Please note that the Samish Island Kitchen and work day will not be happening this Saturday, February 27th.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The Weekly Wire for February 24, 2016
Canada West Mission
Upcoming Events at a Glance
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
April 15-17 Pastors Retreat Edmonton
April 22-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week
*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information.
All camping dates are included at the bottom of the Weekly Wire and on the CWM website.
This Week…in the Weekly Wire!
First Presidency Shares Financial Update
Letter from Apostle Arthur Smith
Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
Victoria – New family from Russia
Weekend of World Religions – Vancouver
New Community of Christ App
Winter Youth Retreat Regina
Shopping on
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review online edition
2016 Camping Dates
Links to our Worldwide Ministries website
We want you to ‘like’ our CWM Facebook Page
Buy or Hold, Market Situation and Challenge
February Inspirational Movie Quotes
First Presidency Shares Financial Update
The First Presidency and World Church leaders want to share the following financial updates and related information with the church:
- Steve Veazey interviewed by Linda Booth
- World Church leadership transitions announcement and statements to the church by Steve Veazey and Stassi Cramm
- Letter about World Church Leadership transitions and statements to the church by Stassi Cramm and Steve Veazey
- “The Way Forward” statement by Scott Murphy
- Financial Update Questions and Answers
Dear friends,
What a devastatingly difficult time in the life of Community of Christ!
We just lived through a frightening year of budget reductions and staff layoffs. With such sadness barely behind us, how could this be happening AGAIN?!?!
Several days have gone by now, since the news began going out to the church. In a way, it hasn’t gotten any easier, but the Holy Spirit is so very persistent.
Words from Doctrine and Covenants 164: 9a keep asserting themselves in my mind.
9 a. Beloved children of the Restoration, your continuing faith adventure with God has been divinely led, eventful, challenging, and sometimes surprising to you. By the grace of God, you are poised to fulfill God’s ultimate vision for the church.
Challenges abound! That’s sure an understatement! Poised to fulfill God's ultimate vision for the church?!? What might that be? Is that message to us a mistake? No!
What’s really wild is that everywhere I go in the church I see opportunity as never before. At no time in my lifetime, have I had so much hope for the church I love. Self-sustaining leaders of all ages are stepping up with renewed energy and determination to engage in Christ's mission, offering invitation, peace and refuge. People are experimenting with exciting new ministries, creating entry points for people into the church, to be embraced by the Holy Spirit and to find a loving community.
We've got Meetups, Coffee and Conversation groups, Community Place creatively using the internet to keep people connected, Congregation Revitalization, innovative ministries, campus ministries, mission advocates, Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies, community gardens, community meals, campgrounds, new congregations springing up and heritage congregations rediscovering pride in a sacred identity worth sharing.
Thousands of people, Latter-day Seekers and others, every year, are investigating the Community of Christ. Many are finding it to be a good place of sanctuary, openness, authenticity and a spiritual home through which to engage in mission.
So much financial stress and strain and so much hope, all at the same time! We must respond generously as we’re able, so that we can pursue all the opportunities. Our heritage of faith is filled with stories of God choosing to work with the one who others might dismiss. (David, the shepherd boy, Mary, the unwed young mother, Saul, the hateful persecutor, Joseph, a poor boy seeking answers.)
We must not give up! Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of what God has in store for us. These are not just words. It is time to faithfully apply all the work that has been done over these last years, to discern God's call to us for this day and age. We must share our basic beliefs, our enduring principles, our mission initiatives and the wonderful spirit of the Restoration with others.
Share about Sionito social housing ministry! Invite friends to see the difference these residences are making in our cities!
Share about World Accord! Invite friends to know of this life saving ministry!
Share about Encounter World Religions! Invite friends to thrill in learning and building new relationships across cultures!
Share about the work of the Canada Peace and Justice Team! Invite your friends to make a difference!
Share our sacred story with a Latter-day Seeker! Prepare yourself through studying materials on the Latter-day Seeker website. Become a living sanctuary of God’s grace with those searching. Mentor someone in person or on-line.
Share the beautiful texts of our new hymnal!
Share the sacred story of our church, the adventure, the way it has made a difference in your life and in the lives of others around the world!
Share an invitation to a camp or a reunion!
Share an invitation to a silent retreat or to another opportunity to grow spiritually!
Share an invitation to build relationships through conversation that matters!
Share an invitation with a brother or sister, someone from Community of Christ, who has been neglected or ignored, or who we've struggled with, to sit down for a chat. Listen to them.
Prepare to be astonished at what is going to happen as we respond. Can you almost catch a glimpse of it (God's ultimate vision for the church)? Friends, God's not done with us yet! This wonderful Community of Christ is about to burst with all the potential inside. Let's let it out!
I am deeply honoured to be your apostle in this exciting time!
In Christ's peace,
Art Smith
Follow the link below to see the
2016 World Conference Resolutions
Click to see
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review
Victoria – new family from Russia
Margarita will be sharing more of her story this Sunday,
February 28th, at 10am.
Margarita, along with her husband and 3 children live in Victoria not far from our church. Margarita is from Russia and she spoke about life in Russia during class time last Sunday. It was wonderful to hear her music and her children were a delight. She speaks 5 languages and her English is very good. She wanted to come to a church where she could use her music skills, and we are thrilled to have her play for us.
Sally Glassier
Nurturing Spirit Retreat
Register today!
A schedule is available,
send requests to
Guest Minister Laurie Gordon
Laurie Gordon is a spiritual director and an Evangelist in Community of Christ, living in Bend, Oregon. Laurie’s lifelong passion for contemplative practice and the natural world has deepened her sense that the universe reverberates with Holy Mystery. When we turn to stillness, listen deeply and awaken to an awareness of God’s Presence in and through all things, we touch this Mystery. We open to God’s invitation to be transformed; to embody Christ’s wisdom and compassion; to become vehicles of loving, Spirit-infused action in the world.
Please register early to
For E Cabins, preference will be given first to those with a need and second to the first registered.
Please register early and advise us of any food allergies you have.
Registration is by donation
Canada West Mission Centre is continuing to offer camps and retreats at no charge to ensure that registration fees are not barriers to participation. Donations are accepted to help offset the costs of the events. As you consider your donations this year, please keep in mind that the high exchange rate between the US and Canadian dollars will result in higher costs to the Mission Centre to fund camps and retreats. Thank you for your past and continuing support of these events. Contact Debra Donohue for more information if needed or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Community of Christ App for Android and IOS
Community of Christ launched an app for Android and iOS devices. The app is available for download from Google Play and the App Store on iTunes.
With the Community of Christ app, you can read daily spiritual devotions, watch inspiring videos, stay in touch with mission happening around the world, and much more.
The app development was funded through the generous offerings received during the USA National Conference after event expenses were met.
Here is the link for “Community of Christ and ” to make purchases and have up to 8.5% returned to the Canadian church.
Learn how it works here Community of Christ Amazon video
Register Today!
Space is still available
*Please note, if you choose to attend Friday evening only and afterwards discover that you’d like to join us for the whole weekend, your $25 fee will be applied to the weekend fee of $100, provided space is available.
Click below to go to the
Encounter World Religions website
Brian Carwana, Director of the Encounter World Religions Centre
Brian Carwana is the director of the Encounter World Religions Centre, an educational organization designated as a “Gift Of Service To The World” by the Parliament of World Religions. Brian has worked as an educator in religions and cultural diversity for fourteen years and finds religion endlessly fascinating for understanding global issues or individual lives. He has taken thousands of people to places of worship, observed rituals and festivals, and formed lasting relationships with Muslim imams, Jewish cantors, and Wiccan priestesses. Brian also brings a strong academic background with a Masters degree in religion and culture and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. Audiences repeatedly comment on how his lectures combine great learning with an approach that is enjoyable and accessible. He has delivered conference keynote speeches, lectured at universities, been a visiting scholar in the United States, and taught in varied settings including corporate, churches, hospitals, and police forces. He looks forward to sharing with you the extraordinary worlds of humanity's religious traditions.
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
If you are planning to attend World Conference June 4-11, 2016, please send me your name so I can add you to the list. or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Go to our facebook page to see what’s going on in the CWM
and be sure to ‘like’ us.
Community of Christ website links
Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage or on the Announcements page .
Community of Christ Mission Stories: Mission Stories
The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.
Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video
To those seeking a spiritual home, Community of Christ is a welcoming, loving, worldwide faith community that values the worth of every person as a child of God, and provides a safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.
In Community of Christ, you will receive love and support as you discover renewed purpose for your life through compassionate, Christ-like service that ends suffering and fosters justice and peace.
Buy or Hold, Market Situation and Challenge
For the last couple of years, the financial markets have been dropping steadily. In the last year, the U.S. Dow Jones index decreased from 18,351 to 15,370 and the Canadian TSX index from 15,062 to 12,674, a 17.48% reduction. For many of us, our own investment portfolios are in MUTUAL FUNDS held in (IRA, RSP, TFSA, Roth IRA etc.) have decreased significantly reflecting the major indexes mentioned previously. With this in mind, what should we be doing and what is the real danger?
The conventional wisdom with low markets has two lines of thinking.
First, hold onto the MUTUAL FUND investments you have and wait for the markets to regain their value. Currently, many people have a paper loss or an unrealized loss, in that the value of their investment is less than they invested. Unless the investment is actually sold, a real loss is not incurred. Let's look at the history. Since the 1930's, the investment markets have proved to be cyclical, continually going up and down. It has been proven that people who remain invested benefit more then moving in and out of the markets.
The second line of thinking with the low markets is to continue investing with systematic purchases. Whether you invest on your own or are part of a group plan this can certainly work in your favour. With the investment markets being low, it is as if, the investments are "on sale". People like buying items which are on sale, 10% to 20% percent lower than before, so why not buy now? These investments purchased in low markets, will increase significantly as the markets regain ground. Granted, with all market cycles, no one knows how long a particular market will last however; this can work in your favour when systematically buying investments at a lower cost.
So unless an investor absolutely needs their money, waiting for the markets to improve is generally the optimum approach.
Let’s take an example. A person wants to withdraw $1000. from their MUTUAL FUND investment. Your underlying interest in the fund is represented by the number of “units” you hold in the fund itself. These units have a value which can change monthly. Should the investor withdraw the $1000. with a unit value of $28., then 35.7 units will be used. Should the unit value be $15. ($1000. /15) then 66.6 units are used. The more units you use, in this case (66.6-35.7) 30.9 units, the faster your investment fund is depleted. The withdrawal of money, in addition to the extra units needed to complete the withdrawal, works against the investor. So if at all possible, delay or limit the withdrawals from your MUTUAL FUND until the markets improve.
One further consideration many people overlook when making sales of their mutual fund investments, is the tax implications from the sales. This too can compound the negative effect of selling in low markets. Be sure you consider ALL the facts prior to any transactions to protect your own interests.
By being both patient and optimistic, it can save you, the investor, thousands of dollars overall.
Kenneth McGowan, BA, M.T. I (Pensions), CFP
Canada West Camping and Event Calendar
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
April 15-17 Pastors Retreat Edmonton
April 22-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week
June 3-5 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
June 4-11 World Conference - Independence Missouri
June 13 Samish Island Work Day
June 17-19 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
July 3 - 8 CWM Youth Camp Hills of Peace
July 9 - 14 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 15 - 19 Junior Camp (8-12 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 16-23 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 6-7 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Hills of Peace
August 14-20 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
August 28- September 2 Singles Reunion Samish Island
Sept 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference – Ribstone AB
Sept 23-25 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
Sep 30–Oct 2 Women's Retreat Chilliwack
October 28-30 Singles Retreat Samish Island
Note: Hills of Peace Spiritual Retreat cancelled for 2015 due to World Conference
Dates are subject to change, please register early
Movie Quote of the Week
Life moves pretty fast.
If you don’t stop and look around once in a while,
you could miss it.
– Ferris, from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off–
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Weekly Wire for February 17, 2016
Upcoming Events at a Glance
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
April 15-17 Pastors Retreat Edmonton
April 22-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week
*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information.
All camping dates are included at the bottom of the Weekly Wire and on the CWM website.
This Week…in the Weekly Wire!
Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
Victoria – New family from Russia
Weekend of World Religions – Vancouver
New Community of Christ App
Winter Youth Retreat Regina
Shopping on
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review online edition
2016 Camping Dates
Links to our Worldwide Ministries website
We want you to ‘like’ our CWM Facebook Page
Buy or Hold, Market Situation and Challenge
February Inspirational Movie Quotes
Follow the link below to see the
2016 World Conference Resolutions
Click to see
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review
Victoria – new family from Russia
Margarita, along with her husband and 3 children live in Victoria not far from our church. Margarita is from Russia and she spoke about life in Russia during class time last Sunday. It was wonderful to hear her music and her children were a delight. She speaks 5 languages and her English is very good. She wanted to come to a church where she could use her music skills, and we are thrilled to have her play for us. Margarita will play this coming Sunday during the 11AM service. Join us this Sunday and enjoy the music with us!
Sally Glassier
Nurturing Spirit Retreat
Register today!
A schedule is available,
send requests to
Guest Minister Laurie Gordon
Laurie Gordon is a spiritual director and an Evangelist in Community of Christ, living in Bend, Oregon. Laurie’s lifelong passion for contemplative practice and the natural world has deepened her sense that the universe reverberates with Holy Mystery. When we turn to stillness, listen deeply and awaken to an awareness of God’s Presence in and through all things, we touch this Mystery. We open to God’s invitation to be transformed; to embody Christ’s wisdom and compassion; to become vehicles of loving, Spirit-infused action in the world.
Please register early to
For E Cabins, preference will be given first to those with a need and second to the first registered.
Please register early and advise us of any food allergies you have.
Registration is by donation
Canada West Mission Centre is continuing to offer camps and retreats at no charge to ensure that registration fees are not barriers to participation. Donations are accepted to help offset the costs of the events. As you consider your donations this year, please keep in mind that the high exchange rate between the US and Canadian dollars will result in higher costs to the Mission Centre to fund camps and retreats. Thank you for your past and continuing support of these events. Contact Debra Donohue for more information if needed or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Community of Christ App for Android and IOS
Community of Christ launched an app for Android and iOS devices. The app is available for download from Google Play and the App Store on iTunes.
With the Community of Christ app, you can read daily spiritual devotions, watch inspiring videos, stay in touch with mission happening around the world, and much more.
The app development was funded through the generous offerings received during the USA National Conference after event expenses were met.
Here is the link for “Community of Christ and ” to make purchases and have up to 8.5% returned to the Canadian church.
Learn how it works here Community of Christ Amazon video
Register Today!
*Please note, if you choose to attend Friday evening only and afterwards discover that you’d like to join us for the whole weekend, your $25 fee will be applied to the weekend fee of $100, provided space is available.
Click below to go to the
Encounter World Religions website
Brian Carwana, Director of the Encounter World Religions Centre
Brian Carwana is the director of the Encounter World Religions Centre, an educational organization designated as a “Gift Of Service To The World” by the Parliament of World Religions. Brian has worked as an educator in religions and cultural diversity for fourteen years and finds religion endlessly fascinating for understanding global issues or individual lives. He has taken thousands of people to places of worship, observed rituals and festivals, and formed lasting relationships with Muslim imams, Jewish cantors, and Wiccan priestesses. Brian also brings a strong academic background with a Masters degree in religion and culture and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. Audiences repeatedly comment on how his lectures combine great learning with an approach that is enjoyable and accessible. He has delivered conference keynote speeches, lectured at universities, been a visiting scholar in the United States, and taught in varied settings including corporate, churches, hospitals, and police forces. He looks forward to sharing with you the extraordinary worlds of humanity's religious traditions.
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
If you are planning to attend World Conference June 4-11, 2016, please send me your name so I can add you to the list. or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Go to our facebook page to see what’s going on in the CWM
and be sure to ‘like’ us.
Community of Christ website links
Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage or on the Announcements page .
Community of Christ Mission Stories: Mission Stories
The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.
Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video
To those seeking a spiritual home, Community of Christ is a welcoming, loving, worldwide faith community that values the worth of every person as a child of God, and provides a safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.
In Community of Christ, you will receive love and support as you discover renewed purpose for your life through compassionate, Christ-like service that ends suffering and fosters justice and peace.
Buy or Hold, Market Situation and Challenge
For the last couple of years, the financial markets have been dropping steadily. In the last year, the U.S. Dow Jones index decreased from 18,351 to 15,370 and the Canadian TSX index from 15,062 to 12,674, a 17.48% reduction. For many of us, our own investment portfolios are in MUTUAL FUNDS held in (IRA, RSP, TFSA, Roth IRA etc.) have decreased significantly reflecting the major indexes mentioned previously. With this in mind, what should we be doing and what is the real danger?
The conventional wisdom with low markets has two lines of thinking.
First, hold onto the MUTUAL FUND investments you have and wait for the markets to regain their value. Currently, many people have a paper loss or an unrealized loss, in that the value of their investment is less than they invested. Unless the investment is actually sold, a real loss is not incurred. Let's look at the history. Since the 1930's, the investment markets have proved to be cyclical, continually going up and down. It has been proven that people who remain invested benefit more then moving in and out of the markets.
The second line of thinking with the low markets is to continue investing with systematic purchases. Whether you invest on your own or are part of a group plan this can certainly work in your favour. With the investment markets being low, it is as if, the investments are "on sale". People like buying items which are on sale, 10% to 20% percent lower than before, so why not buy now? These investments purchased in low markets, will increase significantly as the markets regain ground. Granted, with all market cycles, no one knows how long a particular market will last however; this can work in your favour when systematically buying investments at a lower cost.
So unless an investor absolutely needs their money, waiting for the markets to improve is generally the optimum approach.
Let’s take an example. A person wants to withdraw $1000. from their MUTUAL FUND investment. Your underlying interest in the fund is represented by the number of “units” you hold in the fund itself. These units have a value which can change monthly. Should the investor withdraw the $1000. with a unit value of $28., then 35.7 units will be used. Should the unit value be $15. ($1000. /15) then 66.6 units are used. The more units you use, in this case (66.6-35.7) 30.9 units, the faster your investment fund is depleted. The withdrawal of money, in addition to the extra units needed to complete the withdrawal, works against the investor. So if at all possible, delay or limit the withdrawals from your MUTUAL FUND until the markets improve.
One further consideration many people overlook when making sales of their mutual fund investments, is the tax implications from the sales. This too can compound the negative effect of selling in low markets. Be sure you consider ALL the facts prior to any transactions to protect your own interests.
By being both patient and optimistic, it can save you, the investor, thousands of dollars overall.
Kenneth McGowan, BA, M.T. I (Pensions), CFP
Canada West Camping and Event Calendar
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
April 15-17 Pastors Retreat Edmonton
April 22-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week
June 3-5 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
June 4-11 World Conference - Independence Missouri
June 13 Samish Island Work Day
June 17-19 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
July 3 - 8 CWM Youth Camp Hills of Peace
July 9 - 14 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 15 - 19 Junior Camp (8-12 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 16-23 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 6-7 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Hills of Peace
August 14-20 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
August 28- September 2 Singles Reunion Samish Island
Sept 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference – Ribstone AB
Sept 23-25 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
Sep 30–Oct 2 Women's Retreat Chilliwack
October 28-30 Singles Retreat Samish Island
Note: Hills of Peace Spiritual Retreat cancelled for 2015 due to World Conference
Dates are subject to change, please register early
Movie Quote of the Week
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The Weekly Wire for February 10, 2016
Upcoming Events at a Glance
Feb12-15 Winter Youth Camp Regina
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information.
All camping dates are included at the bottom of the Weekly Wire and on the CWM website.
This Week…in the Weekly Wire!
Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
Weekend of World Religions – Vancouver
New Community of Christ App
Winter Youth Retreat Regina
Shopping on
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review online edition
2016 Camping Dates
Links to our Worldwide Ministries website
We want you to ‘like’ our CWM Facebook Page
February Inspirational Movie Quotes
Follow the link below to see the
2016 World Conference Resolutions
Click to see
What’s Up…In the CWM, Christmas in Review
Nurturing Spirit Retreat
Register today!
A schedule is available,
send requests to
Guest Minister Laurie Gordon
Laurie Gordon is a spiritual director and an Evangelist in Community of Christ, living in Bend, Oregon. Laurie’s lifelong passion for contemplative practice and the natural world has deepened her sense that the universe reverberates with Holy Mystery. When we turn to stillness, listen deeply and awaken to an awareness of God’s Presence in and through all things, we touch this Mystery. We open to God’s invitation to be transformed; to embody Christ’s wisdom and compassion; to become vehicles of loving, Spirit-infused action in the world.
Please register early to
For E Cabins, preference will be given first to those with a need and second to the first registered.
Please register early and advise us of any food allergies you have.
Registration is by donation
Canada West Mission Centre is continuing to offer camps and retreats at no charge to ensure that registration fees are not barriers to participation. Donations are accepted to help offset the costs of the events. As you consider your donations this year, please keep in mind that the high exchange rate between the US and Canadian dollars will result in higher costs to the Mission Centre to fund camps and retreats. Thank you for your past and continuing support of these events. Contact Debra Donohue for more information if needed or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Canada West Mission
Winter Youth Retreat
Community of Christ App for Android and IOS
Community of Christ launched an app for Android and iOS devices. The app is available for download from Google Play and the App Store on iTunes.
With the Community of Christ app, you can read daily spiritual devotions, watch inspiring videos, stay in touch with mission happening around the world, and much more.
The app development was funded through the generous offerings received during the USA National Conference after event expenses were met.
Here is the link for “Community of Christ and ” to make purchases and have up to 8.5% returned to the Canadian church.
Learn how it works here Community of Christ Amazon video
Register Today!
*Please note, if you choose to attend Friday evening only and afterwards discover that you’d like to join us for the whole weekend, your $25 fee will be applied to the weekend fee of $100, provided space is available.
Click below to go to the
Encounter World Religions website
Brian Carwana, Director of the Encounter World Religions Centre
Brian Carwana is the director of the Encounter World Religions Centre, an educational organization designated as a “Gift Of Service To The World” by the Parliament of World Religions. Brian has worked as an educator in religions and cultural diversity for fourteen years and finds religion endlessly fascinating for understanding global issues or individual lives. He has taken thousands of people to places of worship, observed rituals and festivals, and formed lasting relationships with Muslim imams, Jewish cantors, and Wiccan priestesses. Brian also brings a strong academic background with a Masters degree in religion and culture and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. Audiences repeatedly comment on how his lectures combine great learning with an approach that is enjoyable and accessible. He has delivered conference keynote speeches, lectured at universities, been a visiting scholar in the United States, and taught in varied settings including corporate, churches, hospitals, and police forces. He looks forward to sharing with you the extraordinary worlds of humanity's religious traditions.
Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016
If you are planning to attend World Conference June 4-11, 2016, please send me your name so I can add you to the list. or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Go to our facebook page to see what’s going on in the CWM
and be sure to ‘like’ us.
Community of Christ website links
Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage or on the Announcements page .
Community of Christ Mission Stories: Mission Stories
The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.
Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video
To those seeking a spiritual home, Community of Christ is a welcoming, loving, worldwide faith community that values the worth of every person as a child of God, and provides a safe space for you to explore and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.
In Community of Christ, you will receive love and support as you discover renewed purpose for your life through compassionate, Christ-like service that ends suffering and fosters justice and peace.
Canada West Camping and Event Calendar
Feb12-15 Winter Youth Camp Regina
February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day
March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Samish Island
March 18-20 Weekend of World Religions Vancouver
April 15-17 Pastors Retreat Edmonton
April 22-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week
June 3-5 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
June 4-11 World Conference - Independence Missouri
June 13 Samish Island Work Day
June 17-19 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
July 3 - 8 CWM Youth Camp Hills of Peace
July 9 - 14 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 15 - 19 Junior Camp (8-12 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 16-23 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 6-7 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Hills of Peace
August 14-20 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
August 28- September 2 Singles Reunion Samish Island
Sept 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference – Ribstone AB
Sept 23-25 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
Sep 30–Oct 2 Women's Retreat Chilliwack
October 28-30 Singles Retreat Samish Island
Note: Hills of Peace Spiritual Retreat cancelled for 2015 due to World Conference
Dates are subject to change, please register early
Movie Quote of the Week
Stars Wars The Empire Strikes Back