Hi Everyone, I will be out of town until October 8th, but keep sending your articles, wrap-ups and photos…I’ll be back before you know it!
Debra – debra@communityofchrist.ca
What’s Up… in the CWM
We want to hear your summer stories!
Did you have a great time at a camp, retreat or reunion this summer? Did you attend Mission Conference? Did your congregation hold a special event? Did you volunteer this summer? Tell us about your experience in 1 to 5 sentences and send along a photo. Please submit by October 8th for our next issue of What’s Up…in the CWM.
Canada West Mission Centre Women’s Retreat in BC
October 21 - 23, 2011
Gives Me
Guest Ministry: Kris Judd
Location: Twin Cedars Lodge,
Abbotsford, BC
Cost: $190
Includes: 2 nights accommodation, 5 meals, 2 snacks,
lots of laughter, a ton of fellowship and much more!
There are only 35 spaces available, so book early!!
To Register: Contact Bonnie Levitt
bjlevitt1@yahoo.ca or call 604-792-1023
Mission Conference 2012 Regina, Saskatchewan
Mark your Calendar for next year – Mission Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan
August 31st – September 2nd
As you may have heard, World Accord is beginning the process of branching out into the greater community - starting with our own back yard of Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph. Our first attempt ever at building awareness here will be a special event. It will be an intimate dinner with Dr. David Suzuki at the Borealis restaurant in Kitchener on November 19. Borealis is all about using local "everything". The keynote address will be on achieving sustainability in our lifetime. We will also have a pre-event called the World Accord Passport to Sustainability Tour where locals are encouraged to visit participating suppliers of local food, goods and services. First they pick up a Passport and then get it stamped as they visit these local suppliers. The stamped passports become their draw tickets. Then we have a remote radio feed from the St. Jacobs Market on the day of the draw to win two seats at David Suzuki's table. There will also be another draw to win a Construction Expedition for one to Honduras.
As the focus of this event is all about building awareness, most of the tickets for the dinner (there only 100 tickets in all - we want it to be very intimate and special) will be going to the sponsors for the event and also used as prizes for radio stations to give away in their contests. World Accord will be splashed everywhere in the lead up to the event. The social media wires will be humming and it has started already. We wanted you to hear about it here first. Visit www.worldaccord.org for more information. We will have a few tickets for sale that will be done through telephone sales that start at a specific date and time. To keep everything fair - this is the only way tickets will be sold. (Though there are a fixed number of tickets set aside for corporate sales that will not be handled the same way and of course they are more expensive) Keep an eye on the website and on our facebook page if you interested in tickets.
Peace and Blessings
David Barth, Executive Director
World Accord 1C - 185 Frobisher Dr.
Waterloo, ON N2V 2E6 CANADA
September 2011 New offering envelopes and a Contributor Guide arrived in homes of contributors in Canada and the United States during August for use beginning this month. Envelopes make it easy for contributors to support Christ’s mission—our mission—by giving to the mission initiatives or designating their dollars for “use where needed most.” All ministries, personnel, and resources of the World Church are aligned with these initiatives, keeping us focused on the whole mission of Jesus Christ. Learn more at www.CofChrist.org/mission. New children’s offering envelopes for September are being reprinted. Near the end of August, we learned the first set of new children’s offering envelopes mailed to homes for use in September were misprinted. Because of their error, the printing company agreed to reprint and mail corrected children’s envelopes at no cost to the church. They are being sent out immediately. Please recycle the misprinted envelopes. The new children’s offering envelopes include the mission initiatives and feature “Jack and Jenn.” Check out “The Story of Jack and Jenn” video where these young friends learn what it means to be generous disciples. Visit www.CofChrist.org/jackandjenn to watch or download it to share. Kids can do mission, too! The “Jack and Jenn” video series helps teach the principles of A Disciple’s Generous Response and explain mission initiatives. The first video, “The Story of Jack and Jenn” premiered in April. It and four new “Jack and Jenn” videos will be at www.CofChrist.org/jackandjennthis month. Also read an interview with Jack and Jenn in the September Herald. A DVD with five “Jack and Jenn” videos and a lesson plan will be mailed to all USA pastors this month with the next installment of Witness the Word: Sermons on Demand. Two more “Jack and Jenn” videos and lesson plans will be available in January. • “The Story of Jack and Jenn” The Hymnal Project Team will begin releasing names this month of church members who have written, arranged, and composed items that will be included in the next Community of Christ hymnal. People will be notified in three cycles to seek permission to use their work. The process will be completed by November 30. There has been an outpouring of creativity around the church! We are blessed to have a supply of rich material for potential multiple uses in the future. Several factors guided the selection process, and there were multiple filters each anonymous song or hymn had to sift through. Each was ranked. Though many pieces could have been included, limited space in a bound book along with a need to balance topics made selection of compositions difficult. More than 4,500 submissions were received. We regret we do not have personnel resources to contact every participant. We are deeply grateful to all who contributed an original or derivative composition. Thank you! And, thank you for your understanding. Please continue to check www.CofChrist.org/hymnal for project updates and a complete list of 2013 hymnal Community of Christ contributors of original compositions. The Community of Christ International Peace Award will be presented to Terry Tempest Williams at 7:30 p.m. October 21. Join in a special worship at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, or via live webcast in English, French, and Spanish at www.CofChrist.org. The peace award service will open the Peace Colloquy, “Creating Hope, Healing Earth,” that runs October 21–23. Come to this Spirit-filled colloquy for community building, learning, and to encourage each other as we Pursue Peace on Earth by fostering the healing of all of creation. Visit www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy/ to learn more and to register now. A Community of Christ World Hunger grant is providing drought relief in the Horn of Africa where more than 11 million people are in acute need of food assistance. A declaration of famine in parts of southern Somalia was issued. The crisis extends across parts of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. World Church leaders are in contact with our leaders in Kenya, where we have a strong church presence. The $20,000 grant (funded through your contributions to the Abolish Poverty, End Suffering mission initiative) was sent through Mercy Corps International. You can give to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering at www.CofChrist.org/give/contribute and on the worldwide ministries side of your offering envelopes. Because of your ongoing contributions to this mission initiative, Community of Christ is able to respond as a worldwide church to the famine in East Africa. Read more at www.CofChrist.org/news/2011/july/famine.asp. Find minister biographies on CofChrist.org. Beginning in September, biographical sketches for Community of Christ ministers can be found at www.CofChrist.org/directory/staff1.asp. People with a biography on file will have a small “BIO” icon before their name in the directory. These brief biographies include a photo when available. Worship Resources Year B is online and in print! Order your copy from Herald House at www.heraldhouse.org or by calling Customer and Member Services at 1-800-767-8181. You can also go to www.CofChrist.org/Worship11-12/default.asp to browse and download free what you need for your Sunday worship moments. Prices for Worship Resources Year B: CD-ROM $10.00; book only $21.95; book and CD-ROM $25.95. Community of Christ members sometimes refer to themselves as “a covenant people,” and our eight sacraments all include an expression of covenant. President Steve Veazey explores the concept of covenant in the series on Doctrine and Covenants 164. Read it at www.CofChrist.org/D&C164 and in the September Herald. To get commentary series articles delivered free to your e-mail, sign up online at www.CofChrist.org/subscribe.asp. Canadian National Conference—A Journey of Trust is scheduled for June 16, 2012. It will occur in multiple places, linked by Internet through conferencing technology. Mission center officers are working on logistics. All Canadian church members will be invited. Read more in the September Herald, pages 16–17, and stay up to date at www.CofChrist.org/canadaconf/. Register now for the next session of Ministerial Education & Discipleship Studies (MEADS). It’s time to begin reading and preparation for February 6–10, 2012, MEADS classes to be held at the Temple, in Independence, Missouri. Courses offered will be: Public Ministry with Robin Linkhart (8:30 a.m.–noon), Hebrew Scriptures with Wim van Klinken (1:30–5:00 p.m.), and Pursue Peace on Earth with Brad Martell (1:30–5:00 p.m.). The Pursue Peace on Earth course is an excellent opportunity to go deeper into this mission initiative. The hope of Zion will become reality when we live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others. This course is not part of the MEADS 12-course certificate program, however, you can earn Temple School credit. Cost for this course is $25.00. Fees for Public Ministry and Hebrew Scriptures are $50 to audit one course, $88 for one course, or $175 for two courses. To register or if you have questions, contact Michelle Booth: mbooth@CofChrist.org; ext. 1459. Herald Team seeks testimonies from new members. In January, Community of Christ began confirming into membership some people who had been baptized in other denominations. If you’re among them, we’d like to know about your experience. Please write us by October 15, telling how you came to your decision, what the experience was like, and how it has changed your path of discipleship. Stories should be 500 to 2,000 characters with spaces. Please also send us a head-and-shoulders color photo of yourself. If you have other good photos of your experience, send them, too. Photos should be at least one megabyte. Cell phone photos rarely work. Send your stories and photos to Herald@CofChrist.org. We’ll share them with our readers. Your reunion listings for 2012 are requested. The 2012 reunion list will be in the February 2012 Herald. To make sure your reunion date is listed in the Herald, please send information to Patty Wilson at pwilson@CofChrist.org before December 1. Please include reunion name, dates, location, and the reservation contact person’s name, address, and e-mail address. Catch the September generosity stories at www.CofChrist.org/generositystories. PowerPoint presentations are included with each week’s story except for September 11. You can do something incredible to support Christ’s mission! Give voice to your legacy through a bequest. Contact Estate and Financial Planning for information on wills, trusts, and bequests: 1-800-884-7526; efp@CofChrist.org. Nominations for the 2012 and 2013 Community of Christ International Peace Awards are being accepted by the selection committee. The peace and justice question of nuclear weapons and energy is the theme being considered for the 2012 Peace Colloquy and Community of Christ International Peace Award recipient. For 2013, the Colloquy and award will be themed around music, worship, and peace and justice, including the launch of the next Community of Christ hymnal. Please submit your nominations for 2012 and 2013 award candidates by November 1, 2011. Forms and selection criteria in Spanish, French, and English are linked from www.CofChrist.org/peaceaward/. Please direct any questions to Brad Martell, secretary of the selection committee: bmartell@CofChrist.org; (816) 833-1000, ext. 2355; Peace and Justice Ministries, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050-3562 USA. The World Hunger and Tangible Love Team earlier this year approved $423,000 in funding for 17 world hunger ministries in nine nations. In addition to those projects disaster relief was granted for victims of the earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan and for those suffering from the extreme drought in the Horn of Africa, which includes Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Throughout the world, many people go to bed hungry, not knowing how they will feed their children the next day. The generous support of contributors to the Abolish Poverty, End Suffering mission initiative helps extend financial assistance to people around the world who find themselves in desperate need. You can fight hunger by giving through offertory envelopes, pre-authorized monthly checking account transfers (PAT), or other options at www.CofChrist.org/give. How does your congregation support the mission initiatives? How do you Invite People to Christ, Abolish Poverty and End Suffering, Pursue Peace on Earth, Develop Disciples to Serve, and Experience Congregations in Mission? All five are needed to be true to the whole mission of Jesus Christ. We’d like to read about your ministries and consider giving them a voice in the Herald. Please send photos (one megabyte or larger; not taken by cell phones) and stories of how you, your congregation, or your mission center is carrying the mission initiatives into community. We’ll be waiting at Herald@CofChrist.org. Please share the following information with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at www.HeraldHouse.org.
UPCOMING EVENTS September 4: World Hunger emphasis November 24–25: International Headquarters offices closed—Thanksgiving (USA) |
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