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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Weekly Wire for November 6, 2013

This Week…in the Weekly Wire

Camping Brochure

Camp Director needed for Samish Island Fine Arts Retreat

New Band Showcase and Webb of Life in Vancouver

Caretakers for HOP

Singles Retreat at Samish Island

Digital Estate

Ordination of Gregg Lester

Women’s Christmas Breakfast Vancouver

Encounter World Religions Event

Quote of the Week


Upcoming Events at a Glance

November 8-10 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island

November16 and 17 Music Weekend in Vancouver

November 30 Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver


Ordination of Gregg Lester in Regina


Gregg Lester was ordained to the office of Priest by Evangelist (his father) Charles Lester & Elder (his mother) Sylvia Lester at the Regina church on Oct. 20th, 2013. 

Pastor & Elder Dan Esch brought the ordination message, his daughter, Tiffany, sang a specially selected solo; and most of his family from Saskatchewan were able to attend. Other out of town guests were John, Lisa & Daniel Neudorf, as well as Wayne & Gloria Stanton from Saskatoon.  His ordination service was followed by a delicious Pot Luck lunch. 


Windy Day at Samish Island

A large tree fell on the classroom in the woods,  hmmm maybe we should build a lovely dorm in it’s place…



Singles Retreat at Samish Island


Please note new dates

New Dates for Singles Fall Retreat: November 8-10
Susan Webber is scheduled to bring guest ministry to the Singles Fall Retreat at Samish Island, now rescheduled for

Friday, November 8 - Sunday November 10,

  at Samish Island Campground.


Camp Director needed for Samish Island

Fine Arts Retreat

Our heartfelt thanks go out to Nan Sargeant for her hard work as Camp Director for the Fine Arts Retreat these last few years.  Nan has always been a strong contributor to the retreat and her many talents are greatly appreciated.

That leaves an opening for a new Camp Director.  If this is something you could see yourself doing, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the right people.  If we don’t find a new director fairly soon, Fine Arts will have to be removed from the Samish schedule so the campground can be rented by another group next year.  The dates are April 23-27, but could be shortened if necessary.

Sleep on it, think on it, pray on it.

2009 Fine Arts Retreat


The Digital Estate

As part of the technological revolution, many of us are online and computer savvy. In a recent conference I attended, a session was dedicated to the existence of the Digital Estate. While it may not seem like it, many of us now have what is referred to as a Digital Estate resulting from our activities on the internet. Thousands of people are now on sites like Amazon, Paypal, Flickr, Facebbook etc. What happens to the photos, videos, e mails, texts, songs, e books, on line account information and loyalty program information when a person passes away?

Several questions arise regarding the components of a digital estate: 1) Who has access to these accounts? 2. Who owns the contents of these pages? 3. What are the “Terms and Conditions” people are agreeing to when they check the box “I agree” regarding access to information on the site pertaining to the deceased. 4. What information has to be included when filing for probate? 5. What are the account ID’s and passwords to access these accounts? 6. Does the information on these sites constitute “Intellectual Property” and come under that legal umbrella?

Several more questions can be asked but currently there are few answers with a number of cases before the courts in various jurisdictions. Currently some states in the US have legislation authorizing the trustee to access the deceased digital estate but not so in Canada.

In one situation the family (RE: Ellsworth) wanted access the Host site to obtain information regarding their deceased child but were denied access. The Host compromised by down loading some information to a disk for the family. With financial information , conversations, videos, letters etc. on various sites there are privacy concerns, ownership issues and powerful emotions to contend with. Each Host site has their own set of rules and policies for managing a deceased or inactive account.

Your Digital Estate also forms part of your “Regular Estate” and also needs to be addressed when completing your overall estate plan. Your personal representative needs to know or have access to your account names/passwords, what sites you are on and know answers to your security questions.

They also need to know how these assets are to be accounted for, distributed, publish or deleted.

Let’s not wait for problems to develop regarding your estate when solutions can be implemented now. We need to be aware of the extent of our digital estate and take appropriate steps for winding up this part of your estate along with what constitutes your regular estate.

Just who said, computers would make our lives easier!


Kenneth J. McGowan, B.A., STI, MTI. PFP, FMA, CFP®, CEP®, MCEP®

Estate and Gift Planning, 1-899-884-7526 ext 5.


Music Weekend in Vancouver

Saturday November 16th


Sunday November 17th


Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver



New Picture (52)

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and twitter @encounterworld


We still have a few camps and retreats coming up.  Get all the details here!

2013 Camping Brochure



Live at Hills of Peace!

Caretaker Job Opportunity


The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.

Please send your application to Courtney Znak at


2013 Camping/Event Calendar

November 8-10 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island

November16 and 17 Music Weekend in Vancouver

November 30 Women’s Christmas Breakfast in Vancouver


If you want someone to fall head over heals for your church,

you have to give them something worth tripping over.

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