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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Weekly Wire for February 25, 2015



Upcoming Events at a glance


Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 12 – Child Protection Training Edmonton

April 19 – Child Protection Training Vancouver

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Canada West West Winter Camp Photos

Links to our Worldwide Ministries website

New CWM Facebook Group

Tax info from our MCP

Part time Job Opening

Samish Island Arts Retreat

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

What’s Up…In the CWM online link

Community of Christ Career Networking Program


Tax Receipts Are Coming!

Are you looking for some church tax receipts and wondering why they have not arrived?

The tax receipts for Canada West Mission Centre are being assembled as this notice is being prepared. They should be in the mail by Thursday, and certainly no later than Friday. This covers donations that have been made in relation to any of the Mission Centre camps, retreats, and other programs through 2014, as well as individual donations made to support the Mission Centre.

Similarly, tax receipts from the Hills of Peace Campground are being assembled and should also be in the mail before the end of this week.

“Why the delay?”, you might justifiably ask! Well, chalk it up to the inexperience of your Mission Centre Financial Officer. I have been working steadily over the past two weeks just entering the tax receipt information from 2014 into the church’s computer system so the receipts can be produced. This is work that should have been happening following each camp, reunion, retreat, or other event throughout the year. I can assure you that this lesson is well learned!

Tax legislation provides that tax receipts are to be prepared before the end of February each year. Normally it is the objective to have them in the hands of our donors well before the end of the month. This year, they will be prepared and in the mail, but you may not actually receive yours until early next week. My apologies for the delay. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

--Stephen Thompson

Canada West Mission Centre President and Financial Officer


1-877-411-2632, ext. 1


Job Opening

Part Time Mission Funding Specialist

Click on the link above for more information.


Your Canada West Mission staff are launching

our CWM Facebook Page!

“Community of Christ Canada West Mission”

Check out stories and photos of Darrell Belrose this week!




Canada West Winter Camp

21 kids from Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Lloydminster, Camrose, Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge.

See you next year!



Community of Christ website links …

Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar at to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage at or on the Announcements page at
Community of Christ Mission Stories:  Mission Stories

The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.

Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video


What’s Up…in the CWM

Click here to see our Christmas in Review newsletter.



Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Pray Always, Pray All Ways

We have a few E Cabins left, Register Today!


Nurturing Spirit Class Descriptions 2015

St. Teresa of Avila and The Inner Journey Journey to the 16th century to discover the fiery passion molded by the contemplative heart of Saint Teresa of Avila, one of Christianity’s most inspiring saints. Enduring illness, hardship, and persecution, Teresa had a mystical vision of the soul as a beautiful crystal castle with God, the Beloved at the center. This vision gives contemporary seekers a map for navigating the journey inwards to “an inner sanctuary of beauty and light where no darkness can touch us”. Learn about Teresa’s inspiring life and explore the seven “inner castles” of spiritual development.

If you want to make progress on the spiritual path and ascend to the places you have longed for, the important thing is not to think much but to love much, and so to do whatever best awakens you to love. If you fall sometimes, do no lose heart. Keep striving to walk your path with integrity. God will draw out the good even from your fall.” St. Teresa of Avila

Yoga for “The Dark Night of the Soul”: Healing Our Pain Yoga is a practice of falling in love with our true self, not our perfect self or our “perfect” body, but a radical acceptance of our body, our mind, and our self exactly as God created us. Spirituality is not about certainty, but the longing of the heart for wholeness. Spiritual growth is not “avoiding” bad feelings, but understanding these emotions, and how they are expressed in the body. It is said “we carry our issues in our tissues”. Learn yogic practices for healing and moving through both physical and emotional pain.

Yoga Nidra: Resting in God Yoga Nidra is a practice of letting go, of surrendering all of your “doing”, all of your thoughts, all of who you think you are, so you can rest in your essential “beingness”, in Spirit’s gentle embrace. It is a practice that not only produces a profound state of relaxation in the mind/body, but at a deeper level is a meditative practice of subtly transforming the beliefs and feelings that keep us stuck in negative patterns of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear. Come apart and rest awhile. Discover a deep sense of quiet and inner stillness in which to rest and soothe your soul.

Meditation/Contemplative Prayer Meditation is not about “not thinking” or emptying the mind of thought. Rather, it’s about being present in the moment, to “what is”, and allowing a spaciousness to open around your thoughts and feelings so you can be open to the leadings of Spirit in every moment. It is the ability to bear witness to both your inner and outer experience and not get stuck in your thoughts. Throughout the retreat we will weave various forms of meditation and prayer into our daily activities while sitting, while walking, while eating, while sleeping as we learn to “pray always, pray all ways”.

Soul Companionship/Listening for the Soul We will explore what it means to be soul companions for one another's spiritual journeys; those who will listen, support, challenge, and reflect.


Guest Ministry

Vickie MacArthur Lethbridge AB,  Shannon McAdam Vancouver BC, Kat Goheen Vancouver BC, and Doug MacArthur Lethbridge AB.

Please register today if you would like an ‘E’ Cabin.


Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island


Calling all Artists!

Do you paint, write, draw, dance, take pictures, make people laugh through comedy or show your dramatic skills through theater, knit, crochet, cook, make lamps, decorate candles or any other kind of art form? Do you want to show others how to find joy and community through your art? Than consider being a teaching artist for the 2015 Arts Retreat at Samish Island!

Please send a proposal for your class and include the following:

Name, Title, Description, Space requirements, Class size preferred, Class time preferred: Morning or Afternoon, to


All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Photo: Good discussions and great company

All Priesthood are invited and encouraged to attend one of the upcoming Ministry Workshops at a location most convenient to them. These workshops will be led by Steve Thompson and Lisa Neudorf and are being offered to all members and Priesthood within Canada West Mission.  These workshops are an opportunity for learning and to share with others and find spiritual renewal.

For more information, please Contact Lisa Neudorf

or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5, to register.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba workshop in Regina (March 13-14) – RSVP - Ministry Workshop (SK_MB)

Calgary and Lethbridge workshop in Calgary (March 27-28) - RSVP - Ministry Workshop (Calgary and Lethbridge)

Ribstone workshop – April 25 (Registration information will be available in March 2015)

Chilliwack, Meadow Ridge, Victoria workshop – May 8-9 in Chilliwack (Registration information will be available in March 2015)


Community of Christ Career Networking

Looking for work? Looking to hire?

Want to be open to new possibilities?

Connect on Net Connect.



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 8-10 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~Walt Disney~

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Weekly Wire for February 11, 2015



Upcoming Events at a glance


February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 12 – Child Protection Training Edmonton

April 19 – Child Protection Training Vancouver

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Links to our Worldwide Ministries website

New CWM Facebook Group

Recap of Regina, Christ of Community Weekend

Samish Island Arts Retreat

Young Adult Leaders Retreat

Changing of the Guard – Ken McGowan

CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

What’s Up…In the CWM online link

Community of Christ Career Networking Program


Holiday Time for Debra

Well not really a holiday, I’ll be taking the week of February 18th-24th off

to move.  If you have something you want posted in the Weekly Wire on

February 18th, please get it to me by February 16th  My computer access will be sporadic during my

week off, so please cc Steve Thompson on any

emails that are urgent during that time.

Thanks in advance! Debra


(This is me happy to be moving!)


Your Canada West Mission staff are launching

our CWM Facebook Page!

“Community of Christ Canada West Mission”

Image result for facebook logo

To kick it off, we’d like you to send your photos and short comments about your experiences with Darrell Belrose. 

Darrell-in-Guelph_thumb3_thumbAs you know, Darrell is retiring at the end of February, so send your photos, anecdotes and testimonies of your experiences with Darrell to

We’ll post them on our new Facebook page for everyone to see.  Be sure to accept when we invite you to become a member of our facebook group!



CWM Winter Camp

Friday, February 13 to Monday, February 16. Registration starts at 7:30 and we will officially begin around 8:00 pm. We will end at noon on Monday. All of our activities (laughing, playing, sharing, eating, sleeping) will be at Calgary Community of Christ, 6415 Ranchview Dr NW. The weekend will be led by Jesse Levitt, Caitlin Ball and Lisa Neudorf.

Camping Brochure

Registration Form


Progressive Christians?


We had a wonderful weekend in Regina with Roger Wolsey, David Barth and Dan Beer on Nov 7-9. We enjoyed great moments of fellowship and worship while grappling with real issues facing our faith these days.


We had arranged the weekend with the hope of exploring some of the realities facing not only our denomination but the Christian faith in general. The theme of the weekend, “Why we need to be Progressive Christians” was intended to encourage people in our community to question what that means. I am sure some of you are wondering what it means…is this a new program? What else do we need to do now?

First, a little background on our guest minister.


Roger Wolsey is a United Methodist Minister who brings ministry to the students at the University of Colorado. His book, Kissing Fish; Christianity for People who Don’t like Christianity, has become a point of entry, or re-entry, for many people into Christianity. His Facebook page has engaged countless people to introduce people to progressive Christianity. Roger was also a professor at Graceland University for a period of time in the early 2000’s. The nice thing about Progressive Christianity and how it pertains to the Community of Christ is that we are already Progressive Christians for the most part.

What Roger was able to frame is how Christians are viewed predominantly and why. What we discussed was how things are changing, how we can nurture that and represent Christ in to our community while drawing people in to a life with Christ while walking with them.

One of the most intriguing discussions of the weekend with Roger was discussing how Progressive movements are also evolving in Judaism and Islam. It is only through co-operative efforts across denominations and faiths that understanding and peace can be fostered at a grass roots level as well as institutional levels.

A presentation by David Barth, Executive Director of World Accord, brought great news of the wonderful work they are doing in the world. World Accord and the work they do is a great example of Progressive Christianity in action.

David was also able to draw the connectors between a global approach and a need for a local approach to development in partnership with the people we are meant to serve.

The weekend always goes better with music and we were not disappointed with the talented Dan Beer. Dan is a favorite and brought a wonderful mix of song, storytelling and personal ministry to the weekend. One of my personal favorites was singing the theme song of Rocket Robin Hood, (even though we, or at least I, couldn’t remember all the words!) Christ-of-Community-029-800x533_thum

We also engaged in an activity as a group to do something for our community. We invited Mike Gerrand, from Street Culture, an organization that works with high risk youth in Regina. He educated us on the realities facing many First Nations youth in our community and how Street Culture works with them to break many of the systemic issues that they must overcome in their lives. We learned that, on top of the many programs they offer, they also offer housing to homeless youth. We made up 120 pairs of socks stuffed with shampoos, flossers and band aids. Street Culture was happy to accept the help and the Regina congregation is looking for more ways to work with Street Culture and impact our community.

The weekend was enriched by all of the people who were there and we hope that more of you will try to join us next year.

Corleen McLean and Dan Woynarski



Community of Christ website links …

Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar at to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage at or on the Announcements page at
Community of Christ Mission Stories:  Mission Stories

The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.

Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video


What’s Up…in the CWM

Click here to see our Christmas in Review newsletter.



Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Pray Always, Pray All Ways

We have a few E Cabins left, Register Today!


Nurturing Spirit Class Descriptions 2015

St. Teresa of Avila and The Inner Journey Journey to the 16th century to discover the fiery passion molded by the contemplative heart of Saint Teresa of Avila, one of Christianity’s most inspiring saints. Enduring illness, hardship, and persecution, Teresa had a mystical vision of the soul as a beautiful crystal castle with God, the Beloved at the center. This vision gives contemporary seekers a map for navigating the journey inwards to “an inner sanctuary of beauty and light where no darkness can touch us”. Learn about Teresa’s inspiring life and explore the seven “inner castles” of spiritual development.

If you want to make progress on the spiritual path and ascend to the places you have longed for, the important thing is not to think much but to love much, and so to do whatever best awakens you to love. If you fall sometimes, do no lose heart. Keep striving to walk your path with integrity. God will draw out the good even from your fall.” St. Teresa of Avila

Yoga for “The Dark Night of the Soul”: Healing Our Pain Yoga is a practice of falling in love with our true self, not our perfect self or our “perfect” body, but a radical acceptance of our body, our mind, and our self exactly as God created us. Spirituality is not about certainty, but the longing of the heart for wholeness. Spiritual growth is not “avoiding” bad feelings, but understanding these emotions, and how they are expressed in the body. It is said “we carry our issues in our tissues”. Learn yogic practices for healing and moving through both physical and emotional pain.

Yoga Nidra: Resting in God Yoga Nidra is a practice of letting go, of surrendering all of your “doing”, all of your thoughts, all of who you think you are, so you can rest in your essential “beingness”, in Spirit’s gentle embrace. It is a practice that not only produces a profound state of relaxation in the mind/body, but at a deeper level is a meditative practice of subtly transforming the beliefs and feelings that keep us stuck in negative patterns of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear. Come apart and rest awhile. Discover a deep sense of quiet and inner stillness in which to rest and soothe your soul.

Meditation/Contemplative Prayer Meditation is not about “not thinking” or emptying the mind of thought. Rather, it’s about being present in the moment, to “what is”, and allowing a spaciousness to open around your thoughts and feelings so you can be open to the leadings of Spirit in every moment. It is the ability to bear witness to both your inner and outer experience and not get stuck in your thoughts. Throughout the retreat we will weave various forms of meditation and prayer into our daily activities while sitting, while walking, while eating, while sleeping as we learn to “pray always, pray all ways”.

Soul Companionship/Listening for the Soul We will explore what it means to be soul companions for one another's spiritual journeys; those who will listen, support, challenge, and reflect.


Guest Ministry

Vickie MacArthur Lethbridge AB,  Shannon McAdam Vancouver BC,

Kat Goheen Vancouver BC, and Doug MacArthur Leth

Please register today if you would like an ‘E’ Cabin.


Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island


Calling all Artists!

Do you paint, write, draw, dance, take pictures, make people laugh through comedy or show your dramatic skills through theater, knit, crochet, cook, make lamps, decorate candles or any other kind of art form? Do you want to show others how to find joy and community through your art? Than consider being a teaching artist for the 2015 Arts Retreat at Samish Island!

Please send a proposal for your class and include the following:

Name, Title, Description, Space requirements, Class size preferred, Class time preferred: Morning or Afternoon, to


Grow Lead Serve Connect – Young Adult Leader’s Retreat

Community of Christ Bluewater Campground, Michigan

March 6-8, 2015

Grow Lead Serve Connect - YA Leaders Retreat

All young adults are invited to attend this Retreat which will provide opportunities for young adult leaders to develop skills, network with others and receive resources and ideas to benefit their ministry. Attendees will have the opportunity to network and connect with leaders from other areas. Young Adults will be able to network in the church’s international community, gain ideas, insight and support from congregations outside Canada West Mission. The sessions will include:

§ Leadership skills for starting and leading small groups;

§ Team work including team building, working with a team and leading teams

§ Spiritual practices

§ Working with congregations

§ Event planning

In an effort to support our emerging young adult leaders Canada West Mission has committed to assist any Community of Christ young adults with their registration and travel expenses related to this retreat.

If you are a young adult in Canada West Mission and want to attend, please contact Lisa Neudorf at or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5.


New Food Service Manager at Samish!


  On behalf of the Samish Island Campground Association Board of Directors, please welcome Pam Bauer to Samish!.  Pam brings hands on knowledge and experience with our current food service operations.  Over the past 5 years she has been in our kitchen, both as a head cook managing teams and as a team member. She is familiar with menu preparation and the food order process used at Samish. She understands the basics of special dietary restrictions and safe food handling guidelines.  Pam is a former special education teacher, has a Masters of Education, is organized, detail oriented, understands the need to enforce compliance with regulations and is familiar dealing with difficult situations requiring a calm and patience spirit.

Come welcome Pam at Kitchen Work Day on February 21st.


All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Photo: Good discussions and great company

All Priesthood are invited and encouraged to attend one of the upcoming Ministry Workshops at a location most convenient to them. These workshops will be led by Steve Thompson and Lisa Neudorf and are being offered to all members and Priesthood within Canada West Mission.  These workshops are an opportunity for learning and to share with others and find spiritual renewal.

For more information, please Contact Lisa Neudorf

or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5, to register.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba workshop in Regina (March 13-14) – RSVP - Ministry Workshop (SK_MB)

Calgary and Lethbridge workshop in Calgary (March 27-28) - RSVP - Ministry Workshop (Calgary and Lethbridge)

Ribstone workshop – April 25 (Registration information will be available in March 2015)

Chilliwack, Meadow Ridge, Victoria workshop – May 8-9 in Chilliwack (Registration information will be available in March 2015)


Changing of the Guard


Many, but not all of you, are aware of several staff changes within the church. Like several others, I have accepted the early retirement option and will retire from full time church employment as of February 28th, 2015.

For the past 16 years and 8 months, I have worked for the Estate and Financial Planning group (sometimes known by other names). I have always maintained it was THE BEST POSITION in the church, bar none!

Over this time, I have met hundreds of people, been a guest in over a thousand homes and spoke in many congregation. I have had the joy of helping many families develop their estate plans also the privilege and honor of assisting some of those same families in the wind up of their loved ones estate. This ministry and service is unique which helps distinguish us as a caring people and church.

Over the years, I have written many articles regarding estate planning and finances. The intent of the articles was to educate, inform, disturb and encourage our people to look after their own financial and estate situations.

For me, estate planning was more than a job, it is a passion. It has huge implications for families, their well being and ongoing welfare. This should never be left to chance or done in a haphazard way.

Even though I will not be working with you directly as I have in the past, I look forward to the continued friendships in future years and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work with and for you

May your families continue to be richly blessed.

Ken McGowan, BA, CFP, CEA, MCEP


Community of Christ Career Networking

Looking for work? Looking to hire?

Want to be open to new possibilities?

Connect on Net Connect.



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 8-10 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Weekly Wire for February 4, 2015



Upcoming Events at a glance


February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 19 – Child Protection Training Vancouver

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Links to our Worldwide Ministries website

New CWM Facebook Group

Recap of Regina, Christ of Community Weekend

Samish Island Arts Retreat

Young Adult Leaders Retreat

Changing of the Guard – Ken McGowan

CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

What’s Up…In the CWM online link

Community of Christ Career Networking Program


Holiday Time for Debra

Well not really a holiday, I’ll be taking the week of February 18th-24th off

to move.  If you have something you want posted in the Weekly Wire on

February 18th, please get it to me by February 16th  My computer access will be sporadic during my

week off, so please cc Steve Thompson on any

emails that are urgent during that time.

Thanks in advance! Debra


(This is me happy to be moving!)


Your Canada West Mission staff are launching

our CWM Facebook Page!

“Community of Christ Canada West Mission”

Image result for facebook logo

To kick it off, we’d like you to send your photos and short comments about your experiences with Darrell Belrose. 

Darrell-in-Guelph_thumb3As you know, Darrell is retiring at the end of February, so send your photos, anecdotes and testimonies of your experiences with Darrell to

We’ll post them on our new Facebook page for everyone to see.  Be sure to accept when we invite you to become a member of our facebook group!



CWM Winter Camp

Friday, February 13 to Monday, February 16. Registration starts at 7:30 and we will officially begin around 8:00 pm. We will end at noon on Monday. All of our activities (laughing, playing, sharing, eating, sleeping) will be at Calgary Community of Christ, 6415 Ranchview Dr NW. The weekend will be led by Jesse Levitt, Caitlin Ball and Lisa Neudorf.

Camping Brochure

Registration Form


Progressive Christians?

Christ of Community 003 (800x449)Christ of Community 015 (800x533)

We had a wonderful weekend in Regina with Roger Wolsey, David Barth and Dan Beer on Nov 7-9. We enjoyed great moments of fellowship and worship while grappling with real issues facing our faith these days.

Christ of Community 011 (800x449)

We had arranged the weekend with the hope of exploring some of the realities facing not only our denomination but the Christian faith in general. The theme of the weekend, “Why we need to be Progressive Christians” was intended to encourage people in our community to question what that means. I am sure some of you are wondering what it means…is this a new program? What else do we need to do now?

First, a little background on our guest minister.

Christ of Community 005 (800x449)

Roger Wolsey is a United Methodist Minister who brings ministry to the students at the University of Colorado. His book, Kissing Fish; Christianity for People who Don’t like Christianity, has become a point of entry, or re-entry, for many people into Christianity. His Facebook page has engaged countless people to introduce people to progressive Christianity. Roger was also a professor at Graceland University for a period of time in the early 2000’s. The nice thing about Progressive Christianity and how it pertains to the Community of Christ is that we are already Progressive Christians for the most part.

What Roger was able to frame is how Christians are viewed predominantly and why. What we discussed was how things are changing, how we can nurture that and represent Christ in to our community while drawing people in to a life with Christ while walking with them.

One of the most intriguing discussions of the weekend with Roger was discussing how Progressive movements are also evolving in Judaism and Islam. It is only through co-operative efforts across denominations and faiths that understanding and peace can be fostered at a grass roots level as well as institutional levels.

A presentation by David Barth, Executive Director of World Accord, brought great news of the wonderful work they are doing in the world. World Accord and the work they do is a great example of Progressive Christianity in action.

David was also able to draw the connectors between a global approach and a need for a local approach to development in partnership with the people we are meant to serve.

The weekend always goes better with music and we were not disappointed with the talented Dan Beer. Dan is a favorite and brought a wonderful mix of song, storytelling and personal ministry to the weekend. One of my personal favorites was singing the theme song of Rocket Robin Hood, (even though we, or at least I, couldn’t remember all the words!) Christ of Community 029 (800x533)

We also engaged in an activity as a group to do something for our community. We invited Mike Gerrand, from Street Culture, an organization that works with high risk youth in Regina. He educated us on the realities facing many First Nations youth in our community and how Street Culture works with them to break many of the systemic issues that they must overcome in their lives. We learned that, on top of the many programs they offer, they also offer housing to homeless youth. We made up 120 pairs of socks stuffed with shampoos, flossers and band aids. Street Culture was happy to accept the help and the Regina congregation is looking for more ways to work with Street Culture and impact our community.

The weekend was enriched by all of the people who were there and we hope that more of you will try to join us next year.

Corleen McLean and Dan Woynarski


CofC logo written

Community of Christ website links …

Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar at to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage at or on the Announcements page at
Community of Christ Mission Stories:  Mission Stories

The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.

Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video


What’s Up…in the CWM

Click here to see our Christmas in Review newsletter.



Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Pray Always, Pray All Ways

We have a few E Cabins left, Register Today!


Nurturing Spirit Class Descriptions 2015

St. Teresa of Avila and The Inner Journey Journey to the 16th century to discover the fiery passion molded by the contemplative heart of Saint Teresa of Avila, one of Christianity’s most inspiring saints. Enduring illness, hardship, and persecution, Teresa had a mystical vision of the soul as a beautiful crystal castle with God, the Beloved at the center. This vision gives contemporary seekers a map for navigating the journey inwards to “an inner sanctuary of beauty and light where no darkness can touch us”. Learn about Teresa’s inspiring life and explore the seven “inner castles” of spiritual development.

If you want to make progress on the spiritual path and ascend to the places you have longed for, the important thing is not to think much but to love much, and so to do whatever best awakens you to love. If you fall sometimes, do no lose heart. Keep striving to walk your path with integrity. God will draw out the good even from your fall.” St. Teresa of Avila

Yoga for “The Dark Night of the Soul”: Healing Our Pain Yoga is a practice of falling in love with our true self, not our perfect self or our “perfect” body, but a radical acceptance of our body, our mind, and our self exactly as God created us. Spirituality is not about certainty, but the longing of the heart for wholeness. Spiritual growth is not “avoiding” bad feelings, but understanding these emotions, and how they are expressed in the body. It is said “we carry our issues in our tissues”. Learn yogic practices for healing and moving through both physical and emotional pain.

Yoga Nidra: Resting in God Yoga Nidra is a practice of letting go, of surrendering all of your “doing”, all of your thoughts, all of who you think you are, so you can rest in your essential “beingness”, in Spirit’s gentle embrace. It is a practice that not only produces a profound state of relaxation in the mind/body, but at a deeper level is a meditative practice of subtly transforming the beliefs and feelings that keep us stuck in negative patterns of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear. Come apart and rest awhile. Discover a deep sense of quiet and inner stillness in which to rest and soothe your soul.

Meditation/Contemplative Prayer Meditation is not about “not thinking” or emptying the mind of thought. Rather, it’s about being present in the moment, to “what is”, and allowing a spaciousness to open around your thoughts and feelings so you can be open to the leadings of Spirit in every moment. It is the ability to bear witness to both your inner and outer experience and not get stuck in your thoughts. Throughout the retreat we will weave various forms of meditation and prayer into our daily activities while sitting, while walking, while eating, while sleeping as we learn to “pray always, pray all ways”.

Soul Companionship/Listening for the Soul We will explore what it means to be soul companions for one another's spiritual journeys; those who will listen, support, challenge, and reflect.


Guest Ministry

Vickie MacArthur Lethbridge AB,  Shannon McAdam Vancouver BC,

Kat Goheen Vancouver BC, and Doug MacArthur Leth

Please register today if you would like an ‘E’ Cabin.


Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island


Calling all Artists!

Do you paint, write, draw, dance, take pictures, make people laugh through comedy or show your dramatic skills through theater, knit, crochet, cook, make lamps, decorate candles or any other kind of art form? Do you want to show others how to find joy and community through your art? Than consider being a teaching artist for the 2015 Arts Retreat at Samish Island!

Please send a proposal for your class and include the following:

Name, Title, Description, Space requirements, Class size preferred, Class time preferred: Morning or Afternoon, to


Grow Lead Serve Connect – Young Adult Leader’s Retreat

Community of Christ Bluewater Campground, Michigan

March 6-8, 2015

Grow Lead Serve Connect - YA Leaders Retreat

All young adults are invited to attend this Retreat which will provide opportunities for young adult leaders to develop skills, network with others and receive resources and ideas to benefit their ministry. Attendees will have the opportunity to network and connect with leaders from other areas. Young Adults will be able to network in the church’s international community, gain ideas, insight and support from congregations outside Canada West Mission. The sessions will include:

§ Leadership skills for starting and leading small groups;

§ Team work including team building, working with a team and leading teams

§ Spiritual practices

§ Working with congregations

§ Event planning

In an effort to support our emerging young adult leaders Canada West Mission has committed to assist any Community of Christ young adults with their registration and travel expenses related to this retreat.

If you are a young adult in Canada West Mission and want to attend, please contact Lisa Neudorf at or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5.


New Food Service Manager at Samish!


  On behalf of the Samish Island Campground Association Board of Directors, please welcome Pam Bauer to Samish!.  Pam brings hands on knowledge and experience with our current food service operations.  Over the past 5 years she has been in our kitchen, both as a head cook managing teams and as a team member. She is familiar with menu preparation and the food order process used at Samish. She understands the basics of special dietary restrictions and safe food handling guidelines.  Pam is a former special education teacher, has a Masters of Education, is organized, detail oriented, understands the need to enforce compliance with regulations and is familiar dealing with difficult situations requiring a calm and patience spirit.

Come welcome Pam at Kitchen Work Day on February 21st.


All Are Called: Ministry Workshops

Photo: Good discussions and great company

All Priesthood are invited and encouraged to attend one of the upcoming Ministry Workshops at a location most convenient to them. These workshops will be led by Steve Thompson and Lisa Neudorf and are being offered to all members and Priesthood within Canada West Mission.  These workshops are an opportunity for learning and to share with others and find spiritual renewal.

For more information, please Contact Lisa Neudorf

or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5, to register.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba workshop in Regina (March 13-14) – RSVP - Ministry Workshop (SK_MB)

Calgary and Lethbridge workshop in Calgary (March 27-28) - RSVP - Ministry Workshop (Calgary and Lethbridge)

Ribstone workshop – April 25 (Registration information will be available in March 2015)

Chilliwack, Meadow Ridge, Victoria workshop – May 8-9 in Chilliwack (Registration information will be available in March 2015)


Changing of the Guard

Ken McGowan 2a

Many, but not all of you, are aware of several staff changes within the church. Like several others, I have accepted the early retirement option and will retire from full time church employment as of February 28th, 2015.

For the past 16 years and 8 months, I have worked for the Estate and Financial Planning group (sometimes known by other names). I have always maintained it was THE BEST POSITION in the church, bar none!

Over this time, I have met hundreds of people, been a guest in over a thousand homes and spoke in many congregation. I have had the joy of helping many families develop their estate plans also the privilege and honor of assisting some of those same families in the wind up of their loved ones estate. This ministry and service is unique which helps distinguish us as a caring people and church.

Over the years, I have written many articles regarding estate planning and finances. The intent of the articles was to educate, inform, disturb and encourage our people to look after their own financial and estate situations.

For me, estate planning was more than a job, it is a passion. It has huge implications for families, their well being and ongoing welfare. This should never be left to chance or done in a haphazard way.

Even though I will not be working with you directly as I have in the past, I look forward to the continued friendships in future years and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work with and for you

May your families continue to be richly blessed.

Ken McGowan, BA, CFP, CEA, MCEP


Community of Christ Career Networking

Looking for work? Looking to hire?

Want to be open to new possibilities?

Connect on Net Connect.



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 8-10 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Make the most of your time this week!