Hills of Peace Reunion in Review!
Hills of Peace Olympics
Fun and Friends
See you Next Year!
“Stanley Park Miniature Train”
Mission Conference 2011
Are you making plans to come to Vancouver for Mission Conference 2011? Our full schedule will be out soon, but please note that our activities will go into the early evening on Sunday night. You will probably want to make your return travel plans for the holiday Monday.
Mission Conference Accommodation
Be sure to book your accommodation early for Mission Conference in Vancouver, September 2nd to 4th. We have LOTS of FREE accommodation available! To arrange for billeting contact Linda Phelps at 604-792-1057 or chez-phelps@shaw.ca
Mission Conference Registration
Register now to debra@communityofchrist.ca or call toll free 1-877-411-2632 Remember that everyone attending must register so we can plan for meals and special events!
Mission Conference Schedule/Flyer
Upcoming Camps, Retreats and Reunions!
July 21- Aug 1 Spectacular Graceland University
July 23-29 Junior High Camp (12-14 yrs) Hills of Peace - postponed until next year
July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 5-7 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 14-20 Singles Reunion Samish Island
September 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference - Vancouver, BC
September 16-18 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
September 23-25 Men's Retreat Hills of Peace
Sept 30-Oct 2 Singles Retreat Samish Island
Please remember to register today!
For more information on these and all camps, click here to see the
Click here to see the latest issue of
“What’s Up … in the CWM” online.
Click here to see the Camp Kimtah flyer!
Remember to register today!
New – Canada West Mission Prayer List
In August we will be starting up a Canada West Mission Prayer list which we plan to have come out the first and 15th of each month(or close to those dates). The prayer requests will stay on the list for 2 cycles or one month, please update your requests after that. You may want to assign one person from your congregation to send these in, and of course anyone can send individual pray requests as they feel the need. Please send your prayer requests to debra@communityofchrist.ca These prayer requests will be sent out via an email network unlike the Weekly Wire. Please send your prayer requests to me on the 1st and 3rd Monday’s of each month.
When writing a prayer request please use the following format:
John Smith – Vancouver – Broken arm
Mary Smith- Ribstone – Cancer and Stomach issues
Joe Smith – Calgary – Personal Strength and Support
There are two reasons for the simplified format, one – we anticipate a large list and two – it’s important to be mindful of the personal privacy of the person asking for prayers. God will know what each of us needs.
Debra Donohue
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
~Anthony J. D'Angelo~
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