Upcoming Events at a Glance
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace – Cancelled
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (entering grades 3 & 4) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (entering grades 5 & 6) Samish Island
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
You will find below the link to a number of documents that have been created to assist with understanding the Interim Policy Changes for Canada regarding 1) Ordination of Priesthood of Same-Sex/Gender Orientation and 2) Authorizing and Officiating at Same-Sex/Gender Marriages.
The Interim Policies will be implemented in Canada only, June 1, 2013.
You will find the following documents at this link Interim Policy
- Canada Cover Letter from the Apostle
- Final Edited Canada Same-Gender Policies
- Interim Policies Canada Q&A
- Faithful Disagreement
Please review all documents, particularly the Interim Policy changes. If you have questions regarding the implementation please contact me.
Gregory R. Goheen, Bishop
CWM President & Financial Officer
Adult Spiritual Retreat – Hills of Peace!
Register Today!
It’s time to register for summer camps, retreats and reunions. Get all the details here!
Clarification on camping program donations for Canadians attending
US run Samish Island camps.
In the Canada West Mission Centre, our camps are paid for by ‘donation’. We use this term in all of our advertising and promotion for two reasons:
1) we want everyone to be able to attend camps and pay what they can afford.
2) our 'donations' for camps become charitable donations and we receive tax receipts for those donations.
When you attend a Canadian run camp or Reunion at Samish Island: pay as usual, your 'donation' will automatically be sent to the Canada West Mission Centre, and you will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. Those of you using the Pre-Authorized Transfer (PAT) for all of your donations need not change anything.
When you attend a US run camp at Samish Island: For example Mungai, Kimtah or The Fine Arts Retreat. Samish Island Campground bills your fee for the camp to Greg Goheen CWM CFO and he pays Samish Island Campground. You send your 'donation' cheque for that camp to Greg Goheen CWM CFO. This way you will receive a charitable donation tax receipt at the end of the year. For those of you who donate extra to help cover others camping costs, this will be even more beneficial at tax time. Those of you using the Pre-Authorized Transfer (PAT) for all of your donations need not change anything.
Don and Sydney Brady, Campground Managers, are aware of this and we're making every effort to educate all business managers at Samish.
Please feel free to contact Greg or myself with any questions.
Live at Hills of Peace!
Caretaker Job Opportunity
May 1, 2013
The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.
Please send your application to Courtney Znak at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com
Head Cook and Assistant Cooks for HOP
Temporary Positions June 29 to July 16, 2013
One Head cook and 2 assistant cooks are required for 17 days at Hills of Peace Campground in Alberta. There is the possibility of additional days added to this and the opportunity to cook for one or two weekend retreats. Your own transportation is ideal but for the right candidate(s) other arrangements could be made. Please forward your application to Courtney Znak, HOP Board Director at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com or mail to Box 143 Hughenden, Alberta, Canada T0B-2E0
Click here for Job Description and more
July 20-27, 2013

Register Today for Mission Conference in Edmonton!
or email debra@communityofchrist.ca
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2013 World Conference brought people from around the world together in Independence and through the web. Go to www.CofChrist.org/wc2013 to read official minutes from business sessions, look at photos, and watch and share videos including President Veazey’s sending forth, songs from the International Hymn Festival, “Peace through All People” music video, a message from Presiding Evangelist David Brock, ordinations, the opening ceremonies, and much more. Also, read more and enjoy a full-color photo section in the June Herald. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The USA National Conference recommended policy changes for the USA at its April 19–21 conference. The First Presidency and Council of Twelve will have to approve before implementation. Visit www.CofChrist.org/USAConf to read the recommendations and watch the “A Journey of Faith” video about the conference and its outcomes. Recommendations will also be published in the July Herald. Connecting College Students with Congregations: Do you know of a Community of Christ high school senior that will be starting college this fall or a college student who will be returning to college? If so, please share the student’s name and contact information with the pastor of the congregation closest to the campus the student will attend. If you are not sure how to contact the pastor, please work with your mission center president. Many congregations would like to provide support to Community of Christ students in their area but don’t always know who is there or how to make contact. Thank you for any help you can provide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Statement on Immigration was released by the First Presidency in consultation with the Human Rights Team and the World Church Leadership Council in April. To read the statement, visit the Immigrant Ministries website at www.CofChrist.org/immigration/immigration-statement.asp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Statement on HIV/AIDS was released by the Human Rights Team in April. To read the statement, visit www.CofChrist.org/peace/issues/HIV-aids.asp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire suite of Community of Christ Sings products is available to pre-order through Herald House. Read more about the following products at www.CofChrist.org/hymnal/order.asp and place your order. Pew Edition: $23 Get your reunion 2013 resources for the Live Christ’s Peace theme. Resources explore the invitation to live Christ’s peace and take part in what God is doing in the world through scripture passages from the Bible, including the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer, and Doctrine and Covenants. Worship resources; lessons for children, youth, and all ages together; and campfire ministry are on the website at www.CofChrist.org/OnlineResources/reunion. The adult resource can be ordered from Herald House for $12.95 plus postage and handling: www.HeraldHouse.org/cart/edit.asp?p=343515, 1-800-767-8181. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New books are available from Community of Christ Seminary Press. The Seminary Press publishes scholarly works of particular interest to the serious student. Always in support of the church’s mission and the pursuit of truth, authors explore a wide range of issues. Their writings evidence and encourage creative thinking and inquiry in the tradition of academic freedom, which welcomes public scrutiny. Authors’ methods and conclusions do not necessarily reflect official positions held by the church, the seminary, or any other church-related institution. Note the healthy tension between serious independent inquiry and a determination to faithfully serve the mission of the church. Every book issued by this press will demonstrate that these impulses don’t contradict each other! Community of Christ Seminary Press books are available through Herald House: www.HeraldHouse.org; 1-800-767-8181; (816) 521-3015.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Register now for MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies). August 5–9 courses: Community of Christ Scriptures with Dale Luffman 8:30 a.m.–noon, and Pastoral Care with Jeri Lauren Lambert 1:30–5:00 p.m. Fee is $88 per class or $175 for both. Visit www.CofChrist.org/meads/schedule.asp for more information and syllab. Register by July 26 with Michelle Booth: ext. 1459, mbooth@CofChrist.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sing the Sacred Story! Historic Sites Bus Tour will be October 8–17. Calling all music lovers to explore Community of Christ’s historic hymnody. Travel to Community of Christ historic sites to see the places where your favorite hymns were written. Hear the stories behind the authors and learn about what inspired them to create the music we treasure today. Tour will conclude with the debut of the new Community of Christ Sings hymnal at the Peace Colloquy in Independence, Missouri. Highlights of the trip will include evening worship in the Kirtland Temple and Plano Stone Church, a walk through the sacred grove at the peak of fall foliage season, hymn festival at the Red Brick Store, and a visit to Joseph Smith III’s Liberty Hall. In addition to Community of Christ music, guests will discover Shaker music and dance at Hancock Shaker Village, hear baseball anthems at the National Baseball Hall of Fame, and experience the beautiful sounds of rushing waters at Niagara Falls. Tour price is $1,350 per person for a double-occupancy room and $1,850 per person for a single-occupancy room. Price includes luxury bus transportation (from Independence), hotel room each night, tour fees, and most meals. For more details contact Barbara Walden: bwalden@HistoricSitesFoundation.org, (440) 477-9562. To reserve your seat, send a tour reservation form and $100 deposit to (: Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, Attn: October 2013 Tour, P.O. Box 338, Nauvoo, IL 62354. Get the form at www.historicsitesfoundation.org/page.do?act=lo&page=Fall_Bus_Tour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING EVENTS May 6–9: Council of Twelve Apostles meet June 1–2: World Church Finance Board July 4: International Headquarters offices closed—Independence Day USA
Daily Prayer for Peace
2013 Camping/Event Calendar
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace – Cancelled
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 1-6 Canada West Youth Camp
July 6-12 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 12-16 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 13-20 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 20-27 Spectacular Graceland University
July 22-28 Camp Planning Retreat - Hills of Peace
July 21-27 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 28-Aug 3 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 9-11 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 4-10 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 11-17 Singles’ Reunion Samish Island- Cancelled
Aug 30-Sept 1 Canada West Mission Conference Edmonton AB
September 27-29 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
September 27-29 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack
Have a great week!!!
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