New Video from Apostle Susan Skoor!
We’re having a Canadian National Conference on June 16th 2012!
Find out about the topics that will be discussed, get the tools to help you with your decision making process and find out which satellite location is nearest you. Apostle Susan Skoor will present you with a new thought each month until the conference begins so you can make informed decisions and make your voice heard.
See Apostle Susan Skoor’s new video “Prayer”
The videos are available in both .MP4 and .flv formats. You may have to wait a moment for the videos to load.
“Get in on the conversation”
Follow us on Facebook at Community of Christ – Canadian National Conference
and Twitter at cofccnc
Samish Island Kitchen Work Day
Come see the new kitchen and help get the kitchen operational for the camping season!!
You use them, you love them, now it is time to give them some TLC!! This year the e-cabins need to be deep cleaned and a few repairs done prior to the start of the camping season in March!
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lunch is provided
Thank you!! See you at camp in February!!
RSVP Penny, pennyatsamish@gmail.com or Jen, ianjen.watson@gmail.com
Youth Leadership Retreat in March
Plan Now To Attend!
“Join us at this annual training for directors, camp staff, youth leaders, Christian education teachers, and anyone who works with children and youth. To be held March 2-4, 2012 at Lewis River Campground. Featuring a variety of classes, discussions, planning, networking and fellowship. Come join the ministry! Sponsored by the GPNW Camping Team. FREE registration and accommodations – donations welcome. Watch for registration information soon.”
So, you get a free weekend at a church campgrounds as well as gain tools to help with your role in the camping program. Can’t beat that!
Let me know if you have any questions. Will get you all the registration information once it’s released!
Peace In!
Sean Langdon
Assistant Director for Youth Camping
Young Adult Ministries Specialist
GPNW Mission Center
Community of Christ
"Young adults, the church needs you. We need you now. We need you to help us become who we are all yearning to become." - President Steve Veazey, Address to the church on April 5, 2009
Click here to see the Fall 2011 publication of
"What’s Up…in the CWM” online.
Do you have photos from your Christmas activities at church? Send them to your pastor now and see them in our Christmas 2011 wrap-up!
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