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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Week! On your Canada West Mission Announcements

Caretaker Opening – Samish Island Campground

      Reunion 2008 A 094

The Samish Island Campground Association Board of Directors are seeking a couple (retired preferred) to serve as year-round Caretakers with specialty as Camp Managers.  The Camp is located in the Northwest corner of the State of Washington, USA.  The position will be open in the first quarter of 2011.  Compensation consists of a home, utilities (including Internet), meals, (when camps are in session), and supplemental health insurance reimbursements.  Computer, scheduling, financial record keeping and communication skills and ability to operate light machinery are required and an ability to do light carpentry, electrical and plumbing jobs is desired.  It is preferred that applicants be willing to serve for 3 to 5 years.  Job Description, a template Employment Agreement and an Application Form are available by contacting Glen Fishel, Board President, at 360 757-4559 or by email at 

Reunion 2008 A 032 Reunion 2008 A 020


 outreach-international-logo Win a $1000 Scholarship!

We are the Outreach International Interns and we are offering a $1000 college scholarship to a Spec camper (or group of campers). We are hosting a YouTube contest with our new campaign “Small Change for Big Change” and we want to see what good the youth can do for the world.


On June 11, 2010 the Canada West Mission held a Young Adult Retreat at the Hills of Peace Campground. Guest Ministry for the event was President Steve Veazey. We talked about the importance of participation in the life of the Community of Christ and how we could best serve the mission of Jesus Christ in our respective communities.

The World Cafe, a conversation hosting site, opened the scope of the discussion. We welcomed  two new Young Adults to the Community of Christ who had a global perspective, being from Jamaica and Guyana recently settling in Provost, AB. They also brought an interesting view having only participated in one other church event - the Spiritual Retreat, and one church service in Ribstone. The weekend was truly exciting and spirit filled as the Young Adults opened themselves to becoming immersed in the visioning process and participating fully in congregational life.

YA REtreat 121


Another first occurred, according to President Veazey as two Young Adults, Jae Senga and Amanda Loucks became engaged.  Congratulations Jae and Amanda!







Top Ten Reasons to go to Reunion at Samish Island this year…watch the video!

To Register, please note Fred Robbins new email address


gracelandU You are invited to a spiritual renewal and social justice retreat for single adults at Graceland University on July 11-17. Guest ministry includes Mary Jacks Dynes, Gwen Simpson, Bill Russell, Gwendolyn Hawks-Blue and Robin Linkhart. Events include cooking classes; visits to a woodworking shop and bread making kitchen; Amish learning: beliefs and practices; dance classes; sports activities: volleyball, tennis, bike riding, golf, swimming; massage therapists available; volunteer opportunities at Community Service Center; walking tour of Lamoni Cemetery; Ikebana- Japanese flower arranging; Singles chats and more! For more info, contact 816-405-6078 or See a flyer with more details.

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