Upcoming Events at a glance
April 28-May 2 Samish Island Work Week
May 2-4 F.L.O.W. in Meadow Ridge
May 10-11 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 30-June 1 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
June 1 Hymnal Workshop and Songfest – Vancouver
June 6-8 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 13-15 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7 Samish Island Work Day
June 7-13 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 14-15 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
June 29- July 5 NW Singles Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 5 Canada West Youth Camp Hills of Peace
*dates subject to change, always check online or here for the most up to date information
This Week…in the Weekly Wire!
Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
F.L.O.W. in Meadow Ridge
Get God
Estate Planning
2014 Camps, Retreats and Reunions info
HOP Family Reunion
Reunion Baptisms
Singles Reunion Samish Island
Singles Retreat Lewis River, Washington
Hymnal Workshop and Songfest – Vancouver
Youth Worker Registration Form
Caretakers for HOP
Quote of the Week
Hello everyone, I will be out of town May 3rd to 11th for vacation and May 19th to 23rd at the Spiritual Formation Retreat. If you have something to be posted in the Weekly Wire, please make sure you send me your info before those dates.
Thanks, Debra.
Real Life Nightmare
It really is a historical and social case study. For a variety of reasons, people collect “things”. These collectors sometimes have an illness where they collect items and just cannot depart with anything. For others it is mark of status in “I have more then you and therefore, am better”. For others born between, approximately 1920 to 1935, it can be a completely different story. These are the children who grew up during the Great Depression. While anthropologist and historians can study this era with amazement, it can be different for the children who lived through it, now adults in their late 70’s and older.
From an estate perspective, it can be a real nightmare for the remainder of the family whether they are heirs apparent or just designated care givers. It is the responsibility of the care givers, personal representatives or executors to safeguard assets and clean out or dispose of estate assets. When these people live in different cities, States or Provinces or even countries, this task becomes more daunting. The issue is the quantity of “things” owned or collected by the elderly family member or friend. Stemming from the mentality of the Great Depression, from perhaps not having enough or moving frequently to avoid the rent collector and having few possessions, some of these elderly folks have collected and kept huge volumes of “possessions”.
These situations very significantly however for example, an elderly couple keeping four brewed coffee makers, none of which work effectively. Other old electrical items (kettles, toaster ovens etc.) which were dangerous to use when tested. Food products which had “Best Before Dates of Expire Dates” ten years ago. All kept with the age old thinking, “just in case we ever need them again”! Luggage used for previous trips which needed to be thoroughly looked through for hidden items, like sums of money or other valuables which might be found.
There is always the possibility of having a dumpster placed in the driveway and tossing everything in, destined for the local land fill and being done is short order. This goes against the grain of recycling proponents or giving to the needy. This could result in items promised to heirs and antiques of value discarded. Family heirlooms and keepsakes from generations past, also discarded. While somewhat efficient and a quick method of clearing out an estate, generally not the best option for many reasons.
As a general ESTATE PRACTICE, I encourage people to clean out their house now and clearly indicate which possessions are to be passed along to heirs in due course. This provides for an orderly disposition for items be it recycled, donated, or disposed of through gift or sale. It reduces the time and stress required for personal representatives to effectively handle the affairs of family members or friends. This allows people to have control of their estate and reduce the burden they are placing on others. This is only one piece of the larger estate planning puzzle which is often over looked or ignored but extremely important. Please consider this important part of your planning along with the normal estate documents which we are generally familiar with.
Kenneth J. McGowan, B.A., STI, MTI. PFP, FMA, CFP®, CEP®, MCEP®
Mission Funding Specialist
1-800-884-7526 ext 5
You’re invited to F.L.O.W. in Meadow Ridge!
This year’s theme is Hawaiian Luau.
Our Special Guests
Attention Canada West Mission youth ages 16 - 21. You're invited to participate in the Get God Project. All successful participants will get to travel to an international destination with the team at the end of the year! The destination changes each year, but wherever we end up, you'll be able to share your experiences with the other participants, worship in a beautiful setting, and celebrate your accomplishments of the past year.
Our Goals are:
Goals Setting
The selection process is not necessarily based on what you are currently doing in the church, but it may help. What you want to do, and are willing to do are of great importance too. There are only 15 spaces available each year, so we recommend you apply early.
Your Commitment
We want you to create your own personalized program. We realize that between work, school and other activities, you have a specific schedule and window of availability. So tell us what you're able to do for you local congregation or community. We're looking for fresh and unique ideas for outreach. (introduce youth and young adults to church, church programs, church activities and camping) So tell us what you would do. Put together a plan for outreach and a commitment to your congregation that will fit into your schedule. The plan should be something that is manageable over a 12 month period as a small monthly or weekly youth oriented activity at your church or in your community, or it could be 2 or 3 larger scale 'one-off' activities.
Remember that a single event is great for introducing a congregation to our community, but a sustainable and ongoing activity allows your community to get to know us. We'll expect you to set goals, participate in a monthly meeting via skype, meet monthly with your mentor and keep a journal, but the rest is up to you.
P.S. If you need some ideas for projects, we have a page of those online too!
Our Commitment
Canada West Mission staff commit to helping you through every phase of this program. We want you to grow as people and leaders. The benefits to you and your congregation should be great - actually phenomenal. We commit to having leaders in place to assist you, and our monthly meetings via skype will give you the opportunity to share your successes and questions. This is a team effort, we want you to succeed and we commit to doing our best to help you achieve your goals.
For more information please contact:
Debra Donohue debra@communityofchrist.ca or 1-877-411-2632 ext 4
Applications are due by August 15, 2014
Click on the link below to get info on all of our
CWM Camps, Retreats and Reunions
Don’t forget to register early!
Samish Island Singles Reunion
June 29- July 5
We have an EXCITING opportunity to nurture and provide healing ministry in the newly revitalized SINGLES MINISTRY this summer at SAMISH ISLAND. Our Theme is "REENERGIZE, REVITALIZE & REVJUVENATE as we CREATE SHALOM at SAMISH ISLAND". We are honored to invite folks from Canada and the United States to celebrate together as we enjoy the ministry of High Priest Denise Leichter from Southern California.
We invite applicants for HEAD COOK to contact Directors Tom and Susan Webber
at 253-370-8840 or pray4compassion@yahoo.com for details.
Recipes and grocery lists available.
Youth Camp Volunteer Survey https://www..surveymonkey.com/s/youthcampingvolunteer Please complete the survey whether you already staff youth camps every summer, haven’t staffed in a few years, or have never staffed a youth camp in your life but are interested in giving it a try. |
Youth Worker Registration Form
Baptisms at Family Reunion
Summer family camps at Samish Island and Hills of Peace are about 3 months away, despite some of our weather conditions that indicate differently. (It snowed in Winnipeg yesterday!) If you are aware of anyone who is considering being baptized at this year’s family camps, I would recommend purchasing the new revised Baptismal materials from Herald House http://www.heraldhouse.org/ or you local congregation may have some copies at the church. Darrell darrell@communityofchrist.ca has a couple of copies at his office and would be delighted to share these with you for preparations for yourself, your family members or friends you may be sharing with between now and Reunion. Please let your reunion directors know of this opportunity to be baptized at this year’s family camps.
Darrell Belrose
Support Minister for Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Meadow Ridge, Victoria
New Hymnal Songfest and Workshop
Please RSVP today to
HOP Family Reunion
Please note the change to July 5-10.
Live at Hills of Peace!
Caretaker Job Opportunity
The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.
Please send your application to Courtney Znak at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com
Canada West Camping and Event Calendar 2014
April 28-May 2 Samish Island Work Week
May 10-11 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 30-June 1 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
June 1 Hymnal Workshop and Songfest – Vancouver
June 6-8 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 13-15 Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7 Samish Island Work Day
June 7-13 Adult Reunion Samish Island
June 14-15 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
June 29- July 5 NW Singles Reunion Samish Island
June 30-July 5 Canada West Youth Camp
July 5-10 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 10-14 Junior Camp (8-12 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 12-19 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 15-18 International Youth Forum Independence Mo
July 19-26 Spectacular Graceland University
July 20-26 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 27-Aug 2 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 8-10 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 3-9 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 10-16 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
August 29-31 Canada West Mission Conference Chilliwack BC
September 26-28 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
September 26-28 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island
October 3-5 Nurturing Spirit Weekend Saskatoon
October 24-26 Peace Colloquy Independence, Missouri
October 17-19 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island

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