Hi Folks, we’re experiencing problems with our ‘host’ for the Video Teasers this week. If I can get it up and running I’ll post it on the website, but I won’t send a message out to everyone.
Here are this week’s announcements…(I’m not teasing).
Our Fall Music Writing Contest!
Calling all musicians … do you have a knack for plunking out your own catchy tune on the piano, plucking some original sounds on the strings or working the music on any other instrument? We’re looking for a new music bed for our weekly video teaser. The music must be original, should be 45- 60 seconds in length and recorded in a professional or semi professional studio.
Tip - Most high schools have great studios these days. Remember this is a backtrack so a voice must be heard over top of it.
Have fun with it, all styles are welcome from Rock to New Age to Jazz.
Send me your samples in MP3 format to debra@communityofchrist.ca
World Accord 30th Birthday Presentation See the presentation here
BEREAVEMENT WORKSHOP October 29-30, 2010
This workshop is open to anyone who would like to learn more about bereavement
TOPICS: Sociology, Language and Metaphors for Death, Being the Bearer of Bad News, Myths about Grief, Gender - Personality and Grief, Grief and the Family, The Grieving Process, Tasks of Mourning , Special Types of Losses
Instructor: Judi Hopkin - Bachelor of Nursing Degree, Certificates in Bereavement Education and Grief Counseling
Location: Community of Christ Vancouver Congregation, 3333 Kaslo Street, Vancouver
Time: Fri. Oct. 29: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Sat. Oct. 30: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: $25.00 per person – includes snacks
Please bring a bag lunch Saturday
RSVP: Sarah Hopkin at 778-238-7484 or sjoyhopkin@yahoo.com
by October 15, 2010
Women’s Retreat - “Many Cultures, Many Gifts…”
$40 November 5 - 7, 2010
Community of Christ, Chilliwack, BC
Guest Ministry: Karen Waring from Independence, MO
Snack on Friday night
Breakfast, lunch, supper on Saturday
Breakfast, lunch on Sunday
Gift Bag
Not Included:
Accommodation (Some billeting is available. There are also very reasonable rates available at local hotels/motels)
Please register by October 31 by contacting Bonnie Levitt
Phone: 604.792.1023 or Email: bjlevitt1@yahoo.ca
Games and snacks on Friday night
Updates on the church’s activities in other countries
A variety of activities on Saturday afternoon from which to choose
Sunday morning worship with the Chilliwack Community of Christ
“Children Cry, We Respond!” is the theme of the 2010 Peace Colloquy to be held October 29-31 at Community of Christ Temple in Independence, Missouri. Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea and co-founder/executive director of Central Asia Institute will accept the 2010 Community of Christ International Peace Award and deliver a keynote address on Friday, October 29, at 7:30 pm. The ceremony will be webcast live. His mission has been to promote and support community-based education, especially for girls, in remote regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The weekend will also include a prayer retreat, junior/senior high youth retreat, children's program, and a large variety of workshops. Other keynotes include Carol Greta, attorney for the Iowa Department of Education, "Children, Bullying, and the Church's Response," and Dala Al-Waheidi, executive director for Free the Children, Toronto, Canada, "State of the World's Children."
Register online now at www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy.
October 2010 The Community of Christ International Peace Award will be accepted by Greg Mortenson, Central Asia Institute and author of Three Cups of Tea, during a ceremony October 29 at 7:30 pm. CDT, at Community of Christ Temple in Independence, Missouri. In his keynote, Mortenson will talk about how he ended up building 131 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan benefiting more than 58,000 children, 48,000 of them girls. All are invited to this free event, which will open the 17th annual Peace Colloquy. Come to the Temple or watch the live webcast at www.CofChrist.org/peaceaward. Greg Mortenson will speak to elementary through high school students, accompanied by teachers, parents, and guardians, at a student assembly on October 29 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Community of Christ Auditorium. Mortenson will share stories and video about how he ended up building 131 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan benefiting more than 58,000 children, 48,000 of them girls. This event touches students' understandings in social sciences, geography, and literature. This event is free. Registration is required: jhicks@CofChrist.org or ext. 2224. See more at www.CofChrist.org/peaceaward/assembly.asp. There’s still time to register for Peace Colloquy, "Children Cry, We Respond!" Experience keynotes, workshops, and worship focused on how we can engage in peace and justice for our children. Participate in the Colloquy at the Temple October 29–31. Register online at www.CofChrist.org/peacecolloquy. The First Presidency released the following statement on September 7. Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As a people who experienced religious persecution, we are alarmed by the growing tide of religious fear, intolerance, and violence evident throughout the world. We join our voices with other religious leaders to denounce any religious persecution and specifically anti-Muslim actions, such as Dove World Outreach Center in the USA, which plans to burn the Qur’an on September 11. Such attitudes, behaviors, and actions reflect hatred rather than Christ’s example of love; divide rather than break down walls that separate people; and ignore Christ’s call for his disciples to be peacemakers, ambassadors of reconciliation, and advocates for justice. We challenge you to speak out against religious intolerance and actions that damage relationships and are contrary to Christ’s example of love and mutual respect. Led by the Holy Spirit, members and friends of Community of Christ must work with God and others to restore peace to creation and create communities of Christ’s peace and justice in our families and congregations and across villages, cities, tribes, and nations. —The First Presidency The series of articles exploring Doctrine and Covenants 164 continues in the Herald. In the October magazine, read Apostle Linda L. Booth’s commentary focused on paragraphs 3a–b considers how we can live our baptism daily. To have these articles delivered free to your e-mail, subscribe to the series at www.CofChrist.org/subscribe.asp. For small-group discussions, use the study guide Exploring Section 164, found at www.CofChrist.org/D&C164. New policies related to baptism, confirmation, and Community of Christ membership will be available by the end of October. People may learn the details through mission center officers, World Church ministers, pastors, and priesthood. Details will also be at www.CofChrist.org. The information comes in response to the 2010 World Conference’s approval of Doctrine and Covenants 164. That created a need for the First Presidency to provide policies for accepting people baptized in other Christian traditions. We’d like to "hear" your voice on Facebook. We’ll post a question near the middle of each month on Community of Christ’s Facebook page. Selections will be published in Herald "Voices." Your comments will give you a voice on worship, spirituality, discipleship, theology, and more. If you have a Facebook account, click the Facebook icon at www.CofChrist.org/connect. Check it out…and then speak up! Check the new Herald blog at http://HeraldMagazine.wordpress.com. We’ll publish excerpts from our monthly denominational magazine to make missional content easy to share online, provide readers a chance to comment on stories, and expand our audience. You can even sign up to have alerts to your e-mail when content is posted. This blog will feature stories to "connect, engage, and inspire" us to go deeper in our discipleship and remain centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ. An FCC ruling affects congregational wireless microphone use in USA. With the nationwide conversion to digital television broadcasting, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) restricted the number of frequencies for wireless microphones. The ruling, which went into effect June 12, prohibits use of wireless microphones in the 700 MHz band (698–806). If your congregation uses wireless microphones bought before January 2009, check the frequency range. This information will be listed by the television channel (channels 52 through 69) or the frequency range (698–806 MHz) to which the transmitter is tuned. If the wireless microphone systems are in these ranges, the FCC can impose fines of $10,000 to $100,000 per transmitter and take other punitive actions. For more information, here are web links and contacts:
Celebrate Advent with "Glad Tidings We Bring: Lessons and Carols," via live webcast at www.CofChrist.org or participate at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, December 12 at 7:00 p.m. CST. The service will combine Advent-themed scripture readings with seasonal music from the Voices of Peace Symphonic Choir, Emporia State Faculty Brass Quintet, and Jan Kraybill on the organ. President Steve Veazey will offer the homily. March 27, 2011, will mark the 175th anniversary of the dedication of Kirtland Temple in Ohio. The celebration will take place throughout the year. Include a trip to this "House of the Lord" in your sacred story by reserving the Temple and Visitor Center for your congregational retreat. Contact Ron Romig at (440) 256-1830 or RRomig@KirtlandTemple.org for details. Join us for the marvelous adventure of "where in the world" your Mission Tithes impact lives… October generosity stories feature Apostle Richard James’ Eurasia Mission Field. PowerPoint presentations are included with each week’s story except October 10. To receive the monthly stories, check with your mission center financial officer or go to www.CofChrist.org/generositystories. U.S. Disaster Relief: 1-800-825-2806, ext. 1212; disasterrelief@CofChrist.org. When natural disasters strike and communities are evacuated, pastors in affected areas often have difficulty communicating with congregation members to determine their situation. Please advise members of this service. In case of a disaster, once you are somewhere safe, contact Community of Christ U.S. Disaster Relief. Leave your name, congregation, circumstance, types of assistance that may be needed, and, if possible, how to contact you. Information will be shared with those who can offer assistance for your area. Community of Christ Health Ministries Association has a new bulletin insert, "Laying on of Hands: Reconnecting Spirit, Body, and Mind through Prayer." The insert reaffirms the scriptural base for this sacrament, explains how it is performed, and the ministry it offers to anyone in need. This overview would make an excellent Sunday school class discussion where folks could share their testimonies of this sacrament. Go to www.hmacofchrist.org/CongregationaHealthMinistry/BulletinInserts/index.htm. MEADS offers two options for those who wish to deepen their discipleship. Option one is the full, 12-course certificate program that seeks to empower participants for ministry. The second allows people to enroll in individual classes on a particular subject of interest without committing to the full, 12-course program. MEADS classes take place twice a year at the Temple in Independence, Missouri in February and August. The next class will be February 7–11, 2011. See the MEADS page at www.CofChrist.org/MEADS/ for more information and future classes. Community of Christ Seminary has several upcoming courses. January 3 through February 18: RELG5060 History of Christian Thought I, RELG5011 Christian Theology, RELG6210 Worship (no online component), RELG6114 Spec. Ministry: Spirituality, RELG6112 Spec. Ministry: Mission and Evangelism. February 28 through April 22: RELG5400 World Religions, RELG5011 Christian Theology. There are no pre-requisites for these courses. World Religions and Christian Theology will be eight weeks, all online. All courses beginning in January are seven weeks long. Face-to-face portion will be January 24–28 at Community of Christ Temple, Independence, Missouri. Each course will meet for three hours per day, Monday through Friday from 8:30–11:30 a.m., 1:30–4:30 pm, and 6:30–9:30 pm. Courses may be audited or taken for three semester hours of graduate credit 4.2 continuing education units (CEUs). For information about admission, registration, tuition, fees, or enrollment contact Judy Luffman at luffman@graceland.edu or (816) 833-0524, ext. 4508. Please share the following information with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at www.HeraldHouse.org.
E-subscriptions help you stay connected to mission and deliver the information you want to your email. You can update selections, email to a friend, or unsubscribe at any time. Find the following selections at www.CofChrist.org/subscribe.asp:
Upcoming Events October 1-3: Alabama/NW Florida Mission Center Vision Project October 8-10: Rio Grande Vision Project (tentative) October 8-10: British isles Mission Center Vision Project October 10-15: Western Europe and Eurasia Vision Project October 15-17: Chicago USA Mission Center Vision Project October 17: Children's Sabbath October 22-24: Texas Coastal Bend USA Mission Center Vision Project October 29-31: Oklahoma Vision Project October 29-31: Peace Colloquy October 31: Dome and Spire Series: Peace Colloquy Concert November 25-26: International Headquarters offices closed—Thanksgiving (USA) November 27: Messiah Performance November 28: First Sunday of Advent December 12: Temple Advent Service December 13-16: World Church Leadership Council December 24-31: International Headquarters offices closed—Christmas |
Councils Examine Statements
A mid-September weekend retreat at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, brought a historic pairing of the World Church Leadership Council and the Standing High Council to discuss documents related to church policy on the ordination of homosexual people and same-sex marriage.
President Stephen Veazey started the retreat by telling the groups, “We announced this meeting to the church well ahead of time because we desire to be very transparent and open with the church as we move through this process of study and discussion.”
The retreat’s goal, in response to requests from church members, was to examine certain church documents to see if clarification could be provided about how they should be viewed when discussing policies on homosexual ordination and same sex marriage. The first was “Homosexuality,” a 1982 statement by the Standing High Council that was adopted by the First Presidency. The second was “Community, Common Consent, and the Issue of Homosexuality,” written by the World Church Leadership Council in 2002.
The retreat focused on the relationship of these documents with one another and recent scripture, Doctrine and Covenants 164, which provides principles for moral behavior and relationships. The Presidency took numerous comments and recommendations under advisement while emphasizing it would honor the commitment made in 2002 that church officers would not make exceptions to the policy prohibiting the ordination of homosexuals in active relationships unless policy is changed by the common consent of the people.
President David Schaal addressed the special nature of the gathering: “This is a somewhat-historic moment that we find ourselves in. I have talked to a couple of the more-seasoned members of the Standing High Council. In their collective memory, we cannot remember a time when the Standing High Council and the World Church Leadership Council ever met together for this kind of important conversation.”
First Presidency
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