Upcoming Events at a Glance
April 24-28 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
Apr 29-May 3 Samish Island Work Week
May 4-5 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
May 12-13 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace
Words of Counsel Presented
at the 2013 World Conference
or see the video clip here
by President Veazey
Isaac Willis was baptized by Elder Dan Esch & confirmed by Elder Dan Esch & Elder Rick Fisher on Sunday, April 14th.
On March 17th Amanda Senga was ordained to the office of Priest by Elder Ryan Levitt and Elder Marilyn Smith.
It’s time to register for summer camps, retreats and reunions. Get all the details here!
We’re now accepting submissions for
“What’s Up…In the CWM”
Spring 2013 issue
Do you have a great story to tell? Would you like to share your experience at a CWM Retreat, Event or Activity? Has your congregation done something we should know about? Send your submission to debra@communityofchrist.ca or call 1-877-411-2632
And don’t forget to send lots of photos!
It’s time to register for Arts on the Lake!
Job Opening – Canada West Mission
Camping and Retreat Specialist
submit by April 20, 2013
Camping and Retreat Program Specialist is one who provides leadership and support to leaders to create and sustain vibrant camping and retreat experiences. Through camps and retreats they assist in establishing and reaching goals aligned with the Mission Initiatives. With development and invitation being a focus of this position the ministry will attend to specific needs of the wider mission. The goal of this position is to create and organize a sustainable, vibrant camping and retreat program in Canada West Mission. This has potential to be a four year position.
Full job description here – Camping and Retreat Specialist
The successful candidate will be willing to reside in Alberta or Saskatoon to be near Hills of Peace Campground. Please submit all applications to Greg Goheen, Canada West Mission President by April 20, 2013
Box 88, Edgerton, AB, T0B-1K0, Canada
Fine Arts Retreat – Samish Island
April 24-28
Samish Island Fine Arts Retreat – By Donation
Director: Nan Sargeant, nsargeant@comcast.net 425-432-5124
Deadline for registration: April 15th
Classes Confirmed Below, More in the works!
Writing A First Novel with Deb Lund again!
Creative writing
Intro to Recording Studio (We will have an actual recording studio set up so you can actually record something to take home)
Wooden paddle carving, Inuit style with Roy Baggerly
Brass band??? Hope we can get all our guys back this year!
"Seeing Through New Eyes" Acrylic Painting with Anne Howley joining us again!
Intro to the Theatre
Beginning and Intermediate Guitar
Movement and Creativity-Fanovitch is back!!!
African drum circle and story telling
Bronze sculpture exhibition-artist from Eugene OR is sharing with us this year, Paul Gillam
Singer and Performer, Karl Olsen, from the Brothers Four folk ensemble will join us!
Kids art classes: kite making, hanging "fruits", moveable art, painting with golf balls
Free play area for kids: puppet stage, Plan City layout, craft table and much more!
Live at Hills of Peace!
Caretaker Job Opportunity
May 1, 2013
The Caretaker of the Hills of Peace Campground is responsible for maintaining the grounds, buildings, and services of the Hills of Peace Campground in a safe and attractive condition for the benefit of all users. For a complete list of duties, go to Caretaker Job Opportunity. Accommodations, utilities and a small remuneration are included.
Please send your application to Courtney Znak at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com
Head Cook and Assistant Cooks for HOP
Temporary Positions June 29 to July 16, 2013
One Head cook and 2 assistant cooks are required for 17 days at Hills of Peace Campground in Alberta. There is the possibility of additional days added to this and the opportunity to cook for one or two weekend retreats. Your own transportation is ideal but for the right candidate(s) other arrangements could be made. Please forward your application to Courtney Znak, HOP Board Director at courtneynhaley@hotmail.com or mail to Box 143 Hughenden, Alberta, Canada T0B-2E0
Click here for Job Description and more
July 20-27, 2013

Summer Volunteer(s) Needed - Samish Campground
Samish Campground located in the NW corner of Washington State is seeking an individual or couple with an RV to serve as grounds and maintenance volunteers during May through August, 2013. The position entails mowing and maintenance of the
grounds, some handyman work and stocking shelves when food orders arrive, etc. An RV site with full hookups will be provided. Telephone and wireless Internet are
available in dining hall. Meals are provided during camps ( approximately 85%
of this time).
Application Form and Proforma Employment Agreement including Job Description are available by contacting Glen Fishel, Board President, at (360) 757-4559 or by e-mail at glen.mar@comcast.net or, if he is not available, Donald Brady, Camp Manager at (360) 766-8125 or by e-mail at samishislandcamp@gmail.com.
What’s Up…In the CWM Christmas in Review
Click here to see our Christmas in Review online only.
Read articles and see photos of your sister congregations experiencing the Christmas season!
Beneficiary Double Up!
The standard practice in the past has been to appoint a beneficiary on life insurance policies, IRA’s, RSP, TFSA’s etc. While acceptable and good to do, another practice which proves very helpful is doubling up on beneficiary designations. For instance, you appoint your spouse as the primary beneficiary and place your children on file as the contingent beneficiaries should your spouse predecease you.
Should your spouse predecease you, the proceeds will pass outside the estate to the contingent beneficiary or beneficiaries. This keeps the proceeds out of the estate and therefore do not form part of the estate for probate purposes.
It is very important during life events like marriage, divorce, remarriage, and death to review these designations to ensure they are accurate and consistent with your overall estate plan. A case came up very recently where the deceased did not change the beneficiary designation on his life insurance policy from his divorced spouse of many years, to his daughter. The divorced spouse was surprised and delighted when advised of her life insurance windfall.
As a general practice and particularly when life events happen, be sure to review the beneficiary designations and double up on the beneficiaries on file.
Kenneth J. McGowan, BA, STI, MTI, PFP, FMA, CFP ®, CEP ®, MCEP ®
Specialist, Estate & Gift Planning
Ph. 800-884-7526 or 519-265-5349
Fax 519-822-1236
2013 Camping/Event Calendar
April 24-28 Fine Arts Retreat Samish Island
Apr 29-May 3 Samish Island Work Week
May 4-5 Ribstone Enrichment Weekend
May 12-13 Hills of Peace Camp Opening
May 24-26 Arts on the Lake Hills of Peace
May 31-June 2 Camp Genesis (8-9 yrs) Samish Island
May 31-June 2 Adult Spiritual Retreat Hills of Peace
June 7-9 College Age Young Adult Retreat Hills of Peace
Jun-08 Samish Island Work Day
June 8-14 Adult Reunion Samish Island
July 1-6 Canada West Youth Camp
June 30-July 6 Camp Mungai (10-11 yrs) Samish Island
July 6-12 Family Reunion Hills of Peace
July 12-16 Junior Camp (8-11 yrs) Hills of Peace
July 13-20 Family Reunion Samish Island
July 20-27 Spectacular Graceland University
July 22-28 Camp Planning Retreat - Hills of Peace
July 21-27 Camp Kluane (girls 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
July 28-Aug 3 Camp Chimacum (boys 12-14 yrs) Samish Island
August 9-11 Young Family Weekend Hills of Peace
August 4-10 Camp Kimtah (15-18 yrs) Samish Island
August 11-17 Singles’ Reunion Samish Island- Cancelled
Aug 30-Sept 1 Canada West Mission Conference Edmonton AB
September 27-29 Men’s Retreat Hills of Peace
September 27-29 Singles’ Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Young Adult Retreat Samish Island
October 4-6 Women’s Retreat Chilliwack
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because
reality is finally better than your dreams.”
~Dr. Seuss~
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