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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weekly Wire for January 18, 2011

Pursue Peace On Earth

Community of Christ Canadian Peace Award!

Right-click to download [PDF 259.1Kb] a printable version and the application form

We are looking for excellent examples of local people bringing peace to neighbourhoods and their communities through celebration, reconciliation and collaboration.

Examples might be:

  • Mentoring
  • Faith-based community support
  • Volunteers who have made outstanding contributions to reducing violence in their neighbourhoods
  • An individual who has shown exceptional courage in keeping the Peace
  • Community safety / crime reduction initiative.
  • An individual working across diverse groups to bring about positive changes
  • People actively building bridges between young people, communities, generations, faiths or cultures.
  • A congregation actively involved in engaging and connecting local communities, promoting Peace and Justice, uniting others to be peacemakers for the good of all.

To put forward your nominations please complete this application form and submit to the following:

The Canadian National Conference Team
c/o Operations Manager
Tim J. Stanlick
390 Speedvale Ave E
Guelph Ontario
N1E 1N5

Rules of Eligibility

  1. Closing Date for ALL entries is March 1, 2012.
  2. Nominees may be Canadian members or friends of the Community of Christ.
  3. Additional information and supporting evidence cannot be returned.
  4. The awards will be presented during the Canadian National Conference, June 16, 2012.
  5. Self nominations will not be accepted.
  6. Only award recipients and nominators will be notified in advance.

“We are poised to restore Christ’s covenant of peace, even the Zion of our hopes. The hope of Zion will become reality when we live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others.”
Taken from the Community of Christ, “Mission Initiatives” brochure.


New Video from Apostle Susan Skoor!


We’re having a Canadian National Conference on June 16th 2012!

Find out about the topics that will be discussed, get the tools to help you with your decision making process and find out which satellite location is nearest you. Apostle Susan Skoor will present you with a new thought each month until the conference begins so you can make informed decisions and make your voice heard.

See Apostle Susan Skoor’s new video “Prayer”


The videos are available in both .MP4 and .flv formats. You may have to wait a moment for the videos to load.

“Get in on the conversation”

Follow us on Facebook at Community of Christ – Canadian National Conference 

and Twitter at cofccnc


Nurturing Spirit Weekends

Nurture your spirit and ignite your passion for God through simple but sacred spiritual practices. Let go of the past and connect to the underlying reality of the present moment. As we begin to awaken to God's creative potential within us, we discover that we are becoming more like that which is creating us! Together we can evolve and grow. Together we can "harness for God the energies of love".


Calgary March 9-11

Falling in Love with your “Divine Self”

The weekend will begin with a Sacred Singing Circle on Friday evening led by Pamela Alexander.  Come and participate in songs and chants dedicated to peace. Saturday will begin with a gentle morning yoga session led by Vickie MacArthur (, followed by various workshops that explore practices like Mindfulness Meditation, Tai Chi, Walking Meditation, Prayer Journaling, and Deep Relaxation as well as a class to make your own Meditation Bracelet. Lunch will be served and eaten in silence as a meditative practice. Sunday morning will begin with a Labyrinth Meditation, then will move into a Service of “Nurturing Spirit in Community”.

Vancouver March 23-25

“The Evolution of Spirit”

This weekend will begin with a movie Friday night.  Saturday will begin with a gentle morning yoga session led by Vickie MacArthur (, followed by various workshops. Lunch will be served and eaten in silence as a meditative practice.  Saturday evening following dinner we will finish with a Sacred Singing Circle led by Pamela Alexander.  Come and participate in songs and chants dedicated to peace. Sunday morning will begin with a Labyrinth Meditation ,followed by a seated meditation in the sanctuary then we’ll move into a Service including our Evolution of Spirit Theme.

Both weekends fees are by donation and you can choose to attend all or some of the activities. For more information or to register contact:

Calgary – Mary Jean Belrose  403-241-9616

Vancouver – Debra Donohue 1-877-411-2632


Samish Island Kitchen Work Day




Come see the new kitchen and help get the kitchen operational for the camping season!!


You use them, you love them, now it is time to give them some TLC!! This year the e-cabins need to be deep cleaned and a few repairs done prior to the start of the camping season in March!


9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Lunch is provided

Thank you!! See you at camp in February!!

RSVP Penny, or Jen,


Youth Leadership Retreat in March

Plan Now To Attend!

“Join us at this annual training for directors, camp staff, youth leaders, Christian education teachers, and anyone who works with children and youth. To be held March 2-4, 2012 at Lewis River Campground. Featuring a variety of classes, discussions, planning, networking and fellowship. Come join the ministry! Sponsored by the GPNW Camping Team. FREE registration and accommodations – donations welcome. Watch for registration information soon.”

So, you get a free weekend at a church campgrounds as well as gain tools to help with your role in the camping program. Can’t beat that!

Let me know if you have any questions. Will get you all the registration information once it’s released!

Peace In!

Sean Langdon, Assistant Director for Youth Camping

Young Adult Ministries Specialist, GPNW Mission Center

Community of Christ, 425-293-6366

"Young adults, the church needs you. We need you now. We need you to help us become who we are all yearning to become." - President Steve Veazey, Address to the church on April 5, 2009


Click here to see the Fall 2011 publication of

"What’s Up…in the CWM” online.



Do you have photos from your Christmas activities at church? Send them to your pastor now and see them in our Christmas 2011 wrap-up!

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