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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Weekly Wire for October 14, 2015

Canada West Mission


Upcoming Events at a Glance

October 16-18 Theology Weekend Edmonton

October 23-25 Singles Retreat Samish Island

October 24 Child Protection Training Calgary

October 25 Child Protection Training Lethbridge

November 6-8 Young Adult Dialogue Retreat #2 Edmonton

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information.

All camping dates are included at the bottom of the Weekly Wire and on the CWM website.


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

Edmonton Theology Weekend

World Accord Price Reduction on fall excursion

Canadian Revitalization update

Chilliwack Voluntouring Abroad, Volunteering at Home

Victoria Gaelic Choir Charity Concert and Christmas Bazaar

Men’s Retreat Photos

Mission Conference wrap up link

Church Pews for sale – Regina

Child Protection Training – Alberta

Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016

2016 Camping Dates

Links to our Worldwide Ministries website

We want you to ‘like’ our CWM Facebook Page


Canadian Revitalization has Begun

Many of you may have heard of the “Congregational Revitalization Ministry” initiative being undertaken by the Community of Christ in Canada. Information had been circulated to Pastors earlier in the summer. A posting for four “Revitalization Minsters” appeared on the Canadian church website (both Canada East and Canada West mission centres) for much of the summer. And Kerry Richards, President of Canada East Mission Centre, made a presentation about it at our Mission Conference in Saskatoon last month. This is an update on the hiring process.

Four Revitalization Ministers have been chosen and training for their new positions has begun. The majority of the group participated in the MEADS (Ministerial Education And Discipleship Studies) program at the Kitchener, Ontario, Community of Christ in September. The two courses they took were “Introduction to Spirituality” and “Mission and Evangelism,” which are in essence the alpha and omega of Revitalization. Their first stop as a team will be the Hamilton Community of Christ congregation where they, along with CEM President and Revitalization Project Leader, Kerry Richards, will be embedded in the congregation from October 1 to the end of 2015. They will engage with the congregation and facilitate with them invitational ministries within the surrounding community. Training will be hands-on, with faith in the Spirit's leadings and utilizing the giftedness of the congregation and those skill-sets which they have awaited their whole lives to put into action.

The Revitalization Ministers are: Russ Pirie, Wende Badder, Troy Roach and Bryce Huffman, all from congregations in Canada East Mission Centre. Stay tuned for more great news of what is happening in Hamilton and that can happen in your congregation. REVITALIZATION!!

All four RMs will be placed with four different congregations in Canada East Mission in January. The intention has been to involve congregations in Canada West Mission as well. Initial consultation with congregations in CWM during the summer resulted in interest being expressed in the program by a few congregations. More preparation is required with the congregations contemplating this commitment. Watch for possible involvement by CWM congregations in September 2016 or January 2017.



For details about the initiative please check the documents in the following on-line folder: Congregation Revitalization Initiative or contact Steve Thompson, CWM President, at or 780-904-4389.



Young Adult Dialogue Project




Voluntouring Abroad, Volunteering at Home



Victoria Charity Concert and Christmas Bazaar



Edmonton Fall Hours

beginning October 25th, we will have visiting at 10am

and our worship service will start at 10:30am

Edmonton Congregation


Men’s Retreat

Read about the Men’s Retreat in

“What’s Up…in the CWM” coming soon

to a church or mailbox near you!






PRICE Reduction:

Sandra Fielder Memorial School Construction Expedition

Due to overwhelming support for the construction materials for this project, we are NOW offering this two week trip with Terry Fielder for $1,100 plus airfare. The trip is Oct 31 - Nov 14. Current airfares today from Toronto are as low as $682. You could easily take this trip for under $2000 (tax receiptable) If you were contemplating going, there will never be a better time. Contact our office at           1-800-525-3545 or get in touch with Al Wigood or Terry Fielder.


Child Protection – Core Training

Upcoming Sessions

Calgary – Saturday October 24, 9:30 am

Lethbridge – Sunday October 25, 1:00 pm

for more information contact Lisa Neudorf

Registered Youth Worker Application Form


Church Pews For Sale


The Regina Congregation has 16 Church Pews for sale. They are constructed with White Oak and have a light walnut stain finish. The pews have Hymnal racks. The set also includes the front row divider panels. 12 pews are 10' in length and seat 6-8 people. 4 pews have been shorted to 7’10” to allow a wheel chair beside the pew. The pews are about 50 years old and in good condition. We are asking $2000 for the set. You can contact Gregg Lester at



Canada West Mission Conference


Look for our Mission Conference 2015

wrap up in your inbox or follow this link.


Doctrine and Covenants E-book

Community of Christ has our first e-book! It is the Doctrine and Covenants, Kindle edition (free app available to make it compatible with smartphones, tablets and computers). Order it  through the Community of Christ link and support our church projects.


Singles Reunion Samish Island was great!


Be sure to join us for our fall Singles Retreat

  October 23-25, 2015 with Guest Minister GPNW President Mike Bessonette

Please contact Tom and Susan Webber at or 253-370-8840.


Call for Delegates for World Conference 2016

2016 World Conference

If you are planning to attend World Conference June 4-11, 2016, please send me your name so I can add you to the list. or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4


Theology Weekend – Edmonton



 CWM Facebook Page!

Go to our facebook page to see what’s going on in the CWM

and be sure to ‘like’ us.


Community of Christ website links …

Community of Christ Upcoming Events: Visit the Community of Christ Calendar to see upcoming events, links to Daily Prayer for Peace, and Worship Resources.
Community of Christ Current Announcements: See the most current announcements on Community of Christ homepage or on the Announcements page .
Community of Christ Mission Stories:  Mission Stories

The next link is to a great video produced by the Community of Christ that everyone should see.

Must See Video!

Community of Christ, What We Offer You Video


Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


October 16-18 Theology Weekend Edmonton

October 23-25 Singles Retreat Samish Island

TBA Young Adult Dialogue-Retreat #2 Calgary


Feb12-15 Winter Youth Camp (location to be confirmed)

February 27 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

March 4-6 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 18-20 Encounter World Religions Program (location to be confirmed)

April 15-17 Pastors Retreat (location to be confirmed)

April 21-24 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-30 Samish Island Work Week

May 27-29 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace (to be confirmed)

June 3-5 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 4-11 World Conference - Independence Missouri

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 25-July 1 Adult Reunion Samish Island

July 3 - 8 CWM Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 9 - 14 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 15 - 18 Junior Camp (8-12 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 16-23 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 16-23 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 24-30 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 31-Aug 6 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-13 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 6-7 Nurturing Spirit Retreat Hills of Peace

August 14-20 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

Sept 2-4 Canada West Mission Conference – Ribstone AB

Sept 23-25 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

Sep 30–Oct 2 Women's Retreat Chilliwack

October 28-30 Singles Retreat Samish Island

Note: Hills of Peace Spiritual Retreat cancelled for 2015 due to WC

Dates are subject to change, please register early


Quote of the Week

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