Upcoming Events at a Glance
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (entering grades 3 & 4) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (entering grades 5 & 6) Samish Island
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
You will find below the link to a number of documents that have been created to assist with understanding the Interim Policy Changes for Canada regarding 1) Ordination of Priesthood of Same-Sex/Gender Orientation and 2) Authorizing and Officiating at Same-Sex/Gender Marriages.
The Interim Policies will be implemented in Canada only, June 1, 2013.
You will find the following documents at this link Interim Policy
- Canada Cover Letter from the Apostle
- Final Edited Canada Same-Gender Policies
- Interim Policies Canada Q&A
- Faithful Disagreement
Please review all documents, particularly the Interim Policy changes. If you have questions regarding the implementation please contact me.
Gregory R. Goheen, Bishop
CWM President & Financial Officer
Adult Spiritual Retreat – Hills of Peace!
Register Today!
It’s time to register for summer camps, retreats and reunions. Get all the details here!
Canada West Youth Camp - Hills of Peace July 1-6
Guest Ministry Rachelle Smalldon
Young Adult Ministries Specialist, International Headquarters
This summer, all Junior High age campers (ages 11-14), Senior High age campers (ages 15-18) and Young Adults (between the ages of 18-21) are invited to attend Canada West Youth Camp 2013. This camp will take place July 1-6 at Hills of Peace Campground.
Register Today!
Canada West Youth Camp needs female counselors.
Is it your time to shine?
contact Greg Goheen greg@communityofchrist.ca
Live at Hills of Peace!
Caretaker Job Opportunity
May 1, 2013
The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.
Please send your application to Courtney Znak at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com
Head Cook and Assistant Cooks for HOP
Temporary Positions June 29 to July 16, 2013
One Head cook and 2 assistant cooks are required for 17 days at Hills of Peace Campground in Alberta. There is the possibility of additional days added to this and the opportunity to cook for one or two weekend retreats. Your own transportation is ideal but for the right candidate(s) other arrangements could be made. Please forward your application to Courtney Znak, HOP Board Director at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com or mail to Box 143 Hughenden, Alberta, Canada T0B-2E0
Click here for Job Description and more
July 20-27, 2013

Register Today for Mission Conference in Edmonton!
or email debra@communityofchrist.ca
The following is a letter to the Editor regarding an article printed in the October 2012 edition of What’s Up…In the CWM.
Dear Editor,
I would like to comment on October 2012’s article “Coexist” and to the reference made in the article to the Egyptian sign used to signify “paganism”, with the hope to clarify its meaning.
The sign shown is the “Ankh” and does not mean “paganism”, but rather means “life”. It is depicted on most , if not all, inscriptions and murals held by the High Priest who is handing it to the Pharaoh and wishing him a long life, a happy life, or an eternal life.
I have worn the Ankh around my neck for over 30 yrs and I am sure many other people, like myself, have worn it in other forms such as rings etc. and would find it disturbing to think it was a symbol for paganism.
The Egyptian nation was the middle East’s dominant society for several thousand years before Christianity. It may interest readers to find, that in the Egyptian Book of the Dead writings are almost identical to some of the Psalms and that the” Legend of Osiris” has a very strong similarity to the Resurrection story.
Several weeks ago my wife and I spent some time in Egypt and were able to see and were moved at what this early nation had achieved both in buildings and art work. It behooves us all to look more fully into the past, to find why things happened the way they did and what caused it.
Ron Welch, Courtenay B.C.
From the Editor
Please note that Dan Woynarski’s article did not make any reference to the Ankh symbol being pagan. The clipart he used, however, did name the Ankh the symbol for paganism. Dan’s article is below.
If you have a computer you probably get them. The emails sent by family, friends or associates decrying a perceived injustice on one faith community levied by an unfair system. And let’s be clear, it is the Christian right screaming foul about Muslims being afforded time to pray in school. Sometimes we are included in the distribution list and unfortunately sometimes we might even forward them on. They largely include misinformation about the Muslim faith, governmental and school board policies. This is unfair to the systems and people represented in the emails. Why should we be concerned about this? Well for one, it does nothing to build community. It does nothing to honour and respect other children of God. It also places us in a poor position to claim to be a peace church when our membership forwards these kinds of thoughtless and erroneous emails.
The Community of Christ congregation in Regina belongs to the longest running most active ecumenical group in the city. We meet with 3 other congregations from our community once a month. We celebrate Good Friday with a shared service and we participate in the “Cross Walk” where the cross is walked through our community to each church where we share in prayer before arriving at the final congregation for a worship service where we each get an opportunity to share. Every year for a wrap up the Ecumenical group and congregational members visit a different faith community to learn about other faith traditions. We have visited the Synagogue, the Mosque, the Hindu Temple and the Buddhist Temple and this year we visited the Anglican Church in Canada’s Columbarium in Regina. Each tradition has its beauty and each has its faithful members that work to improve our communities and add to Canadian Culture in their own unique way. The Regina Multi-Faith Forum works to contribute to building compassionate communities so we can be communities of peace and understanding. Live and let live is not good enough, LIVE IN COMMUNITY, in relationship with each other, needs to be our goal. If we are all God’s children should we not be pursuing this particular path?
So if you receive one of these emails do some fact checking before sending it on. Let us respect the faith of others as we have so desired for ourselves.
2013 Camping/Event Calendar
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace – Cancelled
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 1-6 Canada West Youth Camp
July 6-12 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 12-16 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 13-20 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 20-27 Spectacular Graceland University
July 22-28 Camp Planning Retreat - Hills of Peace
July 21-27 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 28-Aug 3 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 9-11 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 4-10 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 11-17 Singles’ Reunion Samish Island- Cancelled
Aug 30-Sept 1 Canada West Mission Conference Edmonton AB
September 27-29 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
September 27-29 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”
~Mahatma Gandhi~
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