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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weekly Wire for June 29, 2011


Sunday School Picnic – Vancouver- and sunny too!

 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 001 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 006

The weather was perfect for our annual Sunday School Picnic in Vancouver last Sunday!  Everyone brought delicious food but the best part was the great conversations with friends…well the kids might have something to say about that.  Sarah-Joy Hopkin brought a “parachute” for the kids to play with … and boy was it a huge hit.

 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 011A Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 012 

First everyone grabs an edge…

Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 014 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 017 

then up up up… and two people from opposite sides run underneath as quick as they can to switch positions!  Next we tucked the edges under us and sat on them…voila a giant mushroom!

 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 021 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 022 Vancouver - Sunday School Picnic 025 

The cat never had it so tough as in this game of cat and mouse…the cat runs around on top of the parachute looking for the mouse while the team vigorously whips the edges of the parachute.  The mouse runs under the parachute trying not to get caught!

Special thanks to Leah Christensen for organizing our event and Sarah-Joy Hopkin for bringing the games!


It’s time to register for SINGLES REUNION at SAMISH ISLAND!

Samish Island

Aug 14-20  Cost $198.11  Reunion Theme “Discerning the Power Within”

Presenter: Seventy Karen Peter

Northwest Support Group has the following goals:   

* Healing: Emotional, physical, spiritual, and sense of self worth

* Support: Building a support system; bonding with each other

* Commitment: Recognition of our commitment to God and God's commitment to us

* Define life's purpose: Develop life's disciplines and clarify specific objectives

* Doing the vision: Going beyond self, responding to God's call to us, being empowered to fulfill God's call.

Retreat activities include large and small group interaction, individual sharing time, classes, campfires, special dinner, uplifting worships, and other events. This is the opportunity to renew contacts with other singles. Take time to think, "Will I venture with other caring singles!"

Register with Betty and Ken Fernandes


Click here to see the Camp Kimtah flyer!


New – Canada West Mission Prayer List


In July we will be starting up a Canada West Mission Prayer list which we plan to have come out the first and 15th of each month(or close to those dates). The prayer requests will stay on the list for 2 cycles or one month, please update your requests after that.  You may want to assign one person from your congregation to send these in, and of course anyone can send individual pray requests as they feel the need.   Please send your prayer requests to

When writing a prayer request please use the following format:

John Smith – Vancouver – Broken arm

Mary Smith- Ribstone – Cancer and Stomach issues

Joe Smith – Calgary – Personal Strength and Support

There are two reasons for the simplified format, one – we anticipate a large list and two – it’s important to be mindful of the personal privacy of the person asking for prayers.   God will know what each of us needs.


Debra Donohue



Mission Conference 2011

Are you making plans to come to Vancouver for Mission Conference 2011?  Our full schedule will be out soon, but please note that our activities will go into the early evening on Sunday night.  You will probably want to make your return travel plans for the holiday Monday.

Mission Conference Accommodation

Be sure to book your accommodation early for Mission Conference in Vancouver, September 2nd to 4th.  We have LOTS of FREE accommodation available!  To arrange for billeting contact Linda Phelps at 604-792-1057 or

Mission Conference Registration

Register now to or call toll free 1-877-411-2632  Remember that everyone attending must register so we can plan for meals and special events!


Calgary Summer Schedule

Calgary's summer worship will begin at 10am starting July 3. Regular (11am) worship services resume September 4.


Upcoming Camps, Retreats and Reunions!

July 2-8 Senior High Camp (15-18 yrs) Hills of Peace - postponed until next year
July 3-9 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 9-15 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 16-20 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 21- Aug 1 Spectacular Graceland University
July 23-29 Junior High Camp (12-14 yrs) Hills of Peace - postponed until next year
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 5-7 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 14-20 Singles Reunion Samish Island

September 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference - Vancouver, BC
September 16-18 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
September 23-25 Men's Retreat Hills of Peace
Sept 30-Oct 2 Singles Retreat Samish Island

Please remember to register today!

Samish Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Susan Skoor, Brad and Lori Martell.  Registration

Hills of Peace Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Jim Poirier, Kris and Peter Judd   Registration

For more information on these and all camps, click here to see the

 CWM Camping Guide 


Click here to see the latest issue of

“What’s Up … in the CWM” online.

What's up May 2011


“Let God be by your side always”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Video Teaser for June 28, 2011

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weekly Wire for June 22, 2011

Sunday School Picnic -  Vancouver

The Vancouver Congregation will be holding our annual Sunday School Picnic this Sunday June 26 immediately following church.  Bring a side dish or a salad and after lunch we'll head over to Slocan Park for all sorts of games and sports! Don't forget your sunscreen!


Congregational Blessing - Victoria

 IMG_3614_2 IMG_3612_2IMG_3618_2   

The Victoria congregation had their congregational blessing service on Sunday, June 12.  Evangelist Brian Gibson brought the morning message, Nola Gibson was the soloist and Evangelist Robin Duff gave the congregation prayer of blessing. Lunch was served following the service.

Congregation Cropped 


Adult Reunion in Review

"Last week 30 people gathered at Samish Camp for the Samish Adult Reunion.  Guest Ministers for the event were Apostle Scott Murphy (a member of the Samish Congregation for 9 years in the 1980s) and GPNW MC Congregational Support Minister, Shari Amos from Oregon.  The weeks ministry focused on D&C 164.  Each day featured a prayer service, class and an evening worship service.  Outstanding food was shared and much visiting and sharing occupied our time and brought us a great deal of joy.  Those attending expressed intent to return and sharing again in this wonderful spiritual experience.  As Director I am hopeful that the attendance next year will grow because we had about 15 less than our annual average this year."

Submitted by Glen Fishel



Mission Conference 2011

Are you making plans to come to Vancouver for Mission Conference 2011?  Our full schedule will be out soon, but please note that our activities will go into the early evening on Sunday night.  You will probably want to make your return travel plans for the holiday Monday.

Mission Conference Accommodation

Be sure to book your accommodation early for Mission Conference in Vancouver, September 2nd to 4th.  We have LOTS of FREE accommodation available!  To arrange for billeting contact Linda Phelps at 604-792-1057 or

Mission Conference Registration

Register now to or call toll free 1-877-411-2632  Remember that everyone attending must register so we can plan for meals and special events!


Upcoming camps in July!

July 2-8 Senior High Camp (15-18 yrs) Hills of Peace - postponed until next year
July 3-9 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 9-15 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 16-20 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 21- Aug 1 Spectacular Graceland University
July 23-29 Junior High Camp (12-14 yrs) Hills of Peace – postponed until next year
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

Please remember to register today!

Samish Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Susan Skoor, Brad and Lori Martell.  Registration

Hills of Peace Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Jim Poirier, Kris and Peter Judd   Registration

For more information on these and all camps, click here to see the

 CWM Camping Guide 


Ribstone Summer Schedule

July 3    Steve Thompson guest speaker
July 10  Dorothy McMann
July 17  Darleene Skinner
18 –22  Vacation Bible School 9 - Noon for children 4 to 12 with Tarla Olson 
July 24  Anita Bates
July 31  Song Service "Songs Through the Ages" 7 pm. Change for Change -World Accord
Aug 7    Debra Greibrok guest speaker
Aug 14  Joanne Goulet
Aug 21  5 pm Advisory Council Meeting to plan October through December
Aug 21  Darleene Skinner 7 pm followed by "Just Desserts"
Aug 28  Anita Bates. Change for Change - World Accord
Sept 1   Thursday- First Session of Baptism/Basic Beliefs Classes 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Sept 4   NO CHURCH
Sept11  First Day Back at Sunday School (10 am)
                     Annual Truck Pull
                     Loonies for Literacy (for World Accord)
                     Gospel Concert by "Touch of Grace" (11:10 am)
                     Pot Luck Lunch (Sandwiches, Squares, Fruit trays, Veggie Trays)


Click here to see the

new issue of

“What’s Up … in the CWM” online.

What's up May 2011


Summer is Here!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Video Teaser for June 21, 2011

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weekly Wire for June 15, 2011



Mission Conference 2011

Are you making plans to come to Vancouver for Mission Conference 2011?  Our full schedule will be out soon, but please note that our activities will go into the early evening on Sunday night.  You will probably want to make your return travel plans for the holiday Monday.

Mission Conference Accommodation

Be sure to book your accommodation early for Mission Conference in Vancouver, September 2nd to 4th.  We have LOTS of FREE accommodation available!  To arrange for billeting contact Linda Phelps at 604-792-1057 or

Mission Conference Registration

Register now to or call toll free 1-877-411-2632


Upcoming camps in July!

July 2-8 Senior High Camp (15-18 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 3-9 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 9-15 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 16-20 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 21- Aug 1 Spectacular Graceland University
July 23-29 Junior High Camp (12-14 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

Please remember to register today!

Samish Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Susan Skoor, Brad and Lori Martell.  Registration

Hills of Peace Family Reunion Guest Ministry: Jim Poirier, Kris and Peter Judd   Registration

For more information on these and all camps, click here to see the

 CWM Camping Guide 



Saskatoon Worship Service Summer Schedule

Saskatoon Congregation edited

no Sunday School

June 26 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Lisa Neudorf)

July 3 Communion Service – 10:00 am (Brenda Senga)

July 10 NO WORSHIP SERVICE (Reunion)

July 17 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Diane Middleton)

July 24 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Pat Fisher)

July 31 Worship Service – 7:00 pm (Clarissa McLean)

August 7 Communion Service – 10:00 am (Lynne Wilkie)

August 14 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Corleen McLean)

August 21 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Brenda Senga) – Guest Speaker: Dan Woynarski

August 28 Worship Service – 10:00 am (Lisa Neudorf)

September 4 NO WORSHIP SERVICE (Mission Conference – Vancouver)

September 11 Regular Services Resume

Presider’s name in italics


We Need You!

Camp Genesis 2 

Remember when you were a kid at camp and you looked up to the camp councilors?  Remember how cool you thought they were and how you always wanted to be the little girl who held hands with her  councilor or the little boy who got to win the 3 legged race with his councilor?  Well now is the time to give back.  Youth camps NEED YOU to be an inspiration to a whole new generation of kids.  If you’re a registered youth worker contact a camp director and volunteer at a camp this summer.  If you’re not a registered youth worker – what are you waiting for! – contact your pastor today.  Make a difference in a child or youth’s life today. 


Hills of Peace youth camps

We urgently need campers to register by June 15th for ALL Hills of Peace Youth Camps. Jr. High camp also urgently requires male staff who are Registered Youth Workers.

It is extremely important that registrations happen immediately and that we have enough staff for the Jr.High  Camp. The deadline for registrations is June 15th

 Junior Camp 8-11 year olds
July 16-20 Theme ―”It’s a God Thing” Director Corleen McLean  or 306-716-2784
We will play together, work together, sing together and learn together - and we will learn to see God in everyone we meet. There will be mini-Olympics, sunrise walks, "backwards day" and lots of crafts, classes and activities!

Junior High Camp 12-14 year olds
July 23-29
Camp Director Tabatha Knox

Senior High Camp 15-18 year olds
July 2-8 Directors: Dan Woynarski, Rachelle Smalldon  
Theme: the Me I want to be
Last year's highlights; Swimming at Capt Ayre, Movie Night in Wainwright, Canada Day celebrations at CFB Wainwright and Tim Horton's Drive Thru.

Costs: donations accepted


Click here to see the

new issue of

“What’s Up … in the CWM” online.

What's up May 2011 


You can now register for

Youth Camps at Samish Island 

through this link! 


Registration Instructions for Camping Season

To register for camps please use this link Camp Registration fill out the form and email it to the appropriate camp director. This is used as a courtesy to the camp director, to  hold your spot at the camp, retreat, or function, and to provide the cooks with basic numbers for meals.

The enrollment form must be printed, filled out, scanned and emailed, snail mailed, or you can bring the signed forms with you to camp.  This procedure is in place because we MUST have signatures on these forms.

Additional Medical and Liability information can be found on the CWM Downloads page of the CWM Website as well.


Peace and Justice  --  Human Rights

Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome to this issue from the “In The Forefront” mailing list.  To alter your profile, follow the steps at the end, where your profile is listed. 

[This newsletter was delayed until it became clearer where the potentially explosive events in the Abyei region of Sudan might go (fortunately it did not lead to civil war).  And due to other constraints, the overall contents are smaller than normal.]

This newsletter contains the latest status of Sudan – both the extremely volatile region of Abyei, and the continuing deterioration of Darfur even while peace negotiations draw near to their closing.  Also included are actions related to the IMF and to Arctic drilling.


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Less than two weeks ago, North Sudan’s armed forces attacked and occupied much of Abyei.  As of May 31, they have moved south and destroyed the bridge that links the region to the South, but as of this writing, they have not taken over the near-by oilfields.  While it was precipitated by a prior, somewhat fuzzy, skirmish, the act could have ignited a return to civil war.  However the South did not escalate the crisis and [June 1 update] negotiations are underway to resolve the immediate tensions.  Humanitarian aid into the region has largely been choked-off by a North-imposed embargo on goods from the South a month ago.

This attack is a blatant violation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.  President Bashir is either determined to take Abyei and more oilfields, is acting to shore-up northern support, or he is at least probing to see what credible threats might occur if he continues.  The four main actors to help stabilize the situation are South Sudan itself, The AU, the U.S. and China (for more details, see  At this point there is an action, below, addressed to President Obama, to support a firm stance on this incident.  In the rapid pace, this is now slightly dated, as the U.S. is quite engaged, so the action would be to support such moves.

Take Action:

Send a Message to President Obama




For two years a Doha peace process has been underway to try to resolve the Darfur crisis.  It has had two levels – one dealing with the Sudan government and rebels, and one dealing with “civil society”, and is about to wrap up.  This is a little dated but the overall sentiment remains valid and thus is worth pursuing.



The president of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) recently resigned amid a scandal.  Just as this newsletter was about to be sent, the following action came in, to encourage a fair and merit-based selection process for the new president.   Given its selection history, there is merit in such action.  But I signed it also simply to send the IMF a signal that the world hasn’t forgotten about the IMF.  It is not a strong signal, especially given the influence the IMF has, thinking in particular of some of the terribly destructive fall-out of its SAP (Structural Adjustment Programs) directives to countries.  And it sidesteps the issue of the need to overhaul the whole international system (World Bank, IMF, etc.).  But the opportunity arose and you can take it if you feel similarly inclined.

Take Action:



Greenpeace has created an action to stop Cairn Energy from drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean by Greenland.  Cairn has not disclosed its plan for any potential oil spill.  Thus due to the harsh Arctic weather, sea ice and the lack of facilities to handle an oil spill, it would be sheer folly to proceed, even if you were for Arctic drilling.  Consider taking the action below to at least force Cairn to disclose its oil spill response plan:

Take Action:

Email Cairn CEO




In Reverse Gear: Unsustainable Plans for the Amazon

These newsletters have raised the crucial issue of a healthy Amazon rainforest (“the earth’s lungs”), and we have seen moves tilting in the right direction.  But recently the lower house of the Brazilian Congress approved a reform of the forestry code that would make it easier to clear land in the Amazon jungle for agriculture, an unfortunate backward step, brought on by many factors including the rise in soybean production, mainly for ethanol for gas.  Coincidentally, that same day, a husband and wife team of activists who spent years fighting illegal deforestation in the rainforest were murdered.  The political landscape is complex; the death of such activists is both tragic and  reprehensible; the whole dynamic reinforces that tendency that gains made, unless they transform societal structures, are prone to being undone at a later stage, and thus require continual vigilance.




Happy 50th birthday – Amnesty International !

May 28 is a day that changed the human rights movement forever. Fifty years ago one person - Peter Benenson - outraged by injustices he read about in the paper, asked others to unite with him in common action. He said: “Yet if these feelings of disgust all over the world could be united into common action, something effective could be done.” But more than words, he acted.  Of course he was not the first person to stand up and organize against injustice.  But it shows the power of what can be done and it is worth pausing to honour the effort and effect that Amnesty International has had and continues to have.  For a brief background on May 28, 1961, see the following link:

Ratko Mladic, former Bosnian Serb Commander, Captured

This newsletter usually includes a few issues not covered by mainstream news.  But Mladic’s capture is being highlighted for its overall strengthening of international justice.  Moving toward a better world involves creating an ethos and structure whereby such atrocities happen less and less because potential perpetrators know the risk of being caught is too great.  We have decades to go, but this is a step that reinforces that goal.

Background and Implications of Arrest

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Missed an action email?  An archive is kept at:

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In appreciation and support,

  Rod Downing

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Video Teaser for June 14, 2011

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weekly Wire for June 8, 2011

Help !

Save the children from boredom!

We need a registered youth worker to provide daytime classes for young children at the Young Adult Retreat at Hills of Peace this coming weekend.  If you can provide this valuable service, please contact Caitlin Ball at or 403-475-9451.   image 


Adult Reunion at Samish Island June 11-17 Register Today!

"For the past 11 years an Adult Reunion has been held at Samish Island Campground to provide opportunity for interested adults of any age to assemble and worship, pray, fellowship and study together in a very peaceful atmJack Hedalosphere. We will continue this year to focus our ministry on the last few inspired messages to the Community of Christ seeking greater understanding.
Approximately 50 people from GPNW, Inland West, Canada West and some other distant Mission Centers attend each year. Guest ministers from our International Community of Christ come and provide ministry. We have outstanding spiritual experiences and rich fellowship. Our schedule is relatively relaxed to provide opportunity for much visiting and sharing together; and by the way the food is very good. Our guest minister for 2011 is Apostle Scott Murphy 
This reunion does not take the place of our "Family" reunions where we meet together with family members of all ages. We encourage the Adult Reunion attendees to go to their "Family' reunions to share in them. Come and share; you will not be disappointed!"


We Need You!

Reunion 2008 062 kids ready for camping season 

Remember when you were a kid at camp and you looked up to the camp councilors?  Remember how cool you thought they were and how you always wanted to be the little girl who held hands with her  councilor or the little boy who got to win the 3 legged race with his councilor?  Well now is the time to give back.  Youth camps NEED YOU to be an inspiration to a whole new generation of kids.  If you’re a registered youth worker contact a camp director and volunteer at a camp this summer.  If you’re not a registered youth worker – what are you waiting for! – contact your pastor today.  Make a difference in a child or youth’s life today.

Kimtah 2010a


Hills of Peace youth camps

We urgently need campers to register by June 15th for ALL Hills of Peace Youth Camps. Jr. High camp also urgently requires male staff who are Registered Youth Workers.

It is extremely important that registrations happen immediately and that we have enough staff for the Jr.High  Camp. The deadline for registrations is June 15th

 Junior Camp 8-11 year olds
July 16-20 Theme ―”It’s a God Thing” Director Corleen McLean  or 306-716-2784
We will play together, work together, sing together and learn together - and we will learn to see God in everyone we meet. There will be mini-Olympics, sunrise walks, "backwards day" and lots of crafts, classes and activities!

Junior High Camp 12-14 year olds
July 23-29
Camp Director Tabatha Knox

Senior High Camp 15-18 year olds
July 2-8 Directors: Dan Woynarski, Rachelle Smalldon  
Theme: the Me I want to be
Last year's highlights; Swimming at Capt Ayre, Movie Night in Wainwright, Canada Day celebrations at CFB Wainwright and Tim Horton's Drive Thru.

Costs: donations accepted


Camp Genesis Wrap up! Wow!











This year's Camp Genesis (for children in grades 2 & 3), themed: "It's a God Thing", was a great kick-start to our summer camping season!

18 campers attended from both Washington and British Columbia and 12 staff members made the camp a success.

Highlights you'll find in this photo sampling: wildly popular craft class with Christine Campbell, Games time with Jean Cravey, nature walks, worship time, and a theme class by Shannon McAdam.  

Genesis_2011_camp_pic_13_2011-06-04_07-36-06 - Version 2 

As tradition at this camp goes we take both "serious" and "silly" camp photos - can you tell the difference?

Genesis_2011_camp_pic_15_2011-06-04_07-37-05 - Version 2 

A great time was had by all and more than one camper could be heard saying that they can't wait for family camp later this summer and for camp Genesis next year!



Spiritual Retreat Review


On June 3rd, 22 of us gathered at Hills of Peace for a weekend of enlightenment.  And we were not disappointed!  We enjoyed a small display of God’s greatness with rain, snow, sun and yes, mosquitoes. (And all in 3 days!) 

Bruce Crockett Bruce Crockett took us on a “Journey of the Beloved”. He started us off with with some Tai Chi and led us into a discussion on discernment. Bruce encouraged us to share and throughout the weekend, we were more than willing to oblige. Friday night we watched a movie on the life of Henri Nouwen and then Denise Esch had the group combine puzzle skills and  fellowship.  Following a good nights rest and waking up to snow, our day started with devotions led by Gloria Stanton.   Then Bruce led us in the parts of the book, “Life of the Beloved”: Taken, Blessed, Broken and Given.  Sunday morning we closed our weekend together with a communion service, with Dan Esch as our speaker.  We were all truly blessed for having been together for the weekend, as we shared our experiences and our faith.

Gloria Stanton, Lynda Mills, Bruce Crockett, & Darrell Belrose. Lois Aspvik, Paddockwood Congregation.  Linda Klughart & Lois Simpson,


What's up May 2011

Click here to see the

new issue of

“What’s Up … in the CWM” online.




You can now register for

Youth Camps at Samish Island 

through this link! 


Registration Instructions for Camping Season

To register for camps please use this link Camp Registration fill out the form and email it to the appropriate camp director. This is used as a courtesy to the camp director, to  hold your spot at the camp, retreat, or function, and to provide the cooks with basic numbers for meals.

The enrollment form must be printed, filled out, scanned and emailed, snail mailed, or you can bring the signed forms with you to camp.  This procedure is in place because we MUST have signatures on these forms.

Additional Medical and Liability information can be found on the CWM Downloads page of the CWM Website as well.


Camp Kimtah

(Samish Senior High Age – Boys & Girls) is looking for 2 more male counselors and 1 more female counselor. Must be at least 23 years of age and registered youth worker or willing to become one. You would need to be at Samish from late afternoon on Saturday, August 6th to about 1 PM on Saturday, August 13th. If you’re interested please contact Sean Langdon, Business Manager, at 425-293-6366 or Catherine Peter, Camp Director, at 253-740-9277


June 2011
Keeping the church connected

The church has been introduced to five mission initiatives that will change lives, the church, and the world! Learn more by watching President Stephen M. Veazey’s address that he shared with the worldwide church on April 10: and at

Christ’s mission is our mission! From this point forward, all ministries, personnel, and resources of the World Church will be focused on the whole mission of Jesus Christ through these mission initiatives:

  • Invite People to Christ—Christ’s mission of evangelism
  • Abolish Poverty, End Suffering—Christ’s mission of compassion
  • Pursue Peace on Earth—Christ’s mission of justice and peace
  • Develop Disciples to Serve—equip individuals for Christ’s mission
  • Experience Congregations in Mission—equip congregations for Christ’s mission

The World Church Finance Board discussed the initiatives at its May meeting. See the response in a news story at or in the July Herald.

Get involved and stay connected with how the mission initiatives have the power to transform lives on Community of Christ’s Power of 10 website: In the USA, use your mobile device to text MISSION to 74574 to get to the site. During your visit, share mission stories from your community, read others’ stories, and connect to the financial and emotional results of your giving to mission initiatives.

Early retirement has been granted to President of the Council of Twelve and Director of Field Ministries Jim Slauter. See Letters of Counsel Regarding the Presiding Quorums, letters from Jim and the Council of Twelve Apostles, and details about new apostolic assignments at

New resources to prepare for the USA National Conference are at and were mailed to the following people in the USA: pastors, congregational financial officers, field specialists and appointees, and mission center presidents and financial officers in the USA.

  • Letter from the USA Team of Apostles
  • Process Overview for “Ways of Discovering God’s Will” model with a resource timeline
  • Together in Christ—A Journey of Faith: Reflective Questions and Spiritual Practices for the Journey to the 2012 USA National Conference

Members and congregations are invited to join in daily prayer for the church in the United States and actively engage in this journey of faith using these resources.

The 2011 Community of Christ International Peace Award will honor visionary author and environmentalist Terry Tempest Williams. Throughout her life she has focused on how to make the broken fragments of life into something whole and beautiful again. Her book, Finding Beauty in a Broken World (2008), uses mosaic as a metaphor to explore the injustices and brokenness of two types of genocide: extermination of prairie dogs in western USA and the 1994 slaughter of 1 million Tutsi in Rwanda due to ethnic tensions. Through these heartbreaking journeys, Williams finds the beauty, peace, and hope of restoration that can come only through a Spirit-filled soul. Read more in the June Herald and on June 1 at

The Peace Colloquy theme, “Creating Hope, Healing Earth,” honors her work to promote peace with an ethical stance toward life. Attend the Colloquy (October 21-23) and see her accept the award and share a keynote address. The peace award ceremony will be at 7:30 p.m. central, Friday, October 21, at the Temple in Independence, Missouri. It will be webcast live in English, French, and Spanish at

In times of crisis, Community of Christ responds as a worldwide church through your prayers and contributions to the Oblation Fund and the Abolish Poverty, End Suffering mission initiative. There have been several tornadoes in the Midwestern USA recently. Local and World Church leaders are working together to assess immediate and long-term needs in affected communities.

As of May 24, all members of the Joplin Congregation in Missouri were accounted for after a devastating tornado on May 22. Apostle Rick Maupin reported that “the church is providing aid to church families through Oblation funds as needs are identified. The church building was not damaged.” Meals, bottled water, and an opportunity for worship to assist in the healing were shared. Visit

Thank you for sharing this story, offering prayers, and giving generously. You can give using offertory envelopes in congregations or online at

Explore more deeply what Doctrine and Covenants 164:6a–b has to say about relationships in a Herald series. Apostle Stassi Cramm’s commentary explores how the principle of mutual respect gains traction when two cultures brush against each other during a presentation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Send your reflections about articles to and we may print them in a future issue. See the series at or sign up at to get them delivered free to your e-mail.

“God’s Presence in the Everyday” is a sermon by Dave Schaal, First Presidency, that you can see at and on the Witness the Word DVD that was mailed to pastors in Australia, British Isles, Canada, and the United States. You can also watch and download Witness the Word sermons online.

Revised guidelines/criteria for World Hunger and Tangible Love Funds can be found on their respective websites and under “Application and Reporting.” Financial resources from the two funds are made available through “seed” grants to help congregations and mission centers abolish poverty and end suffering through development of collaborative, innovative programs that restore or protect the worth of persons and sacredness of the Earth. Your congregation is encouraged to get involved in your community by developing hunger related and/or justice, peace, and compassionate ministries. The two websites provide ideas and ways to make this happen. Check them out.

Are you interested in starting a Young Peacemakers’ Club (YPC) in your congregation? Do you already have a YPC? Please contact Dr. Rebecca Newcom Belcher at the Children’s Peace Pavilion ( to access a YPC Leader’s Handbook and introductory curriculum.

Restoration Studies invites submissions. It has been published by the church on an occasional basis since 1980. For the last three years (volumes X, XI, and XII) it has been published annually by the John Whitmer Historical Association under special arrangement with the church. This publication includes articles on theology and culture in the church and the broader Latter Day Saint movement. Although most of the articles are scholarly, research-based works, papers of a more reflective, testimonial nature are also included. Articles may be submitted to the editor (Peter Judd at by September 15, 2011, for the 2012 issue. More information about specifications (length, format, etc.) are available from the editor. Restoration Studies promotes the free expression of carefully considered points of view on matters related to Community of Christ and the broader tradition of which it is a part.

Visit the Children’s Peace Pavilion at Community of Christ Auditorium in Independence, Missouri. A new director (Dr. Rebecca Newcom Belcher), a renovated Pavilion, and new exhibits all await you. Come experience peacemaking. Visit the website at for information on planning your visit. We look forward to visiting with you this summer.

MEADS offers a new course on Worship, August 1–5 from 1:30–5:00 p.m. at the Community of Christ Temple in Independence, Missouri. All are welcome to enroll. Jane Gardner, director of Integrated Formation Ministries and High Priest Quorum president, will be the instructor. The course will address many subjects on corporate worship along with new planning and leadership skills for worship experiences in various congregational settings. This course is offered in addition to the MEADS certificate program courses, but is not part of certification.

For those enrolled or interested in starting the certificate program, August courses are New Testament, taught by Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith; and Theological Foundations for Christian Ministry, taught by Wim van Klinken. Cost is $88 for one class, $175 for two. A senior rate (55+) of $25 is offered for the Worship course. For more information or to register, contact Michelle Booth: To learn more about Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies and future classes, visit

Did you know the church’s website at has a search feature that helps you find information on the website quickly and easily? Just enter a word or phrase that describes what you’re looking for and hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

In a few short years people have become comfortable communicating and transacting business on their computers and telephones. Personal information now must be guarded more than ever. This month’s Community of Christ Health Ministries Association health brief reviews how to retrieve a free credit report and other suggestions to protect financial, emotional, physical, and mental health. We also provide information to keep children safe online while they are spending more time this summer on social networks and the computer. Go to for the latest health brief/bulletin insert on “Safety in the Electronic Age.”

Catch the June generosity stories at PowerPoint presentations are included with each week’s story except the June 12 contribution update.

Did you know when you fund a gift annuity with Community of Christ, the church agrees to pay you at a fixed rate as long as you live? The beauty of a charitable gift annuity is that it never changes—no matter what the economy does! Incredibly reliable. Simple to understand. Contact Estate and Financial Planning to learn more: 1-800-884-7526; Visit the website at

Check out the Disciple Formation Guide at As disciples of Jesus, we seek to grow more like Christ every day. The Disciple Formation Guide is an online tool designed to help you find and use disciple-formation resources from Community of Christ to further this growth. It links you to tools that will help you create customized resources for your classes, groups, congregations, and more. Explore the possibilities today!

Please share the following information with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at

  • Walking With Jesus: Disciples in Community of Christ (Revised) is used to prepare people for baptism, confirmation or both. This recently revised book is a disciple’s guide for people seeking to follow Jesus Christ as a member of Community of Christ. Ten easy-to-read chapters offer insight to various areas of participation in Community of Christ.    9780830914708    $9.95

Daily Prayer for Peace—A brief worship service is held daily at 1:00 p.m. central time at the Temple. Join us in prayer from wherever you are. For details and the text of each day’s prayer, visit

World Ministries Contributions Update

Align Your Giving with What Matters Most

The church received an estimated $775,000 in World Mission Tithes in April, 6% less than the budget for the month. Even with this one month under budget, more than two-thirds of our congregations have increased their giving over this time last year. Ten months through the fiscal year, we are exceeding budgeted income by 5%. Your dedication and sacrifice as generous disciples is deeply encouraging.

The Spirit has been moving through the church—inspiring, challenging, and encouraging us in our call to become more generous disciples. In his address to the worldwide church on April 10, President Steve Veazey challenged us to consider how much the mission of Jesus Christ really matters to us. “Words and good intentions are not enough,” he declared. “Are we willing to align our time, energy, and means to show the mission of Christ matters most?”

Steve asserted that “Generous response from all, according to true capacity now and in the years ahead…will make mission happen beyond what we now can see” (

Are you responding to God’s generosity by giving to your full capacity to worldwide and local ministries? Your contributions in July will launch the 2012 fiscal year, and will be directly aligned with Christ’s mission through the mission initiatives. Christ’s mission is our mission! Thank you to all who support the ministries we are called to share with the world. Learn more about the mission initiatives and giving options at or

Due to manual reporting by some jurisdictions, actual income may take several months to finalize. Numbers provided are estimates based on reports received.

Upcoming Events
June 6–10: Seminary Focus Session
June 12: Pentecost/Endowment Day

July 4: International Headquarters offices closed—Independence Day (USA)
July 23–30: Spectacular—Graceland, Lamoni, Iowa (USA)

August 1–5: MEADS
August 19–20: Health and Spirituality Workshop

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Canada West Mission Conference Accommodation

Be sure to book your accommodation early for Mission Conference in Vancouver, September 2nd to 4th.  We have LOTS of FREE accommodation available!

To arrange for billeting contact Linda Phelps at 604-792-1057 or

Or if you prefer a Hotel…

The Days Inn - $119per night 2 Queen beds, $109 2 Double beds, free continental breakfast, internet and parking. Other rooms and rates available. Use booking code “CWMConference”  2075 Kingsway, Vancouver, V5N2T2   604-876-5531 or 1-800-546-4792  

Accent Inn - $109per night- includes complimentary shuttle to and from Conference, free parking and internet.  3777 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5 Canada Phone (604) 473-5000 Fax (604) 473-5095 email Use booking code Community of Christ.


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