Steve Veazey invites you to check out his new blog at “I want this to be a place where I can share my personal perspective with people on a variety of topics, events, and interests,” said Steve. He posted the first entry in a series that will highlight his travels…
Cathi and I left at 5:30 a.m. We waved goodbye to the family as we began our trip to Tokyo, Okinawa, Hiroshima, and Korea. We will be going to Tokyo first to share in a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the church in Japan… (continued)
Following his trip to Asia, Steve plans to blog about his encounters with God and the Holy Spirit, life in the church, other ministry trips, his family, and maybe even a little about fishing and his dogs.
The Canada West Teen Newsletter
read it and pass it on
to every teen you know!
Ken McGowan to visit Vancouver and Chilliwack
World Church minister, Ken McGowan CFP, of Estate and Financial Planning, will be visiting Vancouver and Chilliwack November 19th to 22nd 2010. Ken will present "Estate Planning for Canadians", a practical, hands on presentation with valuable ideas and suggestions. The presentation, at no cost to the congregations, will be presented at the Chilliwack Congregation November 20th @ 2 PM and at the Vancouver Congregation November 21st @ 2:30PM.
NCC Membership Approved
On November 10, 2010, delegates at the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches USA (NCC) approved Community of Christ for membership. The NCC is a community of Christian communions that represents a wide range of Christian traditions and experiences.
President Becky Savage, Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer Dale E. Luffman, and former Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer Gail Mengel represented the church at the NCC’s historic Centennial Conference.
Community of Christ membership in the NCC culminates a journey that began at our 1980 World Conference when delegates approved World Conference Resolution (WCR) 1157 Participation in Interdenominational Christian Ministries. Later legislation included 1992 approval of WCR 1222 Interfaith Organizations, and 2002 approval of WCR 1275 Ecumenical/Interfaith Memberships.
We appreciate the work of current and former Ecumenical and Interfaith officers Luffman and Mengel. We look forward to building relationships through the NCC based on our united conviction that God has brought us together in Christ.
High Priest - Evangelist Retreat
Mark your calendars, Wim van Klinken and Larry Norris will be guest ministers for the High Priest - Evangelist Retreat in Edmonton Alberta, March 4,5,6, 2011.
Fall Music Writing Contest
This contest is really exciting because absolutely anyone can enter – and I hope you all do. (Like how about this week?)
Brian Gibson, the multi talented musician, writer and mentor to so many of us, has generously donated one of his original music pieces. All you have to do is add the lyrics.
Here is the sheet music:
Here is a link to the recorded music click on “song competition band track”.
And here is how the contest will work:
All music will be submitted to me and given an anonymous file number before it is passed on to Brian Gibson. Brian will then choose the lyric which he feels best expresses his music.
The winning lyric will be sung and recorded at a professional studio!
And don’t forget about our other contest…
Calling all musicians … do you have a knack for plunking out your own catchy tune on the piano, plucking some original sounds on the strings or working the music on any other instrument? We’re looking for a new music bed for our weekly video teaser. The music must be original, should be 45- 60 seconds in length and recorded in a professional or semi professional studio.
Tip - Most high schools have great studios these days. Remember this is a backtrack so a voice must be heard over top of it.
Have fun with it, all styles are welcome from Rock to New Age to Jazz.
Send me your samples in MP3 format to
Prizes, Prizes, Prizes
But wait…we wouldn’t ask you to enter these contests just for the glory would we? Well the glory is pretty great, but so are these nifty jackets the winner of each contest will receive!
This high quality jacket will quickly become your favorite and will wear well for years to come. Soft micro-fiber exterior is a cream/taupe color with navy accents. The name Community of Christ is embroidered in navy blue on the left front.
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November 2010 PAT (pre-authorized monthly checking account transfers) now has an all-electronic option for contributors in the USA. Many enjoy the convenience of contributing to Local and World ministries via PAT. Many more have requested that this process be all-electronic—no more printing and mailing in forms and cancelled checks! It is now up and running for contributors in the USA. Signing up for automated giving will help you become a consistently generous financial contributor who helps make mission happen all over the world. PAT Facts Additional contributions can still be made through offering envelopes in your congregation, online with a debit or credit card at, and directly to the Presiding Bishopric by mail or phone at ext. 2216. Celebrate Advent with the “Glad Tidings We Bring” live webcast or join us at the Temple for an evening of lessons and carols on Sunday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. CST. The service will combine Advent-themed scripture readings with seasonal music from the Voices of Peace Symphonic Choir, Emporia State Faculty Brass Quintet, and Jan Kraybill on the organ. President Stephen M. Veazey will offer the homily. Experience the 2010 Peace Colloquy through online video, audio, and text archives. The archives include presentation of the Community of Christ International Peace Award to Greg Mortenson, President David D. Schaal’s closing sermon, and keynote addresses. Find it at Prison Ministries: A Guide to Resources is a new comprehensive resource that offers guidance to congregations and disciples who desire to work for restorative justice in their communities. Download it free at This publication opens with an outline of the scriptural basis for restorative justice. Practical tips for building a ministry team and working with people who are incarcerated or recently released and correctional staff help you move from theory to practice. Chapters on victim support and community action broaden the impact. A listing of helpful resources and the testimonies of Community of Christ ministers and congregations with successful prison ministry histories conclude the resource. We’ll sing and we’ll shout—the 175th anniversary of the dedication of the Kirtland Temple is on the horizon, March 27,1836–2011. Kirtland Temple Visitor and Spiritual Formation Center wants to hear from people who have had meaningful experiences relating to Kirtland Temple over the years. We would like to record and preserve your memories as we celebrate the upcoming anniversary year. For example: “Did you attend a reunion on the Kirtland Temple grounds?” If you have not been to Kirtland for a while, or have not seen our wonderful new visitor center, this would be a meaningful time to visit. We look forward to hearing from you between now and the end of 2011. All submissions will become the intellectual property of Community of Christ. Please write down your experiences today and mail your story to: Ron Romig, director, Kirtland Temple Visitor and Spiritual Formation Center, 7809 Joseph St., Kirtland, OH, 44094; or e-mail to; or fax to (440) 256-1929. To discuss your contribution with staff, please call (440) 256-1830. Quick facts about the 2013 hymnal: Join us for the marvelous adventure of “where in the world” your Mission Tithes Impact Lives… November generosity stories feature stories from Apostle Linda Booth’s Florida USA Mission Field and Apostle Stassi Cramm’s North Central USA/Canada Mission Field. PowerPoint presentations are included with each week’s story except November 14. If you do not receive the monthly stories, check with your mission center financial officer or find them online at Check out the new free resource, “What’s Your Story?” at This simple resource uses an audio PowerPoint and a script to enable congregations to weave their own stories into a customized presentation. Consider the many ways you can help share Christ’s peace through year-end giving. Make a future gift through a bequest in your will or trust; find a secure, stable source of future income through a charitable gift annuity; make a gift of cash, stock, or other property. To learn more, contact Estate and Financial Planning: 1-800-884-7526; An important aspect of providing health ministry is listening, counseling, and referring people for help as problems are recognized and needs are acknowledged. Addictions of various kinds are prevalent in society today. Every family is affected by someone who has an addiction problem. To overcome such problems, people have to be able to talk about it and get help. This month’s topic for congregational health addresses addictions. Download it from and use it in your congregation’s bulletin, newsletter, or as a discussion starter for a class. New policies related to baptism, confirmation, and Community of Christ membership are available. Learn the details through mission center officers, World Church ministers, pastors, priesthood, and view policies online at The information is in response to 2010 World Conference approval of Doctrine and Covenants 164, which created a need for the First Presidency to provide policies for accepting people baptized in other Christian traditions. Please share the following information with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at • Daily Bread 2011 will offer 365 days of food for the soul. We are each called to deepen our discipleship and the 2011 Daily Bread is a simple and compelling way to engage in that process. Each day has a scripture, an uplifting story from a member or leader from our worldwide church, a short prayer for peace, a spiritual practice, and a daily peace covenant. Make it part of your regular spiritual practice. E-Subscriptions keep you connected to the mission of the church. Choose from News, 10-Minute News Report, Commentary Series, Weekly Devotion, Music Matters, French Content, Spanish Content, and priesthood newsletters at David D. Schaal, First Presidency, at the 2010 World Conference service of sending forth declared, “I want children all over the world to learn about the Enduring Principles of the Community of Christ and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ as interpreted by our unique vision and pastoral and prophetic call. That’s why I pay tithing. … I pay because it’s in alignment with what I care for and what I value. … It is an intimate act of worship.” (Video and MP3 of Schaal’s “Do You Love Me?” sermon are at Are you responding to God’s generosity by giving to your full capacity to both World and Local Ministries? Our shared mission depends on our consistent generosity. Thank you to all who support the ministries we are called to share with the world. Learn more at (Due to manual reporting by some jurisdictions, actual income may take several months to finalize. Numbers provided are estimates based on reports received.) Upcoming Events |
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