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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weekly Wire for January 14, 2015



Upcoming Events at a glance


January 18 – Child Protection Training Meadow Ridge

Jan 30-31 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 19 – Child Protection Training Vancouver

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information


This Week…in the Weekly Wire!

Ministry Workshop Vancouver

Meadow Ridge Games Night

Chilliwack Sunday Service

Victoria has guests from Norway

MEADS - Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies

World Accord Expeditions need YOU

Samish Island News

CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

Christmas in Review Newsletter

What’s Up…In the CWM online link

Community of Christ Career Networking Program


Meadow Ridge Games Night

Another great night playing Apples to Apples

20150109_20303520150109_205655Kyrei and Debra

Kyrie had fun playing with Lu

Michael, Kyrie and Lu


Sunday January 11th in Chilliwack

Speaker Shonnet Allen

Presider Fred Robbins


It’s wonderful to see Fred looking so good.

We love you Fred!


Guest Speakers from Norway

in Victoria, BC

New Picture (1)

Seated are guest speakers Jill and Dr.Jack Raven along with our very own Norm Olson of Victoria.

Jill Nadia Raven is Elaine and Jim Watson's, of the Victoria Branch, daughter and that makes Jack their son in law.

Both the Ravens have taught in Canada, Saudi Arabia, China and now are in Norway. The last time they were in Victoria they spoke to the class about China. Hearing they were in Victoria for Christmas, we wanted them to share about Norway.  We were delighted when they said yes. They both are well informed and are very interesting speakers. 


World Accord

World Accord Construction Expeditions

Spaces are still open for the New Year!

Have you ever thought that you might like to participate in a World Accord Construction Expedition, but just have never got around to it? Or – have you perhaps never even heard about such a thing, but the idea sounds interesting to you? Have you been on one in the past and have thought you would love to go again and catch up with Al Wigood and all his friends? Well, here is your chance to not “think” about it for long, but rather to just dive in and do it!

Honduras Expedition

Three expeditions are planned to the Central American country of Honduras in the next three months:

· January 10 to 24

· February 7 to 21

· March 7 to 21

Typically, expeditions include 10 to 12 volunteers. All three expeditions are currently NOT fully subscribed, and the January trip in particular is very short of participants. If you think you want to go – just GO! Contact World Accord as soon as you possibly can.

The expeditions are certainly not “free,” but a substantial portion of the fees (not including airfare) are eligible for charitable tax deduction.

For more details about the expeditions, check the following page

 World Accord Expeditions

For one person’s experience on one of last year’s expeditions

To make your interest directly known to World Accord contact Richard Kirsch at


Canada West Mission Youth Camp


There will be a Winter Youth Camp in Calgary from February 13 7:30 pm to February 16 noon. The camp is open to all youth eligible to attend CWM Youth camp this summer (entering grades 7-12 in the Fall 2015). More details including the schedule will be provided in January.

Chaperones and drivers are needed to provide transportation for the youth from the Regina, Edmonton and Lethbridge congregations (Saskatoon is covered). If you are willing to help, please contact Lisa Neudorf at                          or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5.


Ministry Workshop Vancouver

Everyone is welcome on Saturday January 31st.

Lunch and Dinner are provided so please RSVP soon.


All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

 All Priesthood and members of the congregation are invited to participate in the upcoming Ministry Workshop the weekend of January 30-31, 2015. This workshop is one of six being offered within Canada West Mission Centre and will be led by Steve Thompson and Lisa Neudorf. Priesthood are strongly encouraged to attend in Vancouver or one of the upcoming workshops over the next six months.

To Register Click Here

Contact Lisa Neudorf

or 1-877-411-2632, ext 5, to register or for more information.


Pray Always, Pray All Ways

Register Today!


Guest Ministry

Vickie McArthur Lethbridge AB, and Shannon McAdam Vancouver BC

Please register early if you would like an ‘E’ Cabin.



INDEPENDENCE CAMPUS: - February 2-6, 2015

Register online at: By January 16, 2015

· Introduction to Spirituality — Katie Harmon-McLaughlin  — 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Participants in this course will explore spiritual types and disciplines. In addition, participants will examine the writings and insights of persons who have developed mature Christian faith.

· Mission and Evangelism — Ron Harmon  — 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Mission and Evangelism will introduce learners to the foundational basis for mission in the Community of Christ. The course provides missionary skill-building experiences designed to equip participants for effective personal witness. Various missionary models connected to the church's contemporary missional goals will be explored.

CANADA EAST CAMPUS: - April 20 to 24, 2015

(At the Community of Christ church, 414 Fischer-Hallman Rd., Kitchener, Ontario.)

Register with Douglas Bolger, Coordinator & Registrar - by March 31st

Public Ministry – Danny Belrose - 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

This course is designed to increase the theological understanding and technical competency of the field minister in the performance of public ministry. The topics to be covered include worship planning, presiding skills, public prayer, exegetical preaching, and the eight sacraments of the Community of Christ. Emphasis will be on the preaching and sacraments units of the course. Students will be expected to read assigned texts as well as to deliver one sermon, plan one worship service, and create public readings and prayers. The course will be primarily lecture and discussion in format.

· Hebrew Scriptures – Susan Oxley - 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

An overview of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, with emphasis on how the canon was developed, the different modes of interpreting the writings, and the exegetical skills needed for teaching and preaching out of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Note: A syllabus for each course is posted on the World Church Website (when available) and also provided upon registration.


Encounter Week July 2015



What’s Up…In the CWM

click above to see it on line and in full color.




Samish Island News!


From Board President Mark Chapman:

Be a caretaker at Samish! Live and serve in one of the most spectacular places on earth! We are now recruiting for the Manager of Food Service position. Interested? For details, contact: Mark Chapman, 360-420-6369.

Samish Island Campground Association Board votes to relocate proposed sport court. We heard loud and clear from those who were concerned that the proposed site would impose on the open and natural feel of the campground. After a thorough Board review of options, consensus formed around a placement to the southwest of the Christian Fellowship Centre. A $20,000 challenge grant has already been made to jump start funding. We need to raise an addition $50,000 by January 31 in order to break ground this spring. Send contributions to Dave Skoor, Samish Island Campground  Association Treasurer, 425-446-0019.

Thank you for sharing!
View a summary of the Strategic Planning Survey results. Over 100 event directors, cooks, participants and neighbors shared their ideas and feedback. This will be a valued source of data to inform the Samish Island Campground  Association Board as we work towards a refreshed strategic plan to assure a strong future for Camp Samish.


Community of Christ Career Networking

Looking for work? Looking to hire?

Want to be open to new possibilities?

Connect on Net Connect.



Canada West Camping and Event Calendar


Jan 30 - Feb 1 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Vancouver

February 13-16 CWM Winter Youth Camp Calgary

February 21 Samish Island Kitchen and Cabin Work Day

Feb 27 - Mar 1 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Samish Island

March 13-15 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Regina

March 27-29 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Calgary

April 23-26 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island

April 25-26 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Ribstone

Apr 27-May 2 Samish Island Work Week

May 1-3 All Are Called: Ministry Workshop Chilliwack

May 9-10 Hills of Peace Camp Opening

May 23-24 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend

June 5-7 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island

June 5-7 Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace

June 13 Samish Island Work Day

June 13-19 Adult Reunion Samish Island

June 19-21 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace

June 28-July 3 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace

July 4-9 Family Reunion Hills of Peace

July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace

July 11-18 Family Reunion Samish Island

July 18-25 Spectacular Graceland University tentative dates

July 19-25 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

July 26-Aug 1 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island

August 2-8 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island

August 7-9 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Hills of Peace

August 9-15 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island

August 16-22 NW Singles Retreat Samish Island

September 4-6 Canada West Mission Conference – Saskatoon, SK

Sept 25-27 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace

October 2-4 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack

October 2-4 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

October 23-25 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri tentative dates


Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.

~Joseph Addison~

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