Upcoming Events at a Glance
April 24-28 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
Apr 29-May 3 Samish Island Work Week
May 4-5 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
May 12-13 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace
Fastathon in Prince Albert
A Get God Project
by Danielle Mitchell
Live at Hills of Peace!
Caretaker Job Opportunity
May 1, 2013
The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.
Please send your application to Courtney Znak at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com
Job Opening – Canada West Mission Centre
Camping and Retreat Specialist
Camping and Retreat Program Specialist is one who provides leadership and support to leaders to create and sustain vibrant camping and retreat experiences. Through camps and retreats they assist in establishing and reaching goals aligned with the Mission Initiatives. With development and invitation being a focus of this position the ministry will attend to specific needs of the wider mission. The goal of this position is to create and organize a sustainable, vibrant camping and retreat program in Canada West Mission. This has potential to be a four year position.
Camping and Retreat Program Specialist is supervised by the Mission Centre President (MCP). They inform the MCP of all important issues in their camps/retreats and communicate regularly with all mission centre staff to share ideas and celebrations, coordinate missional efforts and maximize mission support.
Camping and Retreat Program Specialist is expected to visit congregations and become familiar with the congregational leaders, members and programs. They regularly communicate with congregational leaders in regards to resources, training, personnel and other communications by the mission centre and world church. Camping and Retreat Program Specialist may preach, teach, provide training and facilitate workshops.
Focus of Ministry
Invite People to Christ
○ Promote evangelism and empower witness and invitation among congregational members, through training, motivating, modeling, and spiritual renewal
○ Initiate and lead focused retreats.
Develop Disciples to Serve
○ Assess skills, resources and needs of congregations in developing members/friends
○ Assist in developing succession plan for retreat programming in CWM
○ Mentoring relationships of potential leaders
o Ensure retreats meet the needs of the membership in each area of congregational life
Empower Communities in Mission
○ Assist event participants in discerning their giftedness and creating a vision for outreach programs
○ Seek and train a core group of leaders to create an inviting atmosphere for children, youth, and
young adult participation and leadership
Examples of Desired Events:
o Priesthood Retreats
o Pastor’s Retreat
o Youth Retreats
o Assist with Camping program and Summer retreats
Desired Competencies
Building Effective Teams, Developing Others, Managing Vision and Purpose, Motivating Others, Organizing, Approachability, Communication, Invitation, Managing Diversity, Integrity and Trust, Listening, Priority Setting, Work/Life Balance, Scriptural/Theological Knowledge.
The successful candidate will be willing to reside in Alberta or Saskatoon to be near Hills of Peace Campground. Please submit all applications to Greg Goheen, Canada West Mission President by March 20, 2013
Box 88, Edgerton, AB, T0B-1K0, Canada
Nurturing Spirit Weekend at Samish Island
The Nurturing Spirit Weekend was a wonderful experience. We were nurtured in our meditation, yoga and classes. We were nurtured with the healthy and delicious food we ate. And we were nurtured by those around us.
We hope you will join us next year for the Nurturing Spirit Weekend at Samish Island.
July 20-27, 2013

Guest Ministry for HOP Family Reunion
We are pleased to announce that Bill McFarlin, Financial Officer from the
Greater Pacific NW USA Mission Center will be our guest ministry along with
Nelson Rosales from World Accord.
Samish Island Reunion Planning Committee
We’ll be having a Reunion planning discussion this Thursday evening,7pm at my house. Please let me know if you are able to make it.
Chris Phelps chrisinlangley@gmail.com
Summer Volunteer(s) Needed - Samish Campground
Samish Campground located in the NW corner of Washington State is seeking an individual or couple with an RV to serve as grounds and maintenance volunteers during May through August, 2013. The position entails mowing and maintenance of the
grounds, some handyman work and stocking shelves when food orders arrive, etc. An RV site with full hookups will be provided. Telephone and wireless Internet are
available in dining hall. Meals are provided during camps ( approximately 85%
of this time).
Application Form and Proforma Employment Agreement including Job Description are available by contacting Glen Fishel, Board President, at (360) 757-4559 or by e-mail at glen.mar@comcast.net or, if he is not available, Donald Brady, Camp Manager at (360) 766-8125 or by e-mail at samishislandcamp@gmail.com.
Peace and Justice -- Human Rights
February 28, 2013
The start of the Darfur crisis is usually either associated with February 26 when rebel forces made their first public appearance, in an attack on a Golu garrison. or it is anchored to April 25, when the rebels achieved a victory never seen before, even during the unrelated 20year plus 20 year North-South war – they overran the El Fasher airport, destroying several aircraft and capturing the Air Force commander. The latter event is what caused Sudan’s President Bashir to unleash the Janjaweed in combination with government ground and air forces. That said, the build-up to this eruption was years and even decades of neglect and also targeted campaigns against the people of Darfur.
Darfur has been the longitudinal study of this newsletter for several years, although at the time it was an utterly disheartening thought that the crisis not only would last this long, but would remain in such an unresolved state. All of my Darfuri contacts that I have recently talked to, remain quite pessimistic about Darfur’s near-term future. Readers who have been following this newsletter will know that while Darfur has slipped off the news radar screen, that within Darfur things have changed in many ways but almost none for the better. Bombing and attacks have continued; at least two million people remain displaced in camps of which many are getting restricted aid in attempts to force them back home where often homes no longer exist or are occupied by foreigners sympathetic to the government.
And much more: see Darfur Current Status (UntilAll).
Today, February 28, 2013, was the start of a push to reignite diplomatic efforts on Darfur which also means on Sudan as a whole. The U.S., U.K and Australia have called for renewed focus and action (see: Letter to Foreign Secretaries). The demands are nothing new, but as with most human dynamics it is a question of timing. While at the moment I can’t see much that may play a positive role, who can say what might come? Thus consider taking the following actions.
Take Action:
Petition to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
Petition to US Secretary of State Kerry
In appreciation and support,
Rod Downing
2013 Camping/Event Calendar
April 24-28 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
Apr 29-May 3 Samish Island Work Week
May 4-5 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
May 12-13 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
July 1-6 Canada West Youth Camp
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 6-12 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 12-16 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 13-20 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 20-27 Spectacular Graceland University
July 22-28 Camp Planning Retreat - Hills of Peace
July 21-27 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 28-Aug 3 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 9-11 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 4-10 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 11-17 Singles’ Reunion Samish Island
Aug 30-Sept 1 Canada West Mission Conference Edmonton AB
September 27-29 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
September 27-29 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack
“Church isn’t where you meet.
Church isn’t a building.
Church is what you do.
Church is who you are.
Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ.
Let’s not go to Church, let’s be the Church.”
~ Bridget Willard~
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