Our New Fall Contest!
Calling all musicians … do you have a knack for plunking out your own catchy tune on the piano, plucking some original sounds on the strings or working the music on any other instrument? We’re looking for a new music bed for our weekly video teaser. The music must be original, should be 45- 60 seconds in length and recorded in a professional or semi professional studio. Tip - Most high schools have great studios these days. Remember this is a backtrack so a voice must be heard over top of it. Have fun with it, all styles are welcome from Rock to New Age to Jazz. Send me your samples in MP3 format to debra@communityofchrist.ca
Men’s Retreat at Hills of Peace - "Individual Principles - Global Community"
7pm September 24th – noonish on September 26th
Guest ministry provided by Richard Betts
As in previous years we try to provide something for everyone - lots of food, interesting discussion, campfire, classes led by our guest minister, more pie than you should be eating, and worship. If you would like to attend and you have questions, feel free to call Dan Esch at 306-949-1470 or email ddesch@sasktel.net.
To encourage maximum participation, the costs of the retreat are covered by the mission center, but we appreciate your donations to help cover the expense. Time is running out so if you plan on coming and haven't let Dan know, contact him by September 20!
BEREAVEMENT WORKSHOP October 29-30, 2010
This workshop is open to anyone who would like to learn more about bereavement
TOPICS: Sociology, Language and Metaphors for Death, Being the Bearer of Bad News, Myths about Grief, Gender - Personality and Grief, Grief and the Family, The Grieving Process, Tasks of Mourning , Special Types of Losses
Instructor: Judi Hopkin - Bachelor of Nursing Degree, Certificates in Bereavement Education and Grief Counseling
Location: Community of Christ Vancouver Congregation, 3333 Kaslo Street, Vancouver
Time: Fri. Oct. 29: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Sat. Oct. 30: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $25.00 per person – includes snacks
Please bring a bag lunch Saturday
RSVP: Sarah Hopkin at 778-238-7484 or sjoyhopkin@yahoo.com
by October 15, 2010
Women’s Retreat - “Many Cultures, Many Gifts…”
$40 November 5 - 7, 2010
Community of Christ, Chilliwack, BC
Guest Ministry: Karen Waring from Independence, MO
Snack on Friday night
Breakfast, lunch, supper on Saturday
Breakfast, lunch on Sunday
Gift Bag
Not Included:
Accommodation (Some billeting is available. There are also very reasonable rates available at local hotels/motels)
Please register by October 31 by contacting Bonnie Levitt
Phone: 604.792.1023 or Email: bjlevitt1@yahoo.ca
Games and snacks on Friday night
Updates on the church’s activities in other countries
A variety of activities on Saturday afternoon from which to choose
Sunday morning worship with the Chilliwack Community of Christ
Coming Soon…FLOW in Saskatoon check back for more details!
President Veazey expressed his gratitude for the core of members who are giving generously and addressed the need to broaden the base of contributors of all ages so we can say “yes” to Missional opportunities. He challenged us to join his family in this effort: “As for me and my family, we are going to increase our giving to all aspects of the church’s mission. I am also going to recruit and mentor others as World Ministries Mission Tithes contributors. I invite each of you to do the same.” (See full statement at www.CofChrist.org/wc2010/VeazeyBudgetProjections.asp.)
Are you responding to God’s generosity by giving to your full capacity to both World and Local Ministries? Our shared mission depends on a sustained increase in tithing. Thank you to all who support the ministries we are called to share with the world.
2010 Peace Colloquy
The 2010 Peace Colloquy will run October 29-31 at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, with the theme "Children Cry, We Respond!" This year's colloquy will focus on peace and justice for our children. Highlights will include presentation of the Community of Christ International Peace Award, workshops, keynote speakers, a prayer retreat, a children's program, a youth retreat, and an art show. Watch www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy and future Heralds for more details. Print a Registration Form or Register Online.
A note from the editor
Please remember to send me your announcements for activities and retreats. And don’t forget to include lots of high resolution photos from previous years!
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