.CofChrist.org. Please send photos (one megabyte or larger) with captions that tell us where you took them, what is happening, and who is pictured. Photos may be sent to Herald@CofChrist.org or to Herald, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050-3562 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba accepted the Community of Christ International Peace Award at the opening of the Peace Colloquy on October 26. Visit www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy to see video of his keynote address, link to archived radio interview, and more archived media from the “Peacemaking: Engaging Nuclear Questions” event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your reunion listings for 2013 are requested. The 2013 reunion list will be in the February 2013 Herald. To make sure your reunion date is listed in the Herald and on www.CofChrist.org, please send information to Lynda Roberson at lroberson@CofChrist.org before December 1. Please include reunion name, dates, location, and the reservation contact person’s name, address, and e-mail address. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reunion 2013 worship resources and children’s lessons are online. Prepare for the theme, Live Christ’s Peace, and visit www.CofChrist.org/onlineresources/reunion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estate and Financial Planning changed its name to Estate and Gift Planning on November 1, 2012. Members over age 50 in the USA and Canada will receive a mailing from Estate and Gift Planning notifying them of the new name. The mailing outlines the comprehensive services offered by Estate and Gift Planning. It also encourages members to learn more about the confidential, professional services offered by Estate and Gift Planning by calling 1-800-888-7526 or e-mailing egp@CofChrist.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People living in Canada and the USA who gave to Worldwide Ministries in 2012 will receive a Christmas card from the church. The card includes the image used on the cover of the December 2012 Herald and thanks contributors for supporting Christ’s mission. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The series on Community of Christ theological foundations continues in the Herald with an article on “Humanity and the Worth of All Persons.” Every human being is created in the image of God. We affirm without exception the worth of every human being. Articles explore theological foundations based on Community of Christ vision, mission, Enduring Principles, and Basic Beliefs. The Community of Christ Statement of Sexual Ethics (www.CofChrist.org/ethics; June Herald) was built on these foundations. The purpose of the draft ethics statement, coupled with these reflection articles, is to encourage open and honest conversation in the church about sexual ethics. Read the series in the Herald or sign up for the e-subscription at www.CofChrist.org/subscribe.asp to have the articles, with spiritual practices and reflection questions, delivered to your e-mail. To subscribe to the Herald, visit www.HeraldHouse.org or contact subscriptions@HeraldHouse.orgor 1-800-767-8181. In addition to study and discussion, the First Presidency invites your feedback. Send your responses to ethics@CofChrist.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Herald commentary series on signal communities continues with “Signal Communities…Abolish Poverty, End Suffering,” by Apostolic Assistant David Waring who writes about a congregation for whom the dream of this Mission Initiative has never died despite life filled with hardships. Get articles delivered free to your e-mail by signing up at www.CofChrist.org/subscribe.asp. Send your comments to Herald@CofChrist.org, and we may print them in the magazine. To subscribe to the Herald, visit www.HeraldHouse.org or contactsubscriptions@HeraldHouse.org or 1-800-767-8181. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit the World Conference website www.CofChrist.org/wc2013 for updates on the daily schedule, volunteer opportunities, study materials, children’s activities, announcements, and more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early bird rate has been extended to November 5 for “Christmas in Old Nauvoo!” Join Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation in celebrating the birth of Christ at three unique historic sites December 7–9. Send a reservation form, available from www.historicsitesfoundation.org. All-inclusive price is $325 per person for double-occupancy by November 5. After November 5: $395. For single occupancy, add $100. Price includes luxury bus transportation (from Community of Christ Temple), hotel lodging, all tour fees, meals, and Christmas craft materials. Contact Barbara Walden with questions at bwalden@HistoricSitesFoundation.org or (440) 477-9562. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan now to attend the Winter 2013 session of MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies). Classes offered February 4–8 at the Temple will be: Community of Christ Theology with Apostle Dale Luffman and Community of Christ History with World Church Historian and Archivist Mark Scherer. Cost is $88 per course or $175 for both. It’s only $50per class to audit. For more information and syllabi, go to www.CofChrist.org/meads/schedule.asp. Registration deadline is January 21, 2013. Contact Michelle Booth (ext. 1459, mbooth@CofChrist.org) to register. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Register now for Interpersonal Peacebuilding and receive Temple School credit. February 4–8, 2013, this course will be offered with Sandee Gamet, Peacebuilding Ministries, from 8:30 a.m. to noon for $35. For more information and the syllabus, go to www.CofChrist.org/meads/schedule.asp. Registration deadline is January 21, 2013. Contact Michelle Booth (ext. 1459, mbooth@CofChrist.org) to register. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Register now for FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding, and Study). Training will be facilitated by Jeri Lauren Lambert, Children and Family Ministries, on Saturday, February 9, 2013, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. at Community of Christ Temple. Cost is $70 ($50 for FOCCUS book plus $20 for course). Contact Michelle Booth (ext. 1459, mbooth@CofChrist.org) to register. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Discipleship Formation Guide resources are on their way. Find focus moments for Jeremiah, Luke, Zephaniah, Colossians, and all the Sunday Revised Common Lectionary scriptures for year C. These ideas will be posted on the online Disciple Formation Guide (www.CofChrist.org/dfg) beginning November 15, just in time to start the new lectionary year on December 2. They can be used in family, youth group, church school, or congregational worship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Headquarters is seeking applicants for an entry-level staff attorney. Recent law school graduates and May 2013 law school graduates will be considered. This is a two-year contractual position. If not already licensed in Missouri, the candidate is expected to acquire licensure to the Missouri Bar. The full position description and an application form are available at www.CofChrist.org/hr/jobs.asp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Health, Your Life, Your Choice: Good sleep is the cornerstone of good health. People who get enough sleep are happier, more productive, less accident prone, easier to get along with, more energetic, and have better memories. You name it; everything is better with good sleep. Read and share this month’s health brief on sleep provided by Community of Christ Health Ministries Association. Learn and remind yourself of why you may be having trouble sleeping and what you may be able to do about it. Try some of the suggested habit or schedule changes and see how your choices impact your sleep, your health, your life! “…and when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet” Proverbs 3:24. Get the health brief at www.chm.hmaCofChrist.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please share the following information with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at www.HeraldHouse.org.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING EVENTS November 2–4: Young Adult Spirituality Weekend (Kirtland, Ohio) December 2: First day of Advent January 1: International Headquarters offices closed—New Year’s Day (USA) Daily Prayer for Peace |
“The highest use of capital is not to make more money
but to make money do more for the betterment of life.”
~ Henry Ford ~
(1863 – 1947)
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