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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Weekly Wire for November 26, 2014



Upcoming Events at a glance


January 18 – Child Protection Training Meadow Ridge

Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 19 – Child Protection Training Vancouver

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

New ‘World Church Website’

Memorial Service for Bill Levitt

Ministry Workshop Vancouver

Samish Island News

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Christmas in Review Newsletter

Looming Financial Concern Part 2

What’s Up…In the CWM is here!

Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

Community of Christ Career Networking Program

Quote of the week


There will be a memorial service for Bill Levitt on

Sunday November 30th at 2pm

at the Calgary Community of Christ. 



World Church Website


Click here to see the new Community of Christ

World Church Website


Ministry Workshop Vancouver



Pray Always, Pray All Ways


Guest Ministry

Vickie McArthur Lethbridge AB, and Shannon McAdam Vancouver BC

Please register early if you require an ‘E’ Cabin.


It’s here! The fall edition of

What’s Up…In the CWM

click above to see it on line and in full color.


We’ll be publishing our annual ‘Christmas in Review’ newsletter in January. 

Please take lots of photos of your Christmas events and services, and send Debra your articles, or blurbs by January 15th!


Samish Island News!


From Board President Mark Chapman:

Be a caretaker at Samish! Live and serve in one of the most spectacular places on earth! We are now recruiting for the Manager of Food Service position. Interested? For details, contact: Mark Chapman, 360-420-6369.

Samish Island Campground Association Board votes to relocate proposed sport court. We heard loud and clear from those who were concerned that the proposed site would impose on the open and natural feel of the campground. After a thorough Board review of options, consensus formed around a placement to the southwest of the Christian Fellowship Centre. A $20,000 challenge grant has already been made to jump start funding. We need to raise an addition $50,000 by January 31 in order to break ground this spring. Send contributions to Dave Skoor, Samish Island Campground  Association Treasurer, 425-446-0019.

Thank you for sharing!
View a summary of the Strategic Planning Survey results. Over 100 event directors, cooks, participants and neighbors shared their ideas and feedback. This will be a valued source of data to inform the Samish Island Campground  Association Board as we work towards a refreshed strategic plan to assure a strong future for Camp Samish.


Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

RSVP today.



Community of Christ Career Networking


For those of you who are on LinkedIn or want to be (easy to join) we have set up a Canadian Community of Christ private LinkedIn group to assist in employment opportunities through our collective networking for and with one another. The group is called "Community of Christ Net Connect." Search for it on LinkedIn and request membership.

Many Young Adults and others are unemployed, under-employed, going through career changes, health changes, re-locations, or other challenges. We can be part of the answer in their lives.

We have the capacity to make a difference through our mutual networking together. The full capability of this group is just beginning to unfold. Join us and we will create a new model of interaction that will bless us all.


Kerry Richards, Director of Mission



Looming Financial Concern: Part 2

Many workers are facing serious challenges financially when preparing for retirement, as discussed in Part 1. The onus is more on the workers than ever before to provide a financially viable retirement scenario for themselves. How then, can workers effectively prepare for retirement knowing: 1) Government benefits are and can be changed at any time. 2) Company pension plans, if in existence, are becoming less generous than before. 3) Ongoing living costs makes saving for many workers very difficult.

First, government pensions, Social Security, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security on their own, were never intended to provide a luxury retirement for anyone. Consider these pensions as your base level of income during retirement, with additional income required from other sources for more than a meager existence.

THE KEY to government benefits is to ASK for the benefits. YOU must also apply to the government for these benefits to start. But also ASK, what else is available and how do I apply to get the additional benefits? People can miss out on benefits they are entitled to because they do not ASK, what is available or understand how to apply. Keep ASKING until you are satisfied. Phone the government on different days and speak to different government workers. You might be pleasantly surprised with the different answers you receive. While the government employees do their best to stay current with ongoing benefits, inadvertently some information can be forgotten or missed. So ASK and ASK again keeping in mind, as my Grandma Walker use to say, “a closed mouth gets you nowhere!”

Government benefits are in place for a reason, so do not miss out by default. Should you need additional assistance, ask a trusted professional to assist with the ASK or to help with completing the paperwork. After all it is in your best interest financially and that of your family.

Secondly, utilize company pensions to the greatest extent possible. It is imperative for you to join whatever type of company pension arrangement available. Just by contributing the minimum dollars or percentages allowed, you will benefit in the long run. Your contributions to these plans can increase over time as your income increases.

It is reasonable for workers to ask their employer to implement a Group RSP or Group IRA. This can also benefit the business itself, as it may attract skilled workers or lower staff turnover, which can reduce training costs and increase company profits. These types of plans can be relatively inexpensive to operate and add to the overall corporate climate of the company.

Before we leave the company pension scenarios, I want to mention, I am aware of the “GOLD PLATED COMPANY PENSION” arrangements which exist. This article was never intended to discuss those particular pensions. The “Gold Plated Pensions” are a highly sensitive issue and can be considered and discussed elsewhere.

Thirdly, personalized registered retirement investment vehicles, depending on your country of residence, such as; Roth IRA’s, IRA’s, TFSA and RRSP’s, can provide tremendous financial resources for retirement. The key is to begin investing in these plans early in your working career. These are individualized registered plans which can be complimentary to any company arrangement. The key is to maximize your contributions to these plans based on maximum allowable contributions set out in the Income Tax Act or what your personal family budget will allow. By following sound investment principals for funds within these plans, the opportunity for growth and income from your investment selection is extremely, good over the long term.

The final component for building a sound financial retirement foundation, is you own personal, nonregistered investments. These nonregistered investments are OUTSIDE OF your IRA, RSP, Roth IRA and TFSA. The personal nonregistered investments can consist of a portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, property (land, houses, cottages, rentals) etc. I am NOT recommending any one of these in particular as it depends on your own risk tolerance, knowledge level and personal comfort. Any one or combination of these investment possibilities could make the difference between a comfortable or meager retirement.

A real concern with any of these investments, are how you manage them. Regular contributions, knowledgeable investing and length of time the investment has to grow, are all critical to your success. With planning and the proper mindset, many people can do extremely well in their personal investments.

Clearly, having a corporate pension arrangement is just one corner stone to the overall retirement plan. Without a corporate plan available, workers must be more diligent in funding their own retirement plans and managing their own finances. This puts more stress on the workers of today. With more awareness of the retirement situation overall, assistance from financial professionals and a plan in place, hopefully more people will be financially secure in the future.

Kenneth J. McGowan, B.A., STI, MTI. PFP, FMA, CFP®, CEA®, CEP®, MCEP® Ken-McGowan-2a_thumb2

Mission Funding

1-800-884-7526 ext. 5


Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 1-3 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Weekly Wire for November 19, 2014



Upcoming Events at a glance


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

New World Church Website

Memorial Service for Bill Levitt

Ministry Workshop Vancouver

Samish Island News

Meadow Ridge Games Night Photos

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Christmas in Review Newsletter

Looming Financial Concern Part 2

What’s Up…In the CWM is here!

Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

Community of Christ Career Networking Program

Quote of the week


There will be a memorial service for Bill Levitt on Sunday November 30th at the Calgary Community of Christ.  The time will be confirmed soon, likely 2pm.


New World Church Website!

CofC logo written

Click here to see the new Community of Christ

World Church Website


Ministry Workshop Vancouver



Pray Always, Pray All Ways



It’s here! The fall edition of

What’s Up…In the CWM

click above to see it on line and in full color.


We’ll be publishing our annual ‘Christmas in Review’

newsletter in January. 

Please take lots of photos of your Christmas events and services, and send Debra your articles, or blurbs by January 15th!


Samish Island News!


From Board President Mark Chapman:

Be a caretaker at Samish! Live and serve in one of the most spectacular places on earth! We are now recruiting for the Manager of Food Service position. Interested? For details, contact: Mark Chapman, 360-420-6369.

Samish Island Campground Association Board votes to relocate proposed sport court. We heard loud and clear from those who were concerned that the proposed site would impose on the open and natural feel of the campground. After a thorough Board review of options, consensus formed around a placement to the southwest of the Christian Fellowship Centre. A $20,000 challenge grant has already been made to jump start funding. We need to raise an addition $50,000 by January 31 in order to break ground this spring. Send contributions to Dave Skoor, Samish Island Campground  Association Treasurer, 425-446-0019.

Thank you for sharing!
View a summary of the Strategic Planning Survey results. Over 100 event directors, cooks, participants and neighbors shared their ideas and feedback. This will be a valued source of data to inform the Samish Island Campground  Association Board as we work towards a refreshed strategic plan to assure a strong future for Camp Samish.


Meadow Ridge Games Night Photos



MR-Games-Night-054_thumb3MR Games Night 036

Next Games Night is November 28th!


Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

RSVP today.

New Picture (21)


Community of Christ Career Networking


For those of you who are on LinkedIn or want to be (easy to join) we have set up a Canadian Community of Christ private LinkedIn group to assist in employment opportunities through our collective networking for and with one another. The group is called "Community of Christ Net Connect." Search for it on LinkedIn and request membership.

Many Young Adults and others are unemployed, under-employed, going through career changes, health changes, re-locations, or other challenges. We can be part of the answer in their lives.

We have the capacity to make a difference through our mutual networking together. The full capability of this group is just beginning to unfold. Join us and we will create a new model of interaction that will bless us all.


Kerry Richards, Director of Mission



Looming Financial Concern: Part 2

Many workers are facing serious challenges financially when preparing for retirement, as discussed in Part 1. The onus is more on the workers than ever before to provide a financially viable retirement scenario for themselves. How then, can workers effectively prepare for retirement knowing: 1) Government benefits are and can be changed at any time. 2) Company pension plans, if in existence, are becoming less generous than before. 3) Ongoing living costs makes saving for many workers very difficult.

First, government pensions, Social Security, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security on their own, were never intended to provide a luxury retirement for anyone. Consider these pensions as your base level of income during retirement, with additional income required from other sources for more than a meager existence.

THE KEY to government benefits is to ASK for the benefits. YOU must also apply to the government for these benefits to start. But also ASK, what else is available and how do I apply to get the additional benefits? People can miss out on benefits they are entitled to because they do not ASK, what is available or understand how to apply. Keep ASKING until you are satisfied. Phone the government on different days and speak to different government workers. You might be pleasantly surprised with the different answers you receive. While the government employees do their best to stay current with ongoing benefits, inadvertently some information can be forgotten or missed. So ASK and ASK again keeping in mind, as my Grandma Walker use to say, “a closed mouth gets you nowhere!”

Government benefits are in place for a reason, so do not miss out by default. Should you need additional assistance, ask a trusted professional to assist with the ASK or to help with completing the paperwork. After all it is in your best interest financially and that of your family.

Secondly, utilize company pensions to the greatest extent possible. It is imperative for you to join whatever type of company pension arrangement available. Just by contributing the minimum dollars or percentages allowed, you will benefit in the long run. Your contributions to these plans can increase over time as your income increases.

It is reasonable for workers to ask their employer to implement a Group RSP or Group IRA. This can also benefit the business itself, as it may attract skilled workers or lower staff turnover, which can reduce training costs and increase company profits. These types of plans can be relatively inexpensive to operate and add to the overall corporate climate of the company.

Before we leave the company pension scenarios, I want to mention, I am aware of the “GOLD PLATED COMPANY PENSION” arrangements which exist. This article was never intended to discuss those particular pensions. The “Gold Plated Pensions” are a highly sensitive issue and can be considered and discussed elsewhere.

Thirdly, personalized registered retirement investment vehicles, depending on your country of residence, such as; Roth IRA’s, IRA’s, TFSA and RRSP’s, can provide tremendous financial resources for retirement. The key is to begin investing in these plans early in your working career. These are individualized registered plans which can be complimentary to any company arrangement. The key is to maximize your contributions to these plans based on maximum allowable contributions set out in the Income Tax Act or what your personal family budget will allow. By following sound investment principals for funds within these plans, the opportunity for growth and income from your investment selection is extremely, good over the long term.

The final component for building a sound financial retirement foundation, is you own personal, nonregistered investments. These nonregistered investments are OUTSIDE OF your IRA, RSP, Roth IRA and TFSA. The personal nonregistered investments can consist of a portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, property (land, houses, cottages, rentals) etc. I am NOT recommending any one of these in particular as it depends on your own risk tolerance, knowledge level and personal comfort. Any one or combination of these investment possibilities could make the difference between a comfortable or meager retirement.

A real concern with any of these investments, are how you manage them. Regular contributions, knowledgeable investing and length of time the investment has to grow, are all critical to your success. With planning and the proper mindset, many people can do extremely well in their personal investments.

Clearly, having a corporate pension arrangement is just one corner stone to the overall retirement plan. Without a corporate plan available, workers must be more diligent in funding their own retirement plans and managing their own finances. This puts more stress on the workers of today. With more awareness of the retirement situation overall, assistance from financial professionals and a plan in place, hopefully more people will be financially secure in the future.

Kenneth J. McGowan, B.A., STI, MTI. PFP, FMA, CFP®, CEA®, CEP®, MCEP® Ken McGowan 2a

Mission Funding

1-800-884-7526 ext. 5




Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 1-3 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Weekly Wire for November 12, 2014



Upcoming Events at a glance


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

Peace Colloquy - Peace Award Presentation link and Photos

Samish Island News

Meadow Ridge Games Night Photos

What’s Up…In the CWM is here!

Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

Community of Christ Career Networking Program

Quote of the week


It’s here! The fall edition of

What’s Up…In the CWM

click above to see it on line and in full color.



Samish Island News!

photo 2

From Board President Mark Chapman:

Be a caretaker at Samish! Live and serve in one of the most spectacular places on earth! We are now recruiting for the Manager of Food Service position. Interested? For details, contact: Mark Chapman, 360-420-6369.

Samish Island Campground Association Board votes to relocate proposed sport court. We heard loud and clear from those who were concerned that the proposed site would impose on the open and natural feel of the campground. After a thorough Board review of options, consensus formed around a placement to the southwest of the Christian Fellowship Centre. A $20,000 challenge grant has already been made to jump start funding. We need to raise an addition $50,000 by January 31 in order to break ground this spring. Send contributions to Dave Skoor, Samish Island Campground  Association Treasurer, 425-446-0019.

Thank you for sharing!
View a summary of the Strategic Planning Survey results. Over 100 event directors, cooks, participants and neighbors shared their ideas and feedback. This will be a valued source of data to inform the Samish Island Campground  Association Board as we work towards a refreshed strategic plan to assure a strong future for Camp Samish.


Meadow Ridge Games Night Photos

MR Games Night 040

MR Games Night 060MR Games Night 059

MR Games Night 047

MR Games Night 054

Next Games Night is November 28th!


Register for Peace Colloquy

Click below to see the

2014 Community of Christ International Peace Award Presentation 



Mission Centre President Stephen Thompson


President Steve Veazey


Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

RSVP today.



Community of Christ Career Networking


For those of you who are on LinkedIn or want to be (easy to join) we have set up a Canadian Community of Christ private LinkedIn group to assist in employment opportunities through our collective networking for and with one another. The group is called "Community of Christ Net Connect." Search for it on LinkedIn and request membership.

Many Young Adults and others are unemployed, under-employed, going through career changes, health changes, re-locations, or other challenges. We can be part of the answer in their lives.

We have the capacity to make a difference through our mutual networking together. The full capability of this group is just beginning to unfold. Join us and we will create a new model of interaction that will bless us all.


Kerry Richards, Director of Mission



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 1-3 Silent Retreat Samish Island

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Weekly Wire for November 5, 2014



Upcoming Events at a glance

November 7-9 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Edmonton


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

Peace Colloquy - Peace Award Presentation link and Photos

Saskatchewan Homecoming

What’s Up…In the CWM is here!

Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

Community of Christ Career Networking Program

Halloween Party in Vancouver

2014 Camps, Retreats and Reunions info

Youth Worker Registration Form

Quote of the week


It’s here! The fall edition of

What’s Up…In the CWM

click above to see it on line and in full color.

Copies have been mailed this week

to your home or church.



Register for Peace Colloquy

Click below to see the

2014 Community of Christ International Peace Award Presentation 


David Barth and Farrah Ali-Khan from World Accord


Death Count

Someone in the world dies every 3.7 seconds due to a poverty related illness.


Mission Centre President Stephen Thompson


President Steve Veazey



Saskatchewan Homecoming

Saskatchewan Homecoming is undergoing a change this year.  As Roger Wolsey is known internationally for his book "Kissing Fish", we are opening this event to the public as well as the CWM membership. There will still be plenty of opportunity for us to fellowship together.  Space is limited, so please register with Dan Woynarski as soon as you can.



Halloween in Vancouver


Left to Right Chris Phelps, Charlotte Goheen and Debra Donohue


Faith Soupidis, Sky Lee, Jackson Lee and Benjamin Christensen



The Table of Terror included Dragon’s Eyeballs,

Bats, Centipedes and Monkey Brains…the reactions

of those who dared to touch them.


Zoe Soupidis


Susan Vawter


Heather Vawter


Benjamin Christensen eating the Monkey Brains!


Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver

RSVP today.



Community of Christ Career Networking


For those of you who are on LinkedIn or want to be (easy to join) we have set up a Canadian Community of Christ private LinkedIn group to assist in employment opportunities through our collective networking for and with one another. The group is called "Community of Christ Net Connect." Search for it on LinkedIn and request membership.

Many Young Adults and others are unemployed, under-employed, going through career changes, health changes, re-locations, or other challenges. We can be part of the answer in their lives.

We have the capacity to make a difference through our mutual networking together. The full capability of this group is just beginning to unfold. Join us and we will create a new model of interaction that will bless us all.


Kerry Richards, Director of Mission



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


November 7-9 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Edmonton


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 1-3 Silent Retreat Samish Island

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates
