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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weekly Wire for October 10, 2012

Upcoming Events at a Glance

October 12-14 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 12-14 Women's Retreat Chilliwack

For more information on these events, scroll down or go to our website!


Click here to see a photo video of the Men’s Retreat at

Hills of Peace, 2012


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What’s up in Calgary


Mark Your Calendars

The Calgary Congregation is Celebrating 100 years!

Oct 14: Developing Disciples' to Serve Guest Speaker: Danny Belrose

Oct 21: Abolish Poverty and End Suffering Guest Speaker: Art Smith

Oct 28: Pursue Peace Guest Speaker: Greg Goheen


What’s Up in Vancouver

October 14 is our next

All Day Sunday at church

10am – 3pm

See you there!



Camping Season isn’t over yet!

Click here to see our CWM Camping Guide with full descriptions of our camps, Guest Ministry, Camp Directors and Registrars.


Have you ever thought about being a leader and inspiration to the kids in your area by becoming a camp counselor? It would mean so much to the kids, and I guarantee you’ll have as much fun as they do (if not more). Now is the time to become a Registered Youth Worker. Use this link to download the forms and set up an interview with your pastor - or the one nearest to you. You can even do it by phone!

Give a little back to kids who will really appreciate it.

Youth Worker Registration Form



Women’s Retreat in Chilliwack



What’s Up…In the CWM online


Printed copies of this Newsletter are in the mail and available in your home congregation.

Would you like to contribute to our next edition of

What’s Up…In the CWM?

Send me your articles, prayers, photos, and summaries of

your congregations activities now.

(any activity large or small)

We’d love to hear from you.



October 2012
Keeping the church connected

Gather for the live webcast of the Community of Christ International Peace Award Ceremony on or come to the Temple in Independence, Missouri, on Friday, October 26, at 7:30 p.m. CDT. Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba (advocate for global nuclear disarmament and former president of Mayors for Peace) will receive the award and share a keynote address. All are invited to this free event, which will open the 19th annual Peace Colloquy, “Peacemaking: Engaging Nuclear Questions.” Visit


New keynote added to Peace Colloquy: A-bomb survivor Emiko Okada will present “From Hiroshima with Love,” sharing her experience and vision of hope and peace for the world. This event is open to the public. Join in the entire weekend, October 26–28, for “Peacemaking: Engaging Nuclear Questions” at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, to explore nuclear questions, complexities involved in disarmament, and our role as a peacemaking church. Programming will explore the theme from perspectives for multiple ages. Visit for more details. Register online or by calling ext. 3077.


Order your Peace Colloquy T-shirts today and get a discount. You have the option to buy either a gray or black T-shirt with the amazing 2012 Peace Colloquy “Peacemaking” logo. Have it shipped to you if you will not be able to attend the event in person. New this year are options for ladies’ or men’s fit shirts. Pre-order yours today for $12 at (Prices will be $3 higher at event.)


We Share, the Enduring Principles picture book is now available! Order it from Herald House at or call Customer and Member Services at 1-800-767-8181. Community of Christ beliefs, Enduring Principles, and mission come alive in three languages in this must-share picture book. Lyrical phrases combined with brightly engaging paintings by award-winning artist Sue Cornelison make the concepts understandable and accessible to all ages. This versatile book, based on Sharing in Community of Christ, is well-suited for use in classes, worship, at home, or as a gift for friends and new members.


The Community of Christ International Peace and Justice Team is seeking global opinions on nuclear weapons. The team hopes to educate and prompt thoughtful discussion within our church community on this issue. Visit to take the Nuclear Weapons Survey in English, French, or Spanish by October 31.


Priesthood are receiving a special invitation in the mail in the United States and Canada. It includes a letter from President Steve Veazey, who encourages priesthood to prayerfully consider their true capacity for giving and living Christ’s mission. A link to on the Community of Christ website is included for those who choose to respond in that way.


Members over age 50 in the USA and Canada will receive the Estate and Financial Planning fall newsletter in the mail. It includes information about wills, trusts, and other estate documents. The newsletter is also available at To learn more about how someone could benefit from an estate plan, visit the website or contact Estate and Financial Planning: 1-800-884-7526;


Register now for MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies)! February 4–8, 2013 courses: Community of Christ Theology with Dale Luffman, 8:30 a.m.–noon,and Community of Christ History with Mark Scherer 1:30–5:00 p.m. These courses are $88 per class or $175 for both. For more information go to Syllabi will be available on this page in October. Register by January 21 with Michelle Booth at ext. 1459.


Preparation is underway for the 2013 World Conference, April 13–18. Our theme is “Christ’s Mission, Our Mission” and we will explore how we live out the holistic mission of Jesus Christ through our five Mission Initiatives. Check out for information about World Conference preparation, volunteer opportunities, and more.


All are encouraged to prayerfully prepare for World Conference. The First Presidency asks the church to prayerfully study the book Christ’s Mission Is Our Mission, by Peter A. Judd, individually and in groups so we can approach Conference spiritually prepared and focused on the mission of Jesus Christ. With its thought-provoking chapters and the wealth of discussion questions, this is wonderful material for a church-school class or study group. Order yours through Herald House at or 1-800-767-8181.

Twelve lessons are being created by Carolyn Brock, Spiritual Formation and Wholeness Ministries, to go along with the book and assist with people’s preparation. Available in the Disciple Formation Guide, the lessons will also be linked from the World Conference website at


The series on Community of Christ theological foundations continues in the Herald with an article on “Holy Spirit.” While the Holy Spirit blesses individuals with guidance, it also guides the disciple community through questions and shared experiences as we faithfully seek God’s will together.

Each article explores theological foundations based on Community of Christ vision, mission, Enduring Principles, and Basic Beliefs. The Community of Christ Statement of Sexual Ethics (; June Herald) was built on these foundations. The purpose of the draft ethics statement, coupled with these reflection articles, is to encourage open and honest conversation in the church about sexual ethics.

Read the series in the Herald or sign up for the e-subscription at to have the articles, with spiritual practices and reflection questions, delivered to your e-mail. To subscribe to the Herald, visit or contact or 1-800-767-8181. In addition to study and discussion, the First Presidency invites your feedback. Send your responses to


The Herald commentary series on signal communities continues with “Signal Communities…Invite People to Christ,” by President of Seventy Robin Linkhart who writes, “Everyday human relationships: That’s where the transformation of creation occurs.” Get articles delivered free to your e-mail by signing up at Send your comments to, and we may print them in the magazine. To subscribe to the Herald, visit or contact or 1-800-767-8181.


Register by October 15 for the Christmas in Old Nauvoo bus tour with Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation and save! Celebrate the birth of Christ at three unique historic sites December 7–9 with holiday crafts, historic dancing, caroling, and more.

Guests will board their “sleigh,” or luxury bus, at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, and share in Christmas celebrations at the Joseph Smith Historic Site in Nauvoo, Illinois; Liberty Hall in Lamoni, Iowa; and Heritage Plaza in Independence, Missouri. Guests will create unique holiday decorations, learn a 19th century dance, shop at Joseph Smith’s Red Brick Store, participate in a Victorian “Christmas Tea,” share holiday memories, enjoy Christmas carols, entertainment, and devotions. The weekend will draw to a close with the annual Advent Service at Community of Christ Temple on Sunday, December 9.

Send a reservation form, available from All-inclusive price is $325 per person for double-occupancy by October 15. After October 15: $395. For single occupancy, add $100. Price includes luxury bus transportation (from Community of Christ Temple), hotel lodging, all tour fees, meals, and Christmas craft materials. Contact Barbara Walden with questions at (440) 477-9562.


Community of Christ blogs offer devotions, information, commentary, and more. Check them out today and subscribe for free.


Sign up for e-subscriptions to get important content delivered right to your e-mail inbox. You choose the information you want to receive and manage your subscription to this free service. Options include the 10-Minute News Report, Community of Christ news, Theological Foundations series, various commentary series, Music Matters, and more. Visit to sign up.


Save the date for Advent worship and webcast December 9 from Community of Christ Temple in Independence, Missouri. Come worship at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, or participate through the live webcast at at 7:00 p.m. CST. Choral music will be sung by the Spire Ensemble.


October 21: Children's Sabbath
October 26–28: Peace Colloquy

November 2–4: Young Adult Spirituality Weekend (Kirtland, Ohio)
November 22–23 International Headquarters offices closed—Thanksgiving holidays (USA)

December 2: First day of Advent
December 3–7: Council of Twelve Apostles meet
December 9: Temple Advent Worship (Live Webcast)
December 10–13: World Church Leadership Council
December 24–Jan 1: Christmas and the New Year—International Headquarters offices closed

Daily Prayer for Peace
A brief worship service is held daily at 1:00 p.m. central time at the Temple. Join us in prayer from wherever you are. For details and the text of each day’s prayer, visit

Contribution Update


2012 Camping/Event Calendar

October 12-14 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 12-14 Women's Retreat Chilliwack


Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”

~Bruce Lee~

Actor/Martial Arts Expert


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